


Tuebingen is a special town - with its valued university and one third of its inhabitants being students there is a great interest in research and scientific progress. At the same time a lot of critical thoughts and opinions towards certain research topics exist. Among those are genetic engineering and synthetic biology, topics that are heavily criticized by people.

The iGEM Team Tuebingen tries to counteract these tendencies and improve the communication between science and the public. To accomplish this we organised two events to target different audiences and took action in a third event:

The SynBioDay started as an annual activity by iGEM teams where we try to explain the pros and cons of synthetic biology to the general public. As a second project we invited a school class to the SchoolClass@Lab day. Furthermore, we participated in the - open to public - scientific theme congress “RE-ENGINEERING LIFE oder Wollen wir unendlich sein?” (“RE-ENGINEERING LIFE, or Do We Want To Be Infinite?”), organised by the Theatre Freiburg.