
/* Scripts for Sympathique - V1.0

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$(window).load(function() {

// PORTFOLIO SLIDES // $('#slides').slides({ preload: true, preloadImage: 'images/nivo-preloader.gif', play: 0, pause: 0, effect: 'fade', autoHeight: true, effects: { navigation: 'fade', // [String] Can be either "slide" or "fade" pagination: 'fade' // [String] Can be either "slide" or "fade" }, hoverPause: true }); });

// HOMEPAGE SLIDER // var api; var api2;

jQuery(document).ready(function() { api = jQuery('.fullwidthbanner').revolution( { delay:9000, startheight:450, startwidth:1120,


thumbWidth:100, // Thumb With and Height and Amount (only if navigation Tyope set to thumb !) thumbHeight:50, thumbAmount:5,

navigationType:"bullet", //bullet, thumb, none, both (No Thumbs In FullWidth Version !) navigationArrows:"verticalcentered", //nexttobullets, verticalcentered, none navigationStyle:"round", //round,square,navbar

touchenabled:"on", // Enable Swipe Function : on/off onHoverStop:"on", // Stop Banner Timet at Hover on Slide on/off

navOffsetHorizontal:0, navOffsetVertical:0,

stopAtSlide:-1, stopAfterLoops:-1,

shadow:0, //0 = no Shadow, 1,2,3 = 3 Different Art of Shadows (No Shadow in Fullwidth Version !) fullWidth:"on" // Turns On or Off the Fullwidth Image Centering in FullWidth Modus });

api2 = jQuery('.banner').revolution( { delay:9000, startheight:450, startwidth:1120,


thumbWidth:100, // Thumb With and Height and Amount (only if navigation Tyope set to thumb !) thumbHeight:50, thumbAmount:5,

navigationType:"bullet", //bullet, thumb, none, both (No Thumbs In FullWidth Version !) navigationArrows:"verticalcentered", //nexttobullets, verticalcentered, none navigationStyle:"round", //round,square,navbar

touchenabled:"on", // Enable Swipe Function : on/off onHoverStop:"on", // Stop Banner Timet at Hover on Slide on/off

navOffsetHorizontal:0, navOffsetVertical:0,

stopAtSlide:-1, stopAfterLoops:-1,

shadow:0, //0 = no Shadow, 1,2,3 = 3 Different Art of Shadows (No Shadow in Fullwidth Version !) fullWidth:"on" // Turns On or Off the Fullwidth Image Centering in FullWidth Modus });

// BLOG SLIDER // $('.blog-slides').slides({ preload: true, preloadImage: 'images/nivo-preloader.gif', play: 5000, pause: 2500, effect: 'slide', autoHeight: false, effects: { navigation: 'fade', // [String] Can be either "slide" or "fade" pagination: 'fade' // [String] Can be either "slide" or "fade" }, hoverPause: true


// FADING EFFECTS FOR SLIDESJS // $(".blog-slides .next, #slides .next, .post .next").hide(); $(".blog-slides .prev, #slides .prev, .post .prev").hide();

$(".blog-slides, #slides").hover(function() { $(".next").stop(true, true).fadeIn(); $(".prev").stop(true, true).fadeIn(); }, function() { $(".next").fadeOut(); $(".prev").fadeOut(); });

// FADING EFFECT FOR CLIENTS // $(".clients li").hover(function() { $(this).children('a').animate({opacity:"0.8"},{queue:false,duration:200}) }, function() { $(this).children('a').animate({opacity:"0.4"},{queue:false,duration:200}) });

// TESTIMONIALS // $('#testimonials').cycle({ fx: 'fade', timeout: 4000, // milliseconds between slide transitions (0 to disable auto advance) speed: 1000 });

// IN AND OUT EFFECT FOR CAROUSEL // $('.item-on-hover, .item-on-hover-white').hover(function(){ $(this).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); $(this).children('.hover-link, .hover-image, .hover-video').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); }, function(){ $(this).animate({ opacity: 0 }, 200); $(this).children('.hover-link, .hover-image, .hover-video').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 200); });

// PORTFOLIO GRID IN AND OUT EFFECT // $('.grid-item-on-hover').hover(function(){ $(this).animate({ opacity: 0.9 }, 200); }, function(){ $(this).animate({ opacity: 0 }, 200); });

// ISOTOPE SCRIPTS FOR PORTFOLIO FILTER, PORTFOLIO GRID LAYOUT, BLOG MASONRY // var $container = $('.grid'); var $blog_container = $('#masonry-blog'); var $portfolio_container = $('.portfolio-gallery'); var $gallery_container = $('.gallery-page'); var $four_container = $('.four-columns, .three-columns, .two-columns');

// blog masonry layout $blog_container.imagesLoaded( function(){ $blog_container.isotope({ itemSelector: '.masonry-post', animationEngine: 'jquery', gutterWidth: 20 }); });

// gallery masonry layout $gallery_container.imagesLoaded( function(){ $gallery_container.isotope({ itemSelector: 'li', animationEngine: 'jquery', gutterWidth: 20 }); });

// portfolio gallery masonry option $portfolio_container.imagesLoaded( function(){ $portfolio_container.isotope({ itemSelector: 'a', animationEngine: 'jquery', gutterWidth: 20 }); });

// portfolio grid layout and filtering $container.isotope({ itemSelector: 'li', animationEngine: 'jquery', masonry: { columnWidth: 5 } });

// portfolio filtering $four_container.isotope({ itemSelector: 'li', animationEngine: 'jquery' });

var $optionSets = $('#options .option-set'), $optionLinks = $optionSets.find('a');

${ var $this = $(this); // don't proceed if already selected if ( $this.hasClass('selected') ) { return false; } var $optionSet = $this.parents('.option-set'); $optionSet.find('.selected').removeClass('selected'); $this.addClass('selected');

// make option object dynamically, i.e. { filter: '.my-filter-class' } var options = {}, key = $optionSet.attr('data-option-key'), value = $this.attr('data-option-value'); // parse 'false' as false boolean value = value === 'false' ? false : value; options[ key ] = value; if ( key === 'layoutMode' && typeof changeLayoutMode === 'function' ) { // changes in layout modes need extra logic changeLayoutMode( $this, options ) } else { // otherwise, apply new options $container.isotope( options ); $four_container.isotope( options ); }

return false; });

//TRANSFORM MENU INTO SELECT FOR RESPONSIVE LAYOUT // $('#mainnav').mobileMenu({ defaultText: 'Navigate to...', className: 'select-menu', subMenuDash: '–' });

// PRELOAD IMAGES // $("#portfolio-carousel, #homeblog-carousel, .post-thumbnail, .portfolio li").preloadify();

// MENU SUBNAV HACKS // $('ul#mainnav').superfish({ delay: 100, autoArrows: false, animation: {opacity:'show',opacity:'show'},

          speed: 'fast' 


$("ul#mainnav li").css({ "overflow":"visible"});

$("ul#mainnav li ul li:last-child").addClass('nav-last-item'); $("ul#mainnav li ul li:first-child").addClass('nav-first-item');

var $thisis; $("#mainnav > li").each(function(){ $thisis = $(this); if(($thisis.find("> a.current").length) || ($thisis.find("> ul > li > a.current").length)) { $thisis.addClass("current-item item-active"); $(this).prev().addClass('prev-item'); } });

$('#mainnav > li').hover( function(){ $(this).prev().addClass('previ-item') }, function(){ $(this).prev().removeClass('previ-item') } )

// FLICKR WIDGET // $('#flickr').jflickrfeed({ limit: 10, qstrings: { id: '58842866@N08', tags: 'architecture' }, itemTemplate:

  • ' + '<a href="Template:Image b"><img src="Template:Image s" alt="Template:Title" /></a>' + '
  • '


    // FIXES THE BACKGROUND IMAGE WHEN ADDED // $(window).load(function() {

    var theWindow = $(window), $bg = $("#bg"), aspectRatio = $bg.width() / $bg.height();

    function resizeBg() {

    if ( (theWindow.width() / theWindow.height()) < aspectRatio ) { $bg .removeClass() .addClass('bgheight'); } else { $bg .removeClass() .addClass('bgwidth'); }


    theWindow.resize(function() { resizeBg(); }).trigger("resize");


    // PRETTYPHOTO // $("a[rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto({animation_speed:'normal',theme:'light_square',slideshow:3000, autoplay_slideshow: false});

    // Z-INDEX FOR HEADER IMAGES // var zIndexNumber = 1000; $('#top div').each(function() { $(this).css('zIndex', zIndexNumber); zIndexNumber -= 10; });

    // HOMEBLOG CAROUSEL // $('#homeblog-carousel').jcarousel({

           vertical: false,
           rtl: false,
           start: 1,
           offset: 1,
           scroll: 1,
           animation: 'normal',
           easing: 'swing',
           auto: 0


    // HOMEPAGE PORTFOLIO CAROUSEL // if (document.documentElement.clientWidth < 1000) { $('#portfolio-carousel').jcarousel({ vertical: false, rtl: false, start: 1, offset: 1, scroll: 1, animation: 'normal', easing: 'swing', auto: 0 }); }

    else { $('#portfolio-carousel').jcarousel({ vertical: false, rtl: false, start: 1, offset: 1, scroll: 4, animation: 'normal', easing: 'swing', auto: 0 }); }

    // SHADOWS LOADING EFFECT // $(".home .top-shadow").hide().delay(1500).fadeIn(3000); $(".home .bottom-shadow").hide().delay(1500).fadeIn(3000);

    // TABS FUNCTION // $('.tabs-wrapper').each(function() { $(this).find(".tab-content").hide(); //Hide all content $(this).find("ul.tabs li:first").addClass("active").show(); //Activate first tab $(this).find(".tab-content:first").show(); //Show first tab content }); $("ul.tabs li").click(function(e) { $(this).parents('.tabs-wrapper').find("ul.tabs li").removeClass("active"); //Remove any "active" class $(this).addClass("active"); //Add "active" class to selected tab $(this).parents('.tabs-wrapper').find(".tab-content").hide(); //Hide all tab content

    var activeTab = $(this).find("a").attr("href"); //Find the href attribute value to identify the active tab + content $("").css("background", "none" ); $(this).parents('.tabs-wrapper').find(activeTab).fadeIn(); //Fade in the active ID content e.preventDefault(); }); $("ul.tabs li a").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }) $("").addClass('last-item');

    // ACCORDION FUNCTION // $('.ac-btn').click(function() {

    $('.ac-btn').removeClass('on'); $('.ac-selected').slideUp('normal'); $('.ac-content').removeClass('ac-selected'); $('.ac-content').slideUp('normal'); if($(this).next().is(':hidden') == true) { $(this).addClass('on'); $(this).next().slideDown('normal'); } }); $('.ac-btn').mouseover(function() { $(this).addClass('over'); }).mouseout(function() { $(this).removeClass('over'); }); $('.ac-content').hide();

    // TOGGLE FUNCTION // $('#toggle-view li').click(function () {

           var text = $(this).children('div.panel');
           if (':hidden')) {
           } else {







    $('.box-error').prepend(''); $('.box-notice').prepend(''); $('.box-success').prepend(''); $('.box-info').prepend('');


    $('.tick-list li').prepend(''); $('.play-list li').prepend(''); $('.star-list li').prepend(''); $('.arrow-list li').prepend('');

    // AUDIO PLAYER // $("#audio_jplayer").jPlayer({ ready: function (event) { $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", { mp3:"media/audio.mp3", ogg:"media/audio.ogg" }); }, swfPath: "../../media", supplied: "mp3, ogg", wmode: "window" });


    // ABOUT US SKILLS var Skills = new function() {

       var wrapper = document.getElementById('skills');
       var $skills = {
           photoshop: '90%',
           wordpress: '80%',
           jquery: '100%',
           illustrator: '40%',
           ajax: '55%'

       var create = function() {
           var html = ;
           for (var i in $skills) {
               var skill = i;
               var value = $skills[i];
    html += '
    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    ' + skill + '

    '; html += '

       var animation = function() {
           var delay = 0;
           $('p[data-width]', wrapper).each(function() {
               var $p = $(this);
               $p.queue('width', function(next) {
                       width: $'width')
                   }, 600, 'easeInOutExpo', next);
               delay += 300;
       this.init = function() {
           setTimeout(function() {
           }, 500);

