
We developed a software tool to select the best tumoral antigen candidates that could be used in the development of new personalized cancer immunotherapies, like the one our iGEM group is developing.

General concept

Figure 1: general concept of our antigen prediction pipeline.

Our idea was to develop a pipeline allowing us to select the best candidates tumoral antigens to use for a vaccine (immunotherapy). A good candidate must be tumor-specific and sufficiently expressed in tumor cells to be presented to the immune system. Furthermore, it must be able to be processed efficiently by the immune system.

We intended to identify relevant targets by:

  • - Looking for differentially expressed genes (specifically upregulated genes) in tumoral tissue (vs. normal tissue), by a transcriptomic analysis (such as RNASeq)
  • - Looking for genetic mutations only found in tumoral tissue (identifying genetic variants)

Once the targets are identified, the goal is not to express the whole corresponding genes but to express short fragments, corresponding to putative cleavage sites by the proteasome to link to the MHC-I in order to potentially trigger an tumor-specific immune response.

RNAseq data

We created the whole pipeline using data corresponding to RNAseq reads of melanocytes cell lines. All the figures and data presented in the software section were obtained using this dataset.

Experimental procedures for data generation are described in: Vardabasso, C. et al. (2015). Histone Variant H2A.Z.2 Mediates Proliferation and Drug Sensitivity of Malignant Melanoma. Molecular Cell, 59:75-88

Data was accessed from the Sequence Read Archive website (NCBI). Study can be accessed here and sequencing data can be found here.

Code availability

Please see the GitHub repository of our antigen prediction pipeline for code and documentation.

Start discovering our pipeline.


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