
/* ImageMapster

  Version: 1.2.10 (2/25/2013)

Copyright 2011-2012 James Treworgy

http://www.outsharked.com/imagemapster https://github.com/jamietre/ImageMapster

A jQuery plugin to enhance image maps.

  • /

/// LICENSE (MIT License) /// /// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining /// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the /// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including /// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, /// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to /// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to /// the following conditions: /// /// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be /// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. /// /// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, /// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF /// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND /// NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE /// LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION /// OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION /// WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. /// /// January 19, 2011

/** @license MIT License (c) copyright B Cavalier & J Hann */


  • when
  • A lightweight CommonJS Promises/A and when() implementation
  • when is part of the cujo.js family of libraries (http://cujojs.com/)
  • Licensed under the MIT License at:
  • http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
  • @version 1.2.0
  • /


(function (define) {

   define(function () {
       var freeze, reduceArray, slice, undef;
       // Public API
       when.defer = defer;
       when.reject = reject;
       when.isPromise = isPromise;
       when.all = all;
       when.some = some;
       when.any = any;
       when.map = map;
       when.reduce = reduce;
       when.chain = chain;
       /** Object.freeze */
       freeze = Object.freeze || function (o) { return o; };
       * Trusted Promise constructor.  A Promise created from this constructor is
       * a trusted when.js promise.  Any other duck-typed promise is considered
       * untrusted.
       * @constructor
       function Promise() { }
       Promise.prototype = freeze({
           always: function (alwaysback, progback) {
               return this.then(alwaysback, alwaysback, progback);
           otherwise: function (errback) {
               return this.then(undef, errback);
       * Create an already-resolved promise for the supplied value
       * @private
       * @param value anything
       * @return {Promise}
       function resolved(value) {
           var p = new Promise();
           p.then = function (callback) {
               var nextValue;
               try {
                   if (callback) nextValue = callback(value);
                   return promise(nextValue === undef ? value : nextValue);
               } catch (e) {
                   return rejected(e);
           return freeze(p);
       * Create an already-rejected {@link Promise} with the supplied
       * rejection reason.
       * @private
       * @param reason rejection reason
       * @return {Promise}
       function rejected(reason) {
           var p = new Promise();
           p.then = function (callback, errback) {
               var nextValue;
               try {
                   if (errback) {
                       nextValue = errback(reason);
                       return promise(nextValue === undef ? reason : nextValue)
                   return rejected(reason);
               } catch (e) {
                   return rejected(e);
           return freeze(p);
       * Returns a rejected promise for the supplied promiseOrValue. If
       * promiseOrValue is a value, it will be the rejection value of the
       * returned promise.  If promiseOrValue is a promise, its
       * completion value will be the rejected value of the returned promise
       * @param promiseOrValue {*} the rejected value of the returned {@link Promise}
       * @return {Promise} rejected {@link Promise}
       function reject(promiseOrValue) {
           return when(promiseOrValue, function (value) {
               return rejected(value);
       * Creates a new, CommonJS compliant, Deferred with fully isolated
       * resolver and promise parts, either or both of which may be given out
       * safely to consumers.
       * The Deferred itself has the full API: resolve, reject, progress, and
       * then. The resolver has resolve, reject, and progress.  The promise
       * only has then.
       * @memberOf when
       * @function
       * @returns {Deferred}
       function defer() {
           var deferred, promise, listeners, progressHandlers, _then, _progress, complete;
           listeners = [];
           progressHandlers = [];
           * Pre-resolution then() that adds the supplied callback, errback, and progback
           * functions to the registered listeners
           * @private
           * @param [callback] {Function} resolution handler
           * @param [errback] {Function} rejection handler
           * @param [progback] {Function} progress handler
           * @throws {Error} if any argument is not null, undefined, or a Function
           _then = function unresolvedThen(callback, errback, progback) {
               var deferred = defer();
               listeners.push(function (promise) {
                   promise.then(callback, errback)

.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.progress);

               progback && progressHandlers.push(progback);
               return deferred.promise;
           * Registers a handler for this {@link Deferred}'s {@link Promise}.  Even though all arguments
           * are optional, each argument that *is* supplied must be null, undefined, or a Function.
           * Any other value will cause an Error to be thrown.
           * @memberOf Promise
           * @param [callback] {Function} resolution handler
           * @param [errback] {Function} rejection handler
           * @param [progback] {Function} progress handler
           * @throws {Error} if any argument is not null, undefined, or a Function
           function then(callback, errback, progback) {
               return _then(callback, errback, progback);
           * Resolves this {@link Deferred}'s {@link Promise} with val as the
           * resolution value.
           * @memberOf Resolver
           * @param val anything
           function resolve(val) {
           * Rejects this {@link Deferred}'s {@link Promise} with err as the
           * reason.
           * @memberOf Resolver
           * @param err anything
           function reject(err) {
           * @private
           * @param update
           _progress = function (update) {
               var progress, i = 0;
               while (progress = progressHandlers[i++]) progress(update);
           * Emits a progress update to all progress observers registered with
           * this {@link Deferred}'s {@link Promise}
           * @memberOf Resolver
           * @param update anything
           function progress(update) {
           * Transition from pre-resolution state to post-resolution state, notifying
           * all listeners of the resolution or rejection
           * @private
           * @param completed {Promise} the completed value of this deferred
           complete = function (completed) {
               var listener, i = 0;
               // Replace _then with one that directly notifies with the result.
               _then = completed.then;
               // Replace complete so that this Deferred can only be completed
               // once. Also Replace _progress, so that subsequent attempts to issue
               // progress throw.
               complete = _progress = function alreadyCompleted() {
                   // TODO: Consider silently returning here so that parties who
                   // have a reference to the resolver cannot tell that the promise
                   // has been resolved using try/catch
                   throw new Error("already completed");
               // Free progressHandlers array since we'll never issue progress events
               // for this promise again now that it's completed
               progressHandlers = undef;
               // Notify listeners
               // Traverse all listeners registered directly with this Deferred
               while (listener = listeners[i++]) {
               listeners = [];
           * The full Deferred object, with both {@link Promise} and {@link Resolver}
           * parts
           * @class Deferred
           * @name Deferred
           deferred = {};
           // Promise and Resolver parts
           // Freeze Promise and Resolver APIs
           promise = new Promise();
           promise.then = deferred.then = then;
           * The {@link Promise} for this {@link Deferred}
           * @memberOf Deferred
           * @name promise
           * @type {Promise}
           deferred.promise = freeze(promise);
           * The {@link Resolver} for this {@link Deferred}
           * @memberOf Deferred
           * @name resolver
           * @class Resolver
           deferred.resolver = freeze({
               resolve: (deferred.resolve = resolve),
               reject: (deferred.reject = reject),
               progress: (deferred.progress = progress)
           return deferred;
       * Determines if promiseOrValue is a promise or not.  Uses the feature
       * test from http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Promises/A to determine if
       * promiseOrValue is a promise.
       * @param promiseOrValue anything
       * @returns {Boolean} true if promiseOrValue is a {@link Promise}
       function isPromise(promiseOrValue) {
           return promiseOrValue && typeof promiseOrValue.then === 'function';
       * Register an observer for a promise or immediate value.
       * @function
       * @name when
       * @namespace
       * @param promiseOrValue anything
       * @param {Function} [callback] callback to be called when promiseOrValue is
       *   successfully resolved.  If promiseOrValue is an immediate value, callback
       *   will be invoked immediately.
       * @param {Function} [errback] callback to be called when promiseOrValue is
       *   rejected.
       * @param {Function} [progressHandler] callback to be called when progress updates
       *   are issued for promiseOrValue.
       * @returns {Promise} a new {@link Promise} that will complete with the return
       *   value of callback or errback or the completion value of promiseOrValue if
       *   callback and/or errback is not supplied.
       function when(promiseOrValue, callback, errback, progressHandler) {
           // Get a promise for the input promiseOrValue
           // See promise()
           var trustedPromise = promise(promiseOrValue);
           // Register promise handlers
           return trustedPromise.then(callback, errback, progressHandler);
       * Returns promiseOrValue if promiseOrValue is a {@link Promise}, a new Promise if
       * promiseOrValue is a foreign promise, or a new, already-resolved {@link Promise}
       * whose resolution value is promiseOrValue if promiseOrValue is an immediate value.
       * Note that this function is not safe to export since it will return its
       * input when promiseOrValue is a {@link Promise}
       * @private
       * @param promiseOrValue anything
       * @returns Guaranteed to return a trusted Promise.  If promiseOrValue is a when.js {@link Promise}
       *   returns promiseOrValue, otherwise, returns a new, already-resolved, when.js {@link Promise}
       *   whose resolution value is:
       *   * the resolution value of promiseOrValue if it's a foreign promise, or
       *   * promiseOrValue if it's a value
       function promise(promiseOrValue) {
           var promise, deferred;
           if (promiseOrValue instanceof Promise) {
               // It's a when.js promise, so we trust it
               promise = promiseOrValue;
           } else {
               // It's not a when.js promise.  Check to see if it's a foreign promise
               // or a value.
               deferred = defer();
               if (isPromise(promiseOrValue)) {
                   // It's a compliant promise, but we don't know where it came from,
                   // so we don't trust its implementation entirely.  Introduce a trusted
                   // middleman when.js promise
                   // IMPORTANT: This is the only place when.js should ever call .then() on
                   // an untrusted promise.
                   promiseOrValue.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.progress);
                   promise = deferred.promise;
               } else {
                   // It's a value, not a promise.  Create an already-resolved promise
                   // for it.
                   promise = deferred.promise;
           return promise;
       * Return a promise that will resolve when howMany of the supplied promisesOrValues
       * have resolved. The resolution value of the returned promise will be an array of
       * length howMany containing the resolutions values of the triggering promisesOrValues.
       * @memberOf when
       * @param promisesOrValues {Array} array of anything, may contain a mix
       *      of {@link Promise}s and values
       * @param howMany
       * @param [callback]
       * @param [errback]
       * @param [progressHandler]
       * @returns {Promise}
       function some(promisesOrValues, howMany, callback, errback, progressHandler) {
           checkCallbacks(2, arguments);
           return when(promisesOrValues, function (promisesOrValues) {
               var toResolve, results, ret, deferred, resolver, rejecter, handleProgress, len, i;
               len = promisesOrValues.length >>> 0;
               toResolve = Math.max(0, Math.min(howMany, len));
               results = [];
               deferred = defer();
               ret = when(deferred, callback, errback, progressHandler);
               // Wrapper so that resolver can be replaced
               function resolve(val) {
               // Wrapper so that rejecter can be replaced
               function reject(err) {
               // Wrapper so that progress can be replaced
               function progress(update) {
               function complete() {
                   resolver = rejecter = handleProgress = noop;
               // No items in the input, resolve immediately
               if (!toResolve) {
               } else {
                   // Resolver for promises.  Captures the value and resolves
                   // the returned promise when toResolve reaches zero.
                   // Overwrites resolver var with a noop once promise has
                   // be resolved to cover case where n < promises.length
                   resolver = function (val) {
                       // This orders the values based on promise resolution order
                       // Another strategy would be to use the original position of
                       // the corresponding promise.
                       if (! --toResolve) {
                   // Rejecter for promises.  Rejects returned promise
                   // immediately, and overwrites rejecter var with a noop
                   // once promise to cover case where n < promises.length.
                   // TODO: Consider rejecting only when N (or promises.length - N?)
                   // promises have been rejected instead of only one?
                   rejecter = function (err) {
                   handleProgress = deferred.progress;
                   // TODO: Replace while with forEach
                   for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
                       if (i in promisesOrValues) {
                           when(promisesOrValues[i], resolve, reject, progress);
               return ret;
       * Return a promise that will resolve only once all the supplied promisesOrValues
       * have resolved. The resolution value of the returned promise will be an array
       * containing the resolution values of each of the promisesOrValues.
       * @memberOf when
       * @param promisesOrValues {Array|Promise} array of anything, may contain a mix
       *      of {@link Promise}s and values
       * @param [callback] {Function}
       * @param [errback] {Function}
       * @param [progressHandler] {Function}
       * @returns {Promise}
       function all(promisesOrValues, callback, errback, progressHandler) {
           checkCallbacks(1, arguments);
           return when(promisesOrValues, function (promisesOrValues) {
               return _reduce(promisesOrValues, reduceIntoArray, []);
           }).then(callback, errback, progressHandler);
       function reduceIntoArray(current, val, i) {
           current[i] = val;
           return current;
       * Return a promise that will resolve when any one of the supplied promisesOrValues
       * has resolved. The resolution value of the returned promise will be the resolution
       * value of the triggering promiseOrValue.
       * @memberOf when
       * @param promisesOrValues {Array|Promise} array of anything, may contain a mix
       *      of {@link Promise}s and values
       * @param [callback] {Function}
       * @param [errback] {Function}
       * @param [progressHandler] {Function}
       * @returns {Promise}
       function any(promisesOrValues, callback, errback, progressHandler) {
           function unwrapSingleResult(val) {
               return callback ? callback(val[0]) : val[0];
           return some(promisesOrValues, 1, unwrapSingleResult, errback, progressHandler);
       * Traditional map function, similar to `Array.prototype.map()`, but allows
       * input to contain {@link Promise}s and/or values, and mapFunc may return
       * either a value or a {@link Promise}
       * @memberOf when
       * @param promise {Array|Promise} array of anything, may contain a mix
       *      of {@link Promise}s and values
       * @param mapFunc {Function} mapping function mapFunc(value) which may return
       *      either a {@link Promise} or value
       * @returns {Promise} a {@link Promise} that will resolve to an array containing
       *      the mapped output values.
       function map(promise, mapFunc) {
           return when(promise, function (array) {
               return _map(array, mapFunc);
       * Private map helper to map an array of promises
       * @private
       * @param promisesOrValues {Array}
       * @param mapFunc {Function}
       * @return {Promise}
       function _map(promisesOrValues, mapFunc) {
           var results, len, i;
           // Since we know the resulting length, we can preallocate the results
           // array to avoid array expansions.
           len = promisesOrValues.length >>> 0;
           results = new Array(len);
           // Since mapFunc may be async, get all invocations of it into flight
           // asap, and then use reduce() to collect all the results
           for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
               if (i in promisesOrValues)
                   results[i] = when(promisesOrValues[i], mapFunc);
           // Could use all() here, but that would result in another array
           // being allocated, i.e. map() would end up allocating 2 arrays
           // of size len instead of just 1.  Since all() uses reduce()
           // anyway, avoid the additional allocation by calling reduce
           // directly.
           return _reduce(results, reduceIntoArray, results);
       * Traditional reduce function, similar to `Array.prototype.reduce()`, but
       * input may contain {@link Promise}s and/or values, and reduceFunc
       * may return either a value or a {@link Promise}, *and* initialValue may
       * be a {@link Promise} for the starting value.
       * @memberOf when
       * @param promise {Array|Promise} array of anything, may contain a mix
       *      of {@link Promise}s and values.  May also be a {@link Promise} for
       *      an array.
       * @param reduceFunc {Function} reduce function reduce(currentValue, nextValue, index, total),
       *      where total is the total number of items being reduced, and will be the same
       *      in each call to reduceFunc.
       * @param initialValue starting value, or a {@link Promise} for the starting value
       * @returns {Promise} that will resolve to the final reduced value
       function reduce(promise, reduceFunc, initialValue) {
           var args = slice.call(arguments, 1);
           return when(promise, function (array) {
               return _reduce.apply(undef, [array].concat(args));
       * Private reduce to reduce an array of promises
       * @private
       * @param promisesOrValues {Array}
       * @param reduceFunc {Function}
       * @param initialValue {*}
       * @return {Promise}
       function _reduce(promisesOrValues, reduceFunc, initialValue) {
           var total, args;
           total = promisesOrValues.length;
           // Skip promisesOrValues, since it will be used as 'this' in the call
           // to the actual reduce engine below.
           // Wrap the supplied reduceFunc with one that handles promises and then
           // delegates to the supplied.
           args = [

function (current, val, i) { return when(current, function (c) { return when(val, function (value) { return reduceFunc(c, value, i, total); }); }); } ];

           if (arguments.length > 2) args.push(initialValue);
           return reduceArray.apply(promisesOrValues, args);
       * Ensure that resolution of promiseOrValue will complete resolver with the completion
       * value of promiseOrValue, or instead with resolveValue if it is provided.
       * @memberOf when
       * @param promiseOrValue
       * @param resolver {Resolver}
       * @param [resolveValue] anything
       * @returns {Promise}
       function chain(promiseOrValue, resolver, resolveValue) {
           var useResolveValue = arguments.length > 2;
           return when(promiseOrValue,

function (val) { if (useResolveValue) val = resolveValue; resolver.resolve(val); return val; }, function (e) { resolver.reject(e); return rejected(e); }, resolver.progress );

       // Utility functions
       * Helper that checks arrayOfCallbacks to ensure that each element is either
       * a function, or null or undefined.
       * @private
       * @param arrayOfCallbacks {Array} array to check
       * @throws {Error} if any element of arrayOfCallbacks is something other than
       * a Functions, null, or undefined.
       function checkCallbacks(start, arrayOfCallbacks) {
           var arg, i = arrayOfCallbacks.length;
           while (i > start) {
               arg = arrayOfCallbacks[--i];
               if (arg != null && typeof arg != 'function') throw new Error('callback is not a function');
       * No-Op function used in method replacement
       * @private
       function noop() { }
       slice = [].slice;
       // ES5 reduce implementation if native not available
       // See: http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.21 as there are many
       // specifics and edge cases.
       reduceArray = [].reduce ||

function (reduceFunc /*, initialValue */) { // ES5 dictates that reduce.length === 1

// This implementation deviates from ES5 spec in the following ways: // 1. It does not check if reduceFunc is a Callable

var arr, args, reduced, len, i;

i = 0; arr = Object(this); len = arr.length >>> 0; args = arguments;

// If no initialValue, use first item of array (we know length !== 0 here) // and adjust i to start at second item if (args.length <= 1) { // Skip to the first real element in the array for (; ; ) { if (i in arr) { reduced = arr[i++]; break; }

// If we reached the end of the array without finding any real // elements, it's a TypeError if (++i >= len) { throw new TypeError(); } } } else { // If initialValue provided, use it reduced = args[1]; }

// Do the actual reduce for (; i < len; ++i) { // Skip holes if (i in arr) reduced = reduceFunc(reduced, arr[i], i, arr); }

return reduced; };

       return when;

})(typeof define == 'function' ? define : function (factory) { typeof module != 'undefined' ? (module.exports = factory()) : (jQuery.mapster_when = factory()); } // Boilerplate for AMD, Node, and browser global ); /*lint-ignore-end*/ /* ImageMapster core */

/*jslint laxbreak: true, evil: true, unparam: true */

/*global jQuery: true, Zepto: true */

(function ($) {

   // all public functions in $.mapster.impl are methods
   $.fn.mapster = function (method) {
       var m = $.mapster.impl;
       if ($.isFunction(m[method])) {
           return m[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
       } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
           return m.bind.apply(this, arguments);
       } else {
           $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.mapster');
   $.mapster = {
       version: "1.2.10",
       render_defaults: {
           isSelectable: true,
           isDeselectable: true,
           fade: false,
           fadeDuration: 150,
           fill: true,
           fillColor: '000000',
           fillColorMask: 'FFFFFF',
           fillOpacity: 0.7,
           highlight: true,
           stroke: false,
           strokeColor: 'ff0000',
           strokeOpacity: 1,
           strokeWidth: 1,
           includeKeys: ,
           altImage: null,
           altImageId: null, // used internally            
           altImages: {} 
       defaults: {
           clickNavigate: false,
           wrapClass: null,
           wrapCss: null,
           onGetList: null,
           sortList: false,
           listenToList: false,
           mapKey: ,
           mapValue: ,
           singleSelect: false,
           listKey: 'value',
           listSelectedAttribute: 'selected',
           listSelectedClass: null,
           onClick: null,
           onMouseover: null,
           onMouseout: null,
           mouseoutDelay: 0,
           onStateChange: null,
           boundList: null,
           onConfigured: null,
           configTimeout: 30000,
           noHrefIsMask: true,
           scaleMap: true,
           safeLoad: false,
           areas: []
       shared_defaults: {
           render_highlight: { fade: true },
           render_select: { fade: false },
           staticState: null,
           selected: null
           includeKeys: ,
           isMask: false
       canvas_style: {
           position: 'absolute',
           left: 0,
           top: 0,
           padding: 0,
           border: 0
       hasCanvas: null,
       isTouch: null,
       map_cache: [],
       hooks: {},
       addHook: function(name,callback) {
       callHooks: function(name,context) {
           $.each(this.hooks[name]||[],function(i,e) {
       utils: {
           when: $.mapster_when,
           defer: $.mapster_when.defer,
           // extends the constructor, returns a new object prototype. Does not refer to the
           // original constructor so is protected if the original object is altered. This way you
           // can "extend" an object by replacing it with its subclass.
           subclass: function(BaseClass, constr) {
               var Subclass=function() {
                   var me=this, 
                   me.base = BaseClass.prototype;
                   me.base.init = function() {
               Subclass.prototype = new BaseClass();
               return Subclass;
           asArray: function (obj) {
               return obj.constructor === Array ?
                   obj : this.split(obj);
           // clean split: no padding or empty elements
           split: function (text,cb) {
               var i,el, arr = text.split(',');
               for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                   el = $.trim(arr[i]);
                   if (el===) {
                   } else {
                       arr[i] = cb ? cb(el):el;
               return arr;
           // similar to $.extend but does not add properties (only updates), unless the
           // first argument is an empty object, then all properties will be copied
           updateProps: function (_target, _template) {
               var onlyProps,
                   target = _target || {},
                   template = $.isEmptyObject(target) ? _template : _target;
               //if (template) {
               onlyProps = [];
               $.each(template, function (prop) {
               $.each(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), function (i, src) {
                   $.each(src || {}, function (prop) {
                       if (!onlyProps || $.inArray(prop, onlyProps) >= 0) {
                           var p = src[prop];
                           if ($.isPlainObject(p)) {
                               // not recursive - only copies 1 level of subobjects, and always merges
                               target[prop] = $.extend(target[prop] || {}, p);
                           } else if (p && p.constructor === Array) {
                               target[prop] = p.slice(0);
                           } else if (typeof p !== 'undefined') {
                               target[prop] = src[prop];
               return target;
           isElement: function (o) {
               return (typeof HTMLElement === "object" ? o instanceof HTMLElement :
                       o && typeof o === "object" && o.nodeType === 1 && typeof o.nodeName === "string");
           // finds element of array or object with a property "prop" having value "val"
           // if prop is not defined, then just looks for property with value "val"
           indexOfProp: function (obj, prop, val) {
               var result = obj.constructor === Array ? -1 : null;
               $.each(obj, function (i, e) {
                   if (e && (prop ? e[prop] : e) === val) {
                       result = i;
                       return false;
               return result;
           // returns "obj" if true or false, or "def" if not true/false
           boolOrDefault: function (obj, def) {
               return this.isBool(obj) ?
                       obj : def || false;
           isBool: function (obj) {
               return typeof obj === "boolean";
           isUndef: function(obj) {
               return typeof obj === "undefined";
           // evaluates "obj", if function, calls it with args
           // (todo - update this to handle variable lenght/more than one arg)
           ifFunction: function (obj, that, args) {
               if ($.isFunction(obj)) {
                   obj.call(that, args);
           size: function(image, raw) {
               var u=$.mapster.utils;
               return { 
                   width: raw ? (image.width || image.naturalWidth) : u.imgWidth(image,true) ,
                   height: raw ? (image.height || image.naturalHeight) : u.imgHeight(image,true),
                   complete: function() { return !!this.height && !!this.width;}

            * Set the opacity of the element. This is an IE<8 specific function for handling VML.
            * When using VML we must override the "setOpacity" utility function (monkey patch ourselves).
            * jQuery does not deal with opacity correctly for VML elements. This deals with that.
            * @param {Element} el The DOM element
            * @param {double} opacity A value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
           setOpacity: function (el, opacity) {
               if ($.mapster.hasCanvas()) {
                   el.style.opacity = opacity;
               } else {
                   $(el).each(function(i,e) {
                       if (typeof e.opacity !=='undefined') {
                       } else {

           // fade "el" from opacity "op" to "endOp" over a period of time "duration"
           fader: (function () {
               var elements = {},
                       lastKey = 0,
                       fade_func = function (el, op, endOp, duration) {
                           var index, 
                               cbIntervals = duration/15,
                               obj, u = $.mapster.utils;
                           if (typeof el === 'number') {
                               obj = elements[el];
                               if (!obj) {
                           } else {
                               index = u.indexOfProp(elements, null, el);
                               if (index) {
                                   delete elements[index];
                               elements[++lastKey] = obj = el;
                               el = lastKey;
                           endOp = endOp || 1;
                           op = (op + (endOp / cbIntervals) > endOp - 0.01) ? endOp : op + (endOp / cbIntervals);
                           u.setOpacity(obj, op);
                           if (op < endOp) {
                               setTimeout(function () {
                                   fade_func(el, op, endOp, duration);
                               }, 15);
               return fade_func;
           } ())
       getBoundList: function (opts, key_list) {
           if (!opts.boundList) {
               return null;
           var index, key, result = $(), list = $.mapster.utils.split(key_list);
           opts.boundList.each(function (i,e) {
               for (index = 0; index < list.length; index++) {
                   key = list[index];
                   if ($(e).is('[' + opts.listKey + '="' + key + '"]')) {
                       result = result.add(e);
           return result;
       // Causes changes to the bound list based on the user action (select or deselect)
       // area: the jQuery area object
       // returns the matching elements from the bound list for the first area passed (normally only one should be passed, but
       // a list can be passed
       setBoundListProperties: function (opts, target, selected) {
           target.each(function (i,e) {
               if (opts.listSelectedClass) {
                   if (selected) {
                   } else {
               if (opts.listSelectedAttribute) {
                   $(e).attr(opts.listSelectedAttribute, selected);
       getMapDataIndex: function (obj) {
           var img, id;
           switch (obj.tagName && obj.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
               case 'area':
                   id = $(obj).parent().attr('name');
                   img = $("img[usemap='#" + id + "']")[0];
               case 'img':
                   img = obj;
           return img ?
               this.utils.indexOfProp(this.map_cache, 'image', img) : -1;
       getMapData: function (obj) {
           var index = this.getMapDataIndex(obj.length ? obj[0]:obj);
           if (index >= 0) {
               return index >= 0 ? this.map_cache[index] : null;
        * Queue a command to be run after the active async operation has finished
        * @param  {MapData}  map_data    The target MapData object
        * @param  {jQuery}   that        jQuery object on which the command was invoked
        * @param  {string}   command     the ImageMapster method name
        * @param  {object[]} args        arguments passed to the method
        * @return {bool}                 true if the command was queued, false if not (e.g. there was no need to)
       queueCommand: function (map_data, that, command, args) {
           if (!map_data) {
               return false;
           if (!map_data.complete || map_data.currentAction) {
                   that: that,
                   command: command,
                   args: args
               return true;
           return false;
       unload: function () {
           this.utils = null;
           this.impl = null;
           $.fn.mapster = null;
           $.mapster = null;
   // Config for object prototypes
   // first: use only first object (for things that should not apply to lists)
   /// calls back one of two fuinctions, depending on whether an area was obtained.
   // opts: {
   //    name: 'method name',
   //    key: 'key,
   //    args: 'args'
   // name: name of method (required)
   // args: arguments to re-call with
   // Iterates through all the objects passed, and determines whether it's an area or an image, and calls the appropriate
   // callback for each. If anything is returned from that callback, the process is stopped and that data return. Otherwise,
   // the object itself is returned.
   var m = $.mapster, 
       u = m.utils,
       ap = Array.prototype;

   // jQuery's width() and height() are broken on IE9 in some situations. This tries everything. 
   $.each(["width","height"],function(i,e) {
       var capProp = e.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + e.substr(1);
       // when jqwidth parm is passed, it also checks the jQuery width()/height() property
       // the issue is that jQUery width() can report a valid size before the image is loaded in some browsers
       // without it, we can read zero even when image is loaded in other browsers if its not visible
       // we must still check because stuff like adblock can temporarily block it
       // what a goddamn headache
       u["img"+capProp]=function(img,jqwidth) {
               return (jqwidth ? $(img)[e]() : 0) || 
                   img[e] || img["natural"+capProp] || img["client"+capProp] || img["offset"+capProp];
    * The Method object encapsulates the process of testing an ImageMapster method to see if it's being
    * invoked on an image, or an area; then queues the command if the MapData is in an active state.
    * @param {[jQuery]}    that        The target of the invocation
    * @param {[function]}  func_map    The callback if the target is an imagemap
    * @param {[function]}  func_area   The callback if the target is an area
    * @param {[object]}    opt         Options: { key: a map key if passed explicitly
    *                                             name: the command name, if it can be queued,
    *                                             args: arguments to the method
    *                                            }
   m.Method = function (that, func_map, func_area, opts) {
       var me = this;
       me.name = opts.name;
       me.output = that;
       me.input = that;
       me.first = opts.first || false;
       me.args = opts.args ? ap.slice.call(opts.args, 0) : [];
       me.key = opts.key;
       me.func_map = func_map;
       me.func_area = func_area;
       //$.extend(me, opts);
       me.name = opts.name;
       me.allowAsync = opts.allowAsync || false;
   m.Method.prototype = {
       constructor: m.Method,
       go: function () {
           var i,  data, ar, len, result, src = this.input,
                   area_list = [],
                   me = this;
           len = src.length;
           for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
               data = $.mapster.getMapData(src[i]);
               if (data) {
                   if (!me.allowAsync && m.queueCommand(data, me.input, me.name, me.args)) {
                       if (this.first) {
                           result = ;
                   ar = data.getData(src[i].nodeName === 'AREA' ? src[i] : this.key);
                   if (ar) {
                       if ($.inArray(ar, area_list) < 0) {
                   } else {
                       result = this.func_map.apply(data, me.args);
                   if (this.first || typeof result !== 'undefined') {
           // if there were areas, call the area function for each unique group
           $(area_list).each(function (i,e) {
               result = me.func_area.apply(e, me.args);
           if (typeof result !== 'undefined') {
               return result;
           } else {
               return this.output;
   $.mapster.impl = (function () {
       var me = {},
       addMap= function (map_data) {
           return m.map_cache.push(map_data) - 1;
       removeMap = function (map_data) {
           m.map_cache.splice(map_data.index, 1);
           for (var i = m.map_cache.length - 1; i >= this.index; i--) {

        * Test whether the browser supports VML. Credit: google.
        * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/654112/how-do-you-detect-support-for-vml-or-svg-in-a-browser
        * @return {bool} true if vml is supported, false if not
       function hasVml() {
           var a = $('<div />').appendTo('body');
           a.html('<v:shape id="vml_flag1" adj="1" />');
           var b = a[0].firstChild;
           b.style.behavior = "url(#default#VML)";
           var has = b ? typeof b.adj === "object" : true;
           return has;
        * Return a reference to the IE namespaces object, if available, or an empty object otherwise
        * @return {obkect} The document.namespaces object.
       function namespaces() {
           return typeof(document.namespaces)==='object' ?
               document.namespaces :
        * Test for the presence of HTML5 Canvas support. This also checks to see if excanvas.js has been 
        * loaded and is faking it; if so, we assume that canvas is not supported.
        * @return {bool} true if HTML5 canvas support, false if not
       function hasCanvas() {
           var d = namespaces();
           // when g_vml_ is present, then we can be sure excanvas is active, meaning there's not a real canvas.
            return d && d.g_vml_ ? 
               false :
               $('<canvas />')[0].getContext ? 
                   true : 
        * Merge new area data into existing area options on a MapData object. Used for rebinding.
        * @param  {[MapData]} map_data     The MapData object
        * @param  {[object[]]} areas       areas array to merge
       function merge_areas(map_data, areas) {
           var ar, index,
               map_areas = map_data.options.areas;
           if (areas) {
               $.each(areas, function (i, e) {
                   // Issue #68 - ignore invalid data in areas array
                   if (!e || !e.key) { 
                   index = u.indexOfProp(map_areas, "key", e.key);
                   if (index >= 0) {
                       $.extend(map_areas[index], e);
                   else {
                   ar = map_data.getDataForKey(e.key);
                   if (ar) {
                       $.extend(ar.options, e);
       function merge_options(map_data, options) {
           var temp_opts = u.updateProps({}, options);
           delete temp_opts.areas;
           u.updateProps(map_data.options, temp_opts);
           merge_areas(map_data, options.areas);
           // refresh the area_option template
           u.updateProps(map_data.area_options, map_data.options);
       // Most methods use the "Method" object which handles figuring out whether it's an image or area called and
       // parsing key parameters. The constructor wants:
       // this, the jQuery object
       // a function that is called when an image was passed (with a this context of the MapData)
       // a function that is called when an area was passed (with a this context of the AreaData)
       // options: first = true means only the first member of a jQuery object is handled
       //          key = the key parameters passed
       //          defaultReturn: a value to return other than the jQuery object (if its not chainable)
       //          args: the arguments
       // Returns a comma-separated list of user-selected areas. "staticState" areas are not considered selected for the purposes of this method.
       me.get = function (key) {
           var md = m.getMapData(this);
           if (!(md && md.complete)) {
               throw("Can't access data until binding complete.");
           return (new m.Method(this,
               function () {
                   // map_data return
                   return this.getSelected();
               function () {
                   return this.isSelected();
               { name: 'get',
                   args: arguments,
                   key: key,
                   first: true,
                   allowAsync: true,
       me.data = function (key) {
           return (new m.Method(this,
               function () {
                   return this;
               { name: 'data',
                   args: arguments,
                   key: key

       // Set or return highlight state.
       //  $(img).mapster('highlight') -- return highlighted area key, or null if none
       //  $(area).mapster('highlight') -- highlight an area
       //  $(img).mapster('highlight','area_key') -- highlight an area
       //  $(img).mapster('highlight',false) -- remove highlight
       me.highlight = function (key) {
           return (new m.Method(this,
               function () {
                   if (key === false) {
                   } else {
                       var id = this.highlightId;
                       return id >= 0 ? this.data[id].key : null;
               function () {
               { name: 'highlight',
                   args: arguments,
                   key: key,
                   first: true
       // Return the primary keys for an area or group key.
       // $(area).mapster('key')
       // includes all keys (not just primary keys)
       // $(area).mapster('key',true)
       // $(img).mapster('key','group-key')
       // $(img).mapster('key','group-key', true)
       me.keys = function(key,all) {
           var keyList=[], 
               md = m.getMapData(this);
           if (!(md && md.complete)) {
               throw("Can't access data until binding complete.");

           function addUniqueKeys(ad) {
               var areas,keys=[];
               if (!all) {
               } else {
                   $.each(areas,function(i,e) {
               $.each(keys,function(i,e) {
                   if ($.inArray(e,keyList)<0) {
           if (!(md  && md.complete)) {
               return ;
           if (typeof key === 'string') {
               if (all) {
               } else {
           } else {
               all = key;
               this.each(function(i,e) {
                   if (e.nodeName==='AREA') {
           return keyList.join(',');
       me.select = function () {
           me.set.call(this, true);
       me.deselect = function () {
           me.set.call(this, false);
        * Select or unselect areas. Areas can be identified by a single string key, a comma-separated list of keys, 
        * or an array of strings.
        * @param {boolean} selected Determines whether areas are selected or deselected
        * @param {string|string[]} key A string, comma-separated string, or array of strings indicating 
        *                              the areas to select or deselect
        * @param {object} options Rendering options to apply when selecting an area
       me.set = function (selected, key, options) {
           var lastMap, map_data, opts=options,
               key_list, area_list; // array of unique areas passed
           function setSelection(ar) {
               if (ar) {
                   switch (selected) {
                       case true:
                           ar.select(opts); break;
                       case false:
                           ar.deselect(true); break;
                           ar.toggle(opts); break;
           function addArea(ar) {
              if (ar && $.inArray(ar, area_list) < 0) {
           // Clean up after a group that applied to the same map
           function finishSetForMap(map_data) {
               $.each(area_list, function (i, el) {
               if (!selected) {
               if (map_data.options.boundList) {
                   m.setBoundListProperties(map_data.options, m.getBoundList(map_data.options, key_list), selected);
           this.filter('img,area').each(function (i,e) {
               var keys;
               map_data = m.getMapData(e);
               if (map_data !== lastMap) {
                   if (lastMap) {
                   area_list = [];
              if (map_data) {
                   keys = ;
                   if (e.nodeName.toUpperCase()==='IMG') {
                       if (!m.queueCommand(map_data, $(e), 'set', [selected, key, opts])) {
                           if (key instanceof Array) {
                               if (key.length) {
                                   keys = key.join(",");
                           else {
                               keys = key;
                           if (keys) {
                               $.each(u.split(keys), function (i,key) {
                                   lastMap = map_data;
                   } else {
                       if (!m.queueCommand(map_data, $(e), 'set', [selected, opts])) {
                           lastMap = map_data;
           if (map_data) {

           return this;
       me.unbind = function (preserveState) {
           return (new m.Method(this,
               function () {
               { name: 'unbind',
                   args: arguments

       // refresh options and update selection information.
       me.rebind = function (options) {
           return (new m.Method(this,
               function () {
                   var me=this;
                   me.bindImages().then(function() {
                   name: 'rebind',
                   args: arguments
       // get options. nothing or false to get, or "true" to get effective options (versus passed options)
       me.get_options = function (key, effective) {
           var eff = u.isBool(key) ? key : effective; // allow 2nd parm as "effective" when no key
           return (new m.Method(this,
               function () {
                   var opts = $.extend({}, this.options);
                   if (eff) {
                       opts.render_select = u.updateProps(
                       opts.render_highlight = u.updateProps(
                   return opts;
               function () {
                   return eff ? this.effectiveOptions() : this.options;
                   name: 'get_options',
                   args: arguments,
                   first: true,
                   allowAsync: true,
                   key: key
       // set options - pass an object with options to set,
       me.set_options = function (options) {
           return (new m.Method(this,
               function () {
                   merge_options(this, options);
                   name: 'set_options',
                   args: arguments
       me.unload = function () {
           var i;
           for (i = m.map_cache.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
               if (m.map_cache[i]) {
           me.graphics = null;
       me.snapshot = function () {
           return (new m.Method(this,
               function () {
                   $.each(this.data, function (i, e) {
                       e.selected = false;
                   this.base_canvas = this.graphics.createVisibleCanvas(this);
               { name: 'snapshot' }
       // do not queue this function
       me.state = function () {
           var md, result = null;
           $(this).each(function (i,e) {
               if (e.nodeName === 'IMG') {
                   md = m.getMapData(e);
                   if (md) {
                       result = md.state();
                   return false;
           return result;
       me.bind = function (options) {
           return this.each(function (i,e) {
               var img, map, usemap, md;
               // save ref to this image even if we can't access it yet. commands will be queued
               img = $(e);
               md = m.getMapData(e);
               // if already bound completely, do a total rebind
               if (md) {
                   if (!md.complete) {
                       // will be queued
                       return true;
                   md = null;
               // ensure it's a valid image
               // jQuery bug with Opera, results in full-url#usemap being returned from jQuery's attr.
               // So use raw getAttribute instead.
               usemap = this.getAttribute('usemap');
               map = usemap && $('map[name="' + usemap.substr(1) + '"]');
               if (!(img.is('img') && usemap && map.size() > 0)) {
                   return true;
               // sorry - your image must have border:0, things are too unpredictable otherwise.
               img.css('border', 0);
               if (!md) {
                   md = new m.MapData(this, options);
                   md.index = addMap(md);
                   md.map = map;
                   md.bindImages().then(function() {
       me.init = function (useCanvas) {
           var style, shapes;
           // for testing/debugging, use of canvas can be forced by initializing 
           // manually with "true" or "false". But generally we test for it.
           m.hasCanvas = function() {
               if (!u.isBool(m.hasCanvas.value)) {
                   m.hasCanvas.value = u.isBool(useCanvas) ?
                       useCanvas : 
               return m.hasCanvas.value;
           m.hasVml = function() {
               if (!u.isBool(m.hasVml.value)) {
                   // initialize VML the first time we detect its presence.
                   var d = namespaces();
                   if (d && !d.v) {
                       d.add("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
                       style = document.createStyleSheet();
                       shapes = ['shape', 'rect', 'oval', 'circ', 'fill', 'stroke', 'imagedata', 'group', 'textbox'];
                       function (i, el) {
                           style.addRule('v\\:' + el, "behavior: url(#default#VML); antialias:true");
                   m.hasVml.value = hasVml();
               return m.hasVml.value;
           m.isTouch = !!document.documentElement.ontouchstart;
           $.extend(m.defaults, m.render_defaults,m.shared_defaults);
           $.extend(m.area_defaults, m.render_defaults,m.shared_defaults);
       me.test = function (obj) {
           return eval(obj);
       return me;
   } ());

} (jQuery)); /* graphics.js

  Graphics object handles all rendering.
  • /

(function ($) {

   var p, m=$.mapster,
    * Implemenation to add each area in an AreaData object to the canvas
    * @param {Graphics} graphics The target graphics object
    * @param {AreaData} areaData The AreaData object (a collection of area elements and metadata)
    * @param {object} options Rendering options to apply when rendering this group of areas
   function addShapeGroupImpl(graphics, areaData, options) {
       var me = graphics,
           md = me.map_data,
           isMask = options.isMask;
       // first get area options. Then override fade for selecting, and finally merge in the 
       // "select" effect options.
       $.each(areaData.areas(), function (i,e) {
           options.isMask = isMask || (e.nohref && md.options.noHrefIsMask);
           me.addShape(e, options);
       // it's faster just to manipulate the passed options isMask property and restore it, than to 
       // copy the object each time
    * Convert a hex value to decimal
    * @param  {string} hex A hexadecimal toString
    * @return {int} Integer represenation of the hex string
   function hex_to_decimal(hex) {
       return Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(hex, 16), 255));
   function css3color(color, opacity) {
       return 'rgba(' + hex_to_decimal(color.substr(0, 2)) + ','
               + hex_to_decimal(color.substr(2, 2)) + ','
               + hex_to_decimal(color.substr(4, 2)) + ',' + opacity + ')';
    * An object associated with a particular map_data instance to manage renderin.
    * @param {MapData} map_data The MapData object bound to this instance
   m.Graphics = function (map_data) {
       // create graphics functions for canvas and vml browsers. usage:
       // 1) init with map_data, 2) call begin with canvas to be used (these are separate b/c may not require canvas to be specified
       // 3) call add_shape_to for each shape or mask, 4) call render() to finish
       var me = this;
       me.active = false;
       me.canvas = null;
       me.width = 0;
       me.height = 0;
       me.shapes = [];
       me.masks = [];
       me.map_data = map_data;
   p = m.Graphics.prototype= {
       constructor: m.Graphics,
        * Initiate a graphics request for a canvas
        * @param  {Element} canvas The canvas element that is the target of this operation
        * @param  {string} [elementName] The name to assign to the element (VML only)
       begin: function(canvas, elementName) {
           var c = $(canvas);
           this.elementName = elementName;
           this.canvas = canvas;
           this.width = c.width();
           this.height = c.height();
           this.shapes = [];
           this.masks = [];
           this.active = true;
        * Add an area to be rendered to this canvas. 
        * @param {MapArea} mapArea The MapArea object to render
        * @param {object} options An object containing any rendering options that should override the
        *                         defaults for the area
       addShape: function(mapArea, options) {
           var addto = options.isMask ? this.masks : this.shapes;
           addto.push({ mapArea: mapArea, options: options });
        * Create a canvas that is sized and styled for the MapData object
        * @param  {MapData} mapData The MapData object that will receive this new canvas
        * @return {Element} A canvas element
       createVisibleCanvas: function (mapData) {
           return $(this.createCanvasFor(mapData))
        * Add a group of shapes from an AreaData object to the canvas
        * @param {AreaData} areaData An AreaData object (a set of area elements)
        * @param {string} mode     The rendering mode, "select" or "highlight". This determines the target 
        *                          canvas and which default options to use.
        * @param {striong} options  Rendering options
       addShapeGroup: function (areaData, mode,options) {
           // render includeKeys first - because they could be masks
           var me = this,
               list, name, canvas,
               map_data = this.map_data,
               opts = areaData.effectiveRenderOptions(mode);
           if (options) {
           if (mode === 'select') {
               name = "static_" + areaData.areaId.toString();
               canvas = map_data.base_canvas;
           } else {
               canvas = map_data.overlay_canvas;
           me.begin(canvas, name);
           if (opts.includeKeys) {
               list = u.split(opts.includeKeys);
               $.each(list, function (i,e) {
                   var areaData = map_data.getDataForKey(e.toString());
                   addShapeGroupImpl(me,areaData, areaData.effectiveRenderOptions(mode));
           addShapeGroupImpl(me,areaData, opts);
           if (opts.fade) {
               // fading requires special handling for IE. We must access the fill elements directly. The fader also has to deal with 
               // the "opacity" attribute (not css)
               u.fader(m.hasCanvas() ? 
                   canvas : 
               m.hasCanvas() ? 
                   1 : 
       // These prototype methods are implementation dependent
   function noop() {}

   // configure remaining prototype methods for ie or canvas-supporting browser
   canvasMethods = {
       renderShape: function (context, mapArea, offset) {
           var i,
               c = mapArea.coords(null,offset);
           switch (mapArea.shape) {
               case 'rect':
                   context.rect(c[0], c[1], c[2] - c[0], c[3] - c[1]);
               case 'poly':
                   context.moveTo(c[0], c[1]);
                   for (i = 2; i < mapArea.length; i += 2) {
                       context.lineTo(c[i], c[i + 1]);
                   context.lineTo(c[0], c[1]);
               case 'circ':
               case 'circle':
                   context.arc(c[0], c[1], c[2], 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
       addAltImage: function (context, image, mapArea, options) {
           this.renderShape(context, mapArea);
           context.globalAlpha = options.altImageOpacity || options.fillOpacity;
           context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, mapArea.owner.scaleInfo.width, mapArea.owner.scaleInfo.height);
       render: function () {
           // firefox 6.0 context.save() seems to be broken. to work around,  we have to draw the contents on one temp canvas,
           // the mask on another, and merge everything. ugh. fixed in 1.2.2. unfortunately this is a lot more code for masks,
           // but no other way around it that i can see.
           var maskCanvas, maskContext,
                       me = this,
                       md = me.map_data,
                       hasMasks = me.masks.length,
                       shapeCanvas = me.createCanvasFor(md),
                       shapeContext = shapeCanvas.getContext('2d'),
                       context = me.canvas.getContext('2d');
           if (hasMasks) {
               maskCanvas = me.createCanvasFor(md);
               maskContext = maskCanvas.getContext('2d');
               maskContext.clearRect(0, 0, maskCanvas.width, maskCanvas.height);
               $.each(me.masks, function (i,e) {
                   me.renderShape(maskContext, e.mapArea);
                   maskContext.lineWidth = 0;
                   maskContext.fillStyle = '#000';
           $.each(me.shapes, function (i,s) {
               if (s.options.fill) {
                   if (s.options.altImageId) {
                       me.addAltImage(shapeContext, md.images[s.options.altImageId], s.mapArea, s.options);
                   } else {
                       me.renderShape(shapeContext, s.mapArea);
                       shapeContext.fillStyle = css3color(s.options.fillColor, s.options.fillOpacity);

           // render strokes at end since masks get stroked too
           $.each(me.shapes.concat(me.masks), function (i,s) {
               var offset = s.options.strokeWidth === 1 ? 0.5 : 0;
               // offset applies only when stroke width is 1 and stroke would render between pixels.
               if (s.options.stroke) {
                   shapeContext.strokeStyle = css3color(s.options.strokeColor, s.options.strokeOpacity);
                   shapeContext.lineWidth = s.options.strokeWidth;
                   me.renderShape(shapeContext, s.mapArea, offset);
           if (hasMasks) {
               // render the new shapes against the mask
               maskContext.globalCompositeOperation = "source-out";
               maskContext.drawImage(shapeCanvas, 0, 0);
               // flatten into the main canvas
               context.drawImage(maskCanvas, 0, 0);
           } else {
               context.drawImage(shapeCanvas, 0, 0);
           me.active = false;
           return me.canvas;
       // create a canvas mimicing dimensions of an existing element
       createCanvasFor: function (md) {
           return $('<canvas width="' + md.scaleInfo.width + '" height="' +md.scaleInfo.height + '"></canvas>')[0];
       clearHighlight: function () {
           var c = this.map_data.overlay_canvas;
           c.getContext('2d').clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
       // Draw all items from selected_list to a new canvas, then swap with the old one. This is used to delete items when using canvases.
       refreshSelections: function () {
           var canvas_temp, map_data = this.map_data;
           // draw new base canvas, then swap with the old one to avoid flickering
           canvas_temp = map_data.base_canvas;
           map_data.base_canvas = this.createVisibleCanvas(map_data);
   vmlMethods = {
       renderShape: function (mapArea, options, cssclass) {
           var me = this, fill,stroke, e, t_fill, el_name, el_class, template, c = mapArea.coords();
           el_name = me.elementName ? 'name="' + me.elementName + '" ' : ;
           el_class = cssclass ? 'class="' + cssclass + '" ' : ;
           t_fill = '<v:fill color="#' + options.fillColor + '" class="_fill" opacity="' + 
               (options.fill ? 
                   options.fillOpacity :
                   0) + 
               '" /><v:stroke class="_fill" opacity="' + 
               options.strokeOpacity + '"/>';

           stroke = options.stroke ?
               ' strokeweight=' + options.strokeWidth + ' stroked="t" strokecolor="#' + 
                   options.strokeColor + '"' :
               ' stroked="f"';
           fill = options.fill ? 
               ' filled="t"' :
               ' filled="f"';
           switch (mapArea.shape) {
               case 'rect':
                   template = '<v:rect ' + el_class + el_name + fill + stroke + 
                       ' style="zoom:1;margin:0;padding:0;display:block;position:absolute;left:' + 
                         c[0] + 'px;top:' + c[1]  + 'px;width:' + (c[2] - c[0]) + 
                         'px;height:' + (c[3] - c[1]) + 'px;">' + t_fill + '</v:rect>';
               case 'poly':
                   template = '<v:shape ' + el_class + el_name + fill + stroke + ' coordorigin="0,0" coordsize="' + me.width + ',' + me.height
                               + '" path="m ' + c[0] + ',' + c[1] + ' l ' + c.slice(2).join(',')
                               + ' x e" style="zoom:1;margin:0;padding:0;display:block;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:' + me.width + 'px;height:' + me.height + 'px;">' + t_fill + '</v:shape>';
               case 'circ':
               case 'circle':
                   template = '<v:oval ' + el_class + el_name + fill + stroke
                               + ' style="zoom:1;margin:0;padding:0;display:block;position:absolute;left:' + (c[0] - c[2]) + 'px;top:' + (c[1] - c[2])
                               + 'px;width:' + (c[2] * 2) + 'px;height:' + (c[2] * 2) + 'px;">' + t_fill + '</v:oval>';
           e = $(template);
           return e;
       render: function () {
           var opts, me = this;
           $.each(this.shapes, function (i,e) {
               me.renderShape(e.mapArea, e.options);
           if (this.masks.length) {
               $.each(this.masks, function (i,e) {
                   opts = u.updateProps({},
                       e.options, {
                           fillOpacity: 1,
                           fillColor: e.options.fillColorMask
                   me.renderShape(e.mapArea, opts, 'mapster_mask');
           this.active = false;
           return this.canvas;
       createCanvasFor: function (md) {
           var w = md.scaleInfo.width,
               h = md.scaleInfo.height;
           return $('')[0];
       clearHighlight: function () {
       // remove single or all selections
       removeSelections: function (area_id) {
           if (area_id >= 0) {
               $(this.map_data.base_canvas).find('[name="static_' + area_id.toString() + '"]').remove();
           else {
   // for all methods with two implemenatations, add a function that will automatically replace itself with the correct
   // method on first invocation
       function(i,e) {
           p[e]=(function(method) {
               return function() {
                   p[method] = (m.hasCanvas() ?
                       canvasMethods[method] : 
                       vmlMethods[method]) || noop;
                   return p[method].apply(this,arguments);

} (jQuery)); /* mapimage.js

  the MapImage object, repesents an instance of a single bound imagemap
  • /

(function ($) {

   var m = $.mapster, 
       u = m.utils,
    * An object encapsulating all the images used by a MapData.
   m.MapImages = function(owner) {
       this.owner = owner;

   m.MapImages.prototype = {
       constructor: m.MapImages,
       /* interface to make this array-like */
       slice: function() {
           return ap.slice.apply(this,arguments);
       splice: function() {
           var result= ap.slice.apply(this,arguments);
           return result;
        * a boolean value indicates whether all images are done loading 
        * @return {bool} true when all are done
       complete: function() {
           return $.inArray(false, this.status) < 0;
        * Save an image in the images array and return its index 
        * @param  {Image} image An Image object
        * @return {int} the index of the image
       _add: function(image) {
           var index = ap.push.call(this,image)-1;
           this.status[index] = false;
           return index;
        * Return the index of an Image within the images array
        * @param  {Image} img An Image
        * @return {int} the index within the array, or -1 if it was not found
       indexOf: function(image) {
           return $.inArray(image, this);
        * Clear this object and reset it to its initial state after binding.
       clear: function() {
           var me=this;
           if (me.ids && me.ids.length>0) {
               $.each(me.ids,function(i,e) {
                   delete me[e];
            * A list of the cross-reference IDs bound to this object
            * @type {string[]}
            * Length property for array-like behavior, set to zero when initializing. Array prototype
            * methods will update it after that.
            * @type {int}
            * the loaded status of the corresponding image
            * @type {boolean[]}
           // actually erase the images
        * Bind an image to the map and add it to the queue to be loaded; return an ID that
        * can be used to reference the
        * @param {Image|string} image An Image object or a URL to an image
        * @param {string} [id] An id to refer to this image
        * @returns {int} an ID referencing the index of the image object in 
        *                map_data.images
       add: function(image,id) {
           var index,src,me = this;
           if (!image) { return; }
           if (typeof image === 'string') {
               src = image;
               image = me[src];
               if (typeof image==='object') {
                   return me.indexOf(image);
               image = $('<img />')
                   .bind('load',function(e) {
                   .bind('error',function(e) {
               image.attr('src', src);
           } else {
               // use attr because we want the actual source, not the resolved path the browser will return directly calling image.src
           if (id) {
               if (this[id]) {
                   throw(id+" is already used or is not available as an altImage alias.");
           return index;
        * Bind the images in this object, 
        * @param  {boolean} retry when true, indicates that the function is calling itself after failure 
        * @return {Promise} a promise that resolves when the images have finished loading
       bind: function(retry) {
           var me = this,
               triesLeft = me.owner.options.configTimeout / 200,
           /* A recursive function to continue checking that the images have been 
              loaded until a timeout has elapsed */
           check=function() {
               var i;
               // refresh status of images
               while (i-->0) {
                   if (!me.isLoaded(i)) {
               // check to see if every image has already been loaded
               if (me.complete()) {
               } else {
                   // to account for failure of onLoad to fire in rare situations
                   if (triesLeft-- > 0) {
                       me.imgTimeout=window.setTimeout(function() {
                       }, 50);
                   } else {
           promise = me.deferred=u.defer();
           return promise;
       resolve: function() {
           var me=this,
           if (resolver) {
               // Make a copy of the resolver before calling & removing it to ensure
               // it is not called twice
        * Event handler for image onload
        * @param  {object} e jQuery event data
       imageLoaded: function(e) {
           var me=this,
               index = me.indexOf(e.target);
           if (index>=0) {
               me.status[index] = true;
               if ($.inArray(false, me.status) < 0) {
        * Event handler for onload error
        * @param  {object} e jQuery event data
       imageLoadError: function(e) {
           var err = e ? 'The image ' + e.target.src + ' failed to load.' : 
               'The images never seemed to finish loading. You may just need to increase the configTimeout if images could take a long time to load.';
           throw err;
        * Test if the image at specificed index has finished loading
        * @param  {int}  index The image index
        * @return {boolean} true if loaded, false if not
       isLoaded: function(index) {
           var img,
           if (status[index]) { return true; }
           img = me[index];
           if (typeof img.complete !== 'undefined') {
           } else {
           // if complete passes, the image is loaded, but may STILL not be available because of stuff like adblock.
           // make sure it is.
           return status[index];
   } (jQuery));

/* mapdata.js

  the MapData object, repesents an instance of a single bound imagemap
  • /

(function ($) {

   var m = $.mapster, 
       u = m.utils;
    * Set default values for MapData object properties
    * @param  {MapData} me The MapData object
   function initializeDefaults(me) {
           complete: false,         // (bool)    when configuration is complete       
           map: null,                // ($)      the image map
           base_canvas: null,       // (canvas|var)  where selections are rendered
           overlay_canvas: null,    // (canvas|var)  where highlights are rendered
           commands: [],            // {}        commands that were run before configuration was completed (b/c images weren't loaded)
           data: [],                // MapData[] area groups
           mapAreas: [],            // MapArea[] list. AreaData entities contain refs to this array, so options are stored with each.
           _xref: {},               // (int)      xref of mapKeys to data[]
           highlightId: -1,        // (int)      the currently highlighted element.
           currentAreaId: -1,
           _tooltip_events: [],     // {}         info on events we bound to a tooltip container, so we can properly unbind them
           scaleInfo: null,         // {}         info about the image size, scaling, defaults
           index: -1,                 // index of this in map_cache - so we have an ID to use for wraper div
           activeAreaEvent: null
    * Return an array of all image-containing options from an options object; 
    * that is, containers that may have an "altImage" property
    * @param  {object} obj     An options object
    * @return {object[]}       An array of objects
   function getOptionImages(obj) {
       return [obj, obj.render_highlight, obj.render_select];
    * Parse all the altImage references, adding them to the library so they can be preloaded
    * and aliased.
    * @param  {MapData} me The MapData object on which to operate
   function configureAltImages(me)
       var opts = me.options,
           mi = me.images;
       // add alt images
       if (m.hasCanvas()) {
           // map altImage library first
           $.each(opts.altImages || {}, function(i,e) {
           // now find everything else
           $.each([opts].concat(opts.areas),function(i,e) {
               $.each(getOptionImages(e),function(i2,e2) {
                   if (e2 && e2.altImage) {
       // set area_options
       me.area_options = u.updateProps({}, // default options for any MapArea
    * Queue a mouse move action based on current delay settings 
    * (helper for mouseover/mouseout handlers)
    * @param  {MapData}    me       The MapData context
    * @param  {number}     delay    The number of milliseconds to delay the action
    * @param  {AreaData}   area     AreaData affected
    * @param  {Deferred}   deferred A deferred object to return (instead of a new one)
    * @return {Promise}    A promise that resolves when the action is completed
   function queueMouseEvent(me,delay,area, deferred) {
       deferred = deferred || u.when.defer();
       function cbFinal(areaId) {
           if (me.currentAreaId!==areaId && me.highlightId>=0) {
       if (me.activeAreaEvent) {
       if (delay<0) {
       if (area.owner.currentAction || delay) {
           me.activeAreaEvent = window.setTimeout((function() {
                   return function() {
               delay || 100);
       } else {
       return deferred;
    * Mousedown event. This is captured only to prevent browser from drawing an outline around an
    * area when it's clicked.
    * @param  {EventData} e jQuery event data
   function mousedown(e) {
       if (!m.hasCanvas()) {
    * Mouseover event. Handle highlight rendering and client callback on mouseover
    * @param  {MapData} me The MapData context
    * @param  {EventData} e jQuery event data
    * @return {[type]}   [description]
   function mouseover(me,e) {
       var arData = me.getAllDataForArea(this),
           ar=arData.length ? arData[0] : null;
       // mouseover events are ignored entirely while resizing, though we do care about mouseout events
       // and must queue the action to keep things clean.
       if (!ar || ar.isNotRendered() || ar.owner.currentAction) {
       if (me.currentAreaId === ar.areaId) {
       if (me.highlightId !== ar.areaId) {
           if (me.options.showToolTip) {
               $.each(arData,function(i,e) {
                   if (e.effectiveOptions().toolTip) {
       me.currentAreaId = ar.areaId;
       if ($.isFunction(me.options.onMouseover)) {
               e: e,
               key: ar.key,
               selected: ar.isSelected()
    * Mouseout event.
    * @param  {MapData} me The MapData context
    * @param  {EventData} e jQuery event data
    * @return {[type]}   [description]
   function mouseout(me,e) {
       var newArea,
           ar = me.getDataForArea(this),
           opts = me.options;

       if (me.currentAreaId<0 || !ar) {
       if (newArea === ar) {
       me.currentAreaId = -1;
       if ($.isFunction(opts.onMouseout)) {
               e: e,
               options: opts,
               key: ar.key,
               selected: ar.isSelected()
    * Clear any active tooltip or highlight
    * @param  {MapData} me The MapData context
    * @param  {EventData} e jQuery event data
    * @return {[type]}   [description]
   function clearEffects(me) {
       var opts = me.options;
       if (opts.toolTipClose 
           && $.inArray('area-mouseout', opts.toolTipClose) >= 0 
           && me.activeToolTip) 
    * Mouse click event handler
    * @param  {MapData} me The MapData context
    * @param  {EventData} e jQuery event data
    * @return {[type]}   [description]
   function click(me,e) {
       var selected, list, list_target, newSelectionState, canChangeState, cbResult,
           that = this,
           ar = me.getDataForArea(this),
           opts = me.options;
       function clickArea(ar) {
           var areaOpts,target;
           canChangeState = (ar.isSelectable() &&
               (ar.isDeselectable() || !ar.isSelected()));
           if (canChangeState) {
               newSelectionState = !ar.isSelected();
           } else {
               newSelectionState = ar.isSelected();
           list_target = m.getBoundList(opts, ar.key);
           if ($.isFunction(opts.onClick)) 
               cbResult= opts.onClick.call(that,
                   e: e,
                   listTarget: list_target,
                   key: ar.key,
                   selected: newSelectionState
               if (u.isBool(cbResult)) {
                   if (!cbResult) {
                       return false;
                   target = $(ar.area).attr('href');
                   if (target!=='#') {
                       return false;
           if (canChangeState) {
               selected = ar.toggle();
           if (opts.boundList && opts.boundList.length > 0) {
               m.setBoundListProperties(opts, list_target, ar.isSelected());
           areaOpts = ar.effectiveOptions();
           if (areaOpts.includeKeys) {
               list = u.split(areaOpts.includeKeys);
               $.each(list, function (i, e) {
                   var ar = me.getDataForKey(e.toString());
                   if (!ar.options.isMask) {
       if (opts.clickNavigate && ar.href) {
       if (ar && !ar.owner.currentAction) {
           opts = me.options;
    * Prototype for a MapData object, representing an ImageMapster bound object
    * @param {Element} image   an IMG element
    * @param {object} options  ImageMapster binding options
   m.MapData = function (image, options) 
       var me = this;
       // (Image)  main map image
       me.image = image;              
       me.images = new m.MapImages(me); 
       me.graphics = new m.Graphics(me);
       // save the initial style of the image for unbinding. This is problematic, chrome 
       // duplicates styles when assigning, and cssText is apparently not universally supported.
       // Need to do something more robust to make unbinding work universally.
       me.imgCssText = image.style.cssText || null;
       // create context-bound event handlers from our private functions
       me.mouseover = function(e) { mouseover.call(this,me,e); };
       me.mouseout = function(e) { mouseout.call(this,me,e); };
       me.click = function(e) { click.call(this,me,e); };
       me.clearEffects = function(e) { clearEffects.call(this,me,e); };
   m.MapData.prototype = {
       constructor: m.MapData,
        * Set target.options from defaults + options
        * @param  {[type]} target      The target
        * @param  {[type]} options     The options to merge
       configureOptions: function(options) {
           this.options= u.updateProps({}, m.defaults, options);
        * Ensure all images are loaded
        * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when the images have finished loading (or fail)
       bindImages: function() {
           var me=this,
               mi = me.images;
           // reset the images if this is a rebind
           if (mi.length>2) {
           } else if (mi.length===0) {
               // add the actual main image
               // will create a duplicate of the main image, we need this to get raw size info
           return me.images.bind();
        * Test whether an async action is currently in progress
        * @return {Boolean} true or false indicating state
       isActive: function() {
           return !this.complete || this.currentAction;
        * Return an object indicating the various states. This isn't really used by 
        * production code.
        * @return {object} An object with properties for various states
       state: function () {
           return {
               complete: this.complete,
               resizing: this.currentAction==='resizing',
               zoomed: this.zoomed,
               zoomedArea: this.zoomedArea,
               scaleInfo: this.scaleInfo
        * Get a unique ID for the wrapper of this imagemapster
        * @return {string} A string that is unique to this image
       wrapId: function () {
           return 'mapster_wrap_' + this.index;
       _idFromKey: function (key) {
           return typeof key === "string" && this._xref.hasOwnProperty(key) ?
                       this._xref[key] : -1;
        * Return a comma-separated string of all selected keys
        * @return {string} CSV of all keys that are currently selected
       getSelected: function () {
           var result = ;
           $.each(this.data, function (i,e) {
               if (e.isSelected()) {
                   result += (result ? ',' : ) + this.key;
           return result;
        * Get an array of MapAreas associated with a specific AREA based on the keys for that area
        * @param  {Element} area   An HTML AREA
        * @param  {number} atMost  A number limiting the number of areas to be returned (typically 1 or 0 for no limit)
        * @return {MapArea[]}      Array of MapArea objects
       getAllDataForArea:function (area,atMost) {
           var i,ar, result,
               key = $(area).filter('area').attr(me.options.mapKey);
           if (key) {
               key = u.split(key);
               for (i=0;i<(atMost || key.length);i++) {
                   ar = me.data[me._idFromKey(key[i])];
                   ar.area=area.length ? area[0]:area;
                   // set the actual area moused over/selected
                   // TODO: this is a brittle model for capturing which specific area - if this method was not used,
                   // ar.area could have old data. fix this.
           return result;
       getDataForArea: function(area) {
           var ar=this.getAllDataForArea(area,1);
           return ar ? ar[0] || null : null;
       getDataForKey: function (key) {
           return this.data[this._idFromKey(key)];
        * Get the primary keys associated with an area group.
        * If this is a primary key, it will be returned.
        * @param  {string key An area key
        * @return {string} A CSV of area keys
       getKeysForGroup: function(key) {
           var ar=this.getDataForKey(key);
           return !ar ? :
               ar.isPrimary ? 
                   ar.key :
        * given an array of MapArea object, return an array of its unique primary keys
        * @param  {MapArea[]} areas The areas to analyze
        * @return {string[]} An array of unique primary keys
       getPrimaryKeysForMapAreas: function(areas)
           var keys=[];
           $.each(areas,function(i,e) {
               if ($.inArray(e.keys[0],keys)<0) {
           return keys;
       getData: function (obj) {
           if (typeof obj === 'string') {
               return this.getDataForKey(obj);
           } else if (obj && obj.mapster || u.isElement(obj)) {
               return this.getDataForArea(obj);
           } else {
               return null;
       // remove highlight if present, raise event
       ensureNoHighlight: function () {
           var ar;
           if (this.highlightId >= 0) {
               ar = this.data[this.highlightId];
               ar.changeState('highlight', false);
       setHighlightId: function(id) {
           this.highlightId = id;
        * Clear all active selections on this map
       clearSelections: function () {
           $.each(this.data, function (i,e) {
               if (e.selected) {
        * Set area options from an array of option data.
        * @param {object[]} areas An array of objects containing area-specific options
       setAreaOptions: function (areas) {
           var i, area_options, ar;
           areas = areas || [];
           // refer by: map_data.options[map_data.data[x].area_option_id]
           for (i = areas.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
               area_options = areas[i];
               if (area_options) {
                   ar = this.getDataForKey(area_options.key);
                   if (ar) {
                       u.updateProps(ar.options, area_options);
                       // TODO: will not deselect areas that were previously selected, so this only works
                       // for an initial bind.
                       if (u.isBool(area_options.selected)) {
                           ar.selected = area_options.selected;
       // keys: a comma-separated list
       drawSelections: function (keys) {
           var i, key_arr = u.asArray(keys);
           for (i = key_arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
       redrawSelections: function () {
           $.each(this.data, function (i, e) {
               if (e.isSelectedOrStatic()) {
       ///called when images are done loading
       initialize: function () {
           var imgCopy, base_canvas, overlay_canvas, wrap, parentId, css, i,size,
               img,sort_func, sorted_list,  scale,  
                       me = this,
                       opts = me.options;
           if (me.complete) {
           img = $(me.image);
           parentId = img.parent().attr('id');
           // create a div wrapper only if there's not already a wrapper, otherwise, own it
           if (parentId && parentId.length >= 12 && parentId.substring(0, 12) === "mapster_wrap") {
               wrap = img.parent();
               wrap.attr('id', me.wrapId());
           } else {
wrap = $('
               if (opts.wrapClass) {
                   if (opts.wrapClass === true) {
                   else {
           me.wrapper = wrap;
           // me.images[1] is the copy of the original image. It should be loaded & at its native size now so we can obtain the true
           // width & height. This is needed to scale the imagemap if not being shown at its native size. It is also needed purely
           // to finish binding in case the original image was not visible. It can be impossible in some browsers to obtain the
           // native size of a hidden image.
           me.scaleInfo = scale = u.scaleMap(me.images[0],me.images[1], opts.scaleMap);
           me.base_canvas = base_canvas = me.graphics.createVisibleCanvas(me);
           me.overlay_canvas = overlay_canvas = me.graphics.createVisibleCanvas(me);
           // Now we got what we needed from the copy -clone from the original image again to make sure any other attributes are copied
           imgCopy = $(me.images[1])
               .addClass('mapster_el '+ me.images[0].className)
               .attr({id:null, usemap: null});
           if (size.complete) {
                   width: size.width,
                   height: size.height
           // now that we have processed all the areas, set css for wrapper, scale map if needed
           css = {
               display: 'block',
               position: 'relative',
               padding: 0,
               width: scale.width,
               height: scale.height
           if (opts.wrapCss) {
               $.extend(css, opts.wrapCss);
           // if we were rebinding with an existing wrapper, the image will aready be in it
           if (img.parent()[0] !== me.wrapper[0]) {
           // move all generated images into the wrapper for easy removal later
           for (i = 1; i < me.images.length; i++) {
           //me.images[1].style.cssText = me.image.style.cssText;
           // images[0] is the original image with map, images[1] is the copy/background that is visible
           u.setOpacity(me.images[0], 0);
           if (opts.isSelectable && opts.onGetList) {
               sorted_list = me.data.slice(0);
               if (opts.sortList) {
                   if (opts.sortList === "desc") {
                       sort_func = function (a, b) {
                           return a === b ? 0 : (a > b ? -1 : 1);
                   else {
                       sort_func = function (a, b) {
                           return a === b ? 0 : (a < b ? -1 : 1);
                   sorted_list.sort(function (a, b) {
                       a = a.value;
                       b = b.value;
                       return sort_func(a, b);
               me.options.boundList = opts.onGetList.call(me.image, sorted_list);
           if (opts.onConfigured && typeof opts.onConfigured === 'function') {
               opts.onConfigured.call(img, true);
       // when rebind is true, the MapArea data will not be rebuilt.
       buildDataset: function(rebind) {
           var sel,areas,j,area_id,$area,area,curKey,mapArea,key,keys,mapAreaId,group_value,dataItem,href,
           function addAreaData(key, value) {
               var dataItem = new m.AreaData(me, key, value);
               dataItem.areaId = me._xref[key] = me.data.push(dataItem) - 1;
               return dataItem.areaId;
           me._xref = {};
           me.data = [];
           if (!rebind) {
           default_group = !opts.mapKey;
           if (default_group) {
               opts.mapKey = 'data-mapster-key';
           // the [attribute] selector is broken on old IE with jQuery. hasVml() is a quick and dirty
           // way to test for that
           sel = m.hasVml() ? 'area' :
                       (default_group ? 
                           'area[coords]' : 
                           'area[' + opts.mapKey + ']');
           areas = $(me.map).find(sel).unbind('.mapster');
           for (mapAreaId = 0;mapAreaId<areas.length; mapAreaId++) {
               area_id = 0;
               area = areas[mapAreaId];
               $area = $(area);
               // skip areas with no coords - selector broken for older ie
               if (!area.coords) {
               // Create a key if none was assigned by the user
               if (default_group) {
                   $area.attr('data-mapster-key', curKey);
               } else {
                   curKey = area.getAttribute(opts.mapKey);
               // conditions for which the area will be bound to mouse events
               // only bind to areas that don't have nohref. ie 6&7 cannot detect the presence of nohref, so we have to also not bind if href is missing.
               if (rebind) {
                   mapArea = me.mapAreas[$area.data('mapster')-1];
               } else {
                   mapArea = new m.MapArea(me, area,curKey);
               keys = mapArea.keys; // converted to an array by mapArea

               // Iterate through each mapKey assigned to this area
               for (j = keys.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                   key = keys[j];
                   if (opts.mapValue) {
                       group_value = $area.attr(opts.mapValue);
                   if (default_group) {
                       // set an attribute so we can refer to the area by index from the DOM object if no key
                       area_id = addAreaData(me.data.length, group_value);
                       dataItem = me.data[area_id];
                       dataItem.key = key = area_id.toString();
                   else {
                       area_id = me._xref[key];
                       if (area_id >= 0) {
                           dataItem = me.data[area_id];
                           if (group_value && !me.data[area_id].value) {
                               dataItem.value = group_value;
                       else {
                           area_id = addAreaData(key, group_value);
                           dataItem = me.data[area_id];
               if (href && href!=='#' && !dataItem.href)
               if (!mapArea.nohref) {
                   $area.bind('click.mapster', me.click);
                   if (!m.isTouch) {
                       $area.bind('mouseover.mapster', me.mouseover)
                           .bind('mouseout.mapster', me.mouseout)
                           .bind('mousedown.mapster', me.mousedown);
               // store an ID with each area. 
               $area.data("mapster", mapAreaId+1);
           // TODO listenToList
           //            if (opts.listenToList && opts.nitG) {
           //                opts.nitG.bind('click.mapster', event_hooks[map_data.hooks_index].listclick_hook);
           //            }
           // populate areas from config options
       processCommandQueue: function() {
           var cur,me=this;
           while (!me.currentAction && me.commands.length) {
               cur = me.commands[0];
               m.impl[cur.command].apply(cur.that, cur.args);
       clearEvents: function () {
       _clearCanvases: function (preserveState) {
           // remove the canvas elements created
           if (!preserveState) {
       clearMapData: function (preserveState) {
           var me = this;
           // release refs to DOM elements
           $.each(this.data, function (i, e) {
           this.data = null;
           if (!preserveState) {
               // get rid of everything except the original image
               this.image.style.cssText = this.imgCssText;
           this.image = null;
           u.ifFunction(this.clearTooltip, this);
       // Compelete cleanup process for deslecting items. Called after a batch operation, or by AreaData for single
       // operations not flagged as "partial"
       removeSelectionFinish: function () {
           var g = this.graphics;
           // do not call ensure_no_highlight- we don't really want to unhilight it, just remove the effect

} (jQuery)); /* areadata.js

  AreaData and MapArea protoypes
  • /

(function ($) {

   var m = $.mapster, u = m.utils;
    * Select this area
    * @param {AreaData} me  AreaData context
    * @param {object} options Options for rendering the selection
   function select(options) {
       // need to add the new one first so that the double-opacity effect leaves the current one highlighted for singleSelect
       var me=this, o = me.owner;
       if (o.options.singleSelect) {
       // because areas can overlap - we can't depend on the selection state to tell us anything about the inner areas.
       // don't check if it's already selected
       if (!me.isSelected()) {
           if (options) {
               // cache the current options, and map the altImageId if an altimage 
               // was passed
               me.optsCache = $.extend(me.effectiveRenderOptions('select'),
                       altImageId: o.images.add(options.altImage)
           me.selected = true;
           me.changeState('select', true);
       if (o.options.singleSelect) {
    * Deselect this area, optionally deferring finalization so additional areas can be deselected
    * in a single operation
    * @param  {boolean} partial when true, the caller must invoke "finishRemoveSelection" to render 
   function deselect(partial) {
       var me=this;
       me.selected = false;
       me.changeState('select', false);
       // release information about last area options when deselecting.
       // Complete selection removal process. This is separated because it's very inefficient to perform the whole
       // process for multiple removals, as the canvas must be totally redrawn at the end of the process.ar.remove
       if (!partial) {
    * Toggle the selection state of this area
    * @param  {object} options Rendering options, if toggling on
    * @return {bool} The new selection state
   function toggle(options) {
       var me=this;
       if (!me.isSelected()) {
       else {
       return me.isSelected();
    * An AreaData object; represents a conceptual area that can be composed of 
    * one or more MapArea objects
    * @param {MapData} owner The MapData object to which this belongs
    * @param {string} key   The key for this area
    * @param {string} value The mapValue string for this area
   m.AreaData = function (owner, key, value) {
           owner: owner, 
           key: key || ,
           // means this represents the first key in a list of keys (it's the area group that gets highlighted on mouseover)
           isPrimary: true,
           areaId: -1,
           href: ,
           value: value || ,
           // "null" means unchanged. Use "isSelected" method to just test true/false 
           selected: null,       
           // xref to MapArea objects
           areasXref: [],
           // (temporary storage) - the actual area moused over
           area: null,
           // the last options used to render this. Cache so when re-drawing after a remove, changes in options won't
           // break already selected things. 
           optsCache: null
    * The public API for AreaData object
   m.AreaData.prototype = {
       constuctor: m.AreaData,
       select: select,
       deselect: deselect,
       toggle: toggle,
       areas: function() {
           var i,result=[];
           for (i=0;i<this.areasXref.length;i++) {
           return result;
       // return all coordinates for all areas
       coords: function(offset) {
           var coords = [];
           $.each(this.areas(), function (i, el) {
               coords = coords.concat(el.coords(offset));
           return coords;
       reset: function () {
           $.each(this.areas(), function (i, e) {
           this.areasXref = [];
           this.options = null;
       // Return the effective selected state of an area, incorporating staticState
       isSelectedOrStatic: function () {
           var o = this.effectiveOptions();
           return u.isBool(o.staticState) ? o.staticState :
       isSelected: function () {
           return u.isBool(this.selected) ? this.selected :
               u.isBool(this.owner.area_options.selected) ? this.owner.area_options.selected : false;
       isSelectable: function () {
           return u.isBool(this.effectiveOptions().staticState) ? false :
                       (u.isBool(this.owner.options.staticState) ? false : u.boolOrDefault(this.effectiveOptions().isSelectable,true));
       isDeselectable: function () {
           return u.isBool(this.effectiveOptions().staticState) ? false :
                       (u.isBool(this.owner.options.staticState) ? false : u.boolOrDefault(this.effectiveOptions().isDeselectable,true));
       isNotRendered: function() {
           var area = $(this.area);
           return area.attr('nohref') ||
               !area.attr('href') ||

        * Return the overall options effective for this area. 
        * This should get the default options, and merge in area-specific options, finally
        * overlaying options passed by parameter
        * @param  {[type]} options  options which will supercede all other options for this area
        * @return {[type]}          the combined options
       effectiveOptions: function (options) {
           var opts = u.updateProps({},
                   options || {},
                       id: this.areaId 
           opts.selected = this.isSelected();
           return opts;
        * Return the options effective for this area for a "render" or "highlight" mode. 
        * This should get the default options, merge in the areas-specific options, 
        * and then the mode-specific options.
        * @param  {string} mode    'render' or 'highlight'
        * @param  {[type]} options  options which will supercede all other options for this area
        * @return {[type]}          the combined options
       effectiveRenderOptions: function (mode, options) {
           var allOpts,opts=this.optsCache;
           if (!opts || mode==='highlight') {
               allOpts = this.effectiveOptions(options);
               opts = u.updateProps({},
                   allOpts["render_" + mode]
               if (mode!=='highlight') {
           return $.extend({},opts);
       // Fire callback on area state change
       changeState: function (state_type, state) {
           if ($.isFunction(this.owner.options.onStateChange)) {
                       key: this.key,
                       state: state_type,
                       selected: state
       // highlight this area
       highlight: function (options) {
           var o = this.owner;
           if (this.effectiveOptions().highlight) {
               o.graphics.addShapeGroup(this, "highlight",options);
           this.changeState('highlight', true);
       // select this area. if "callEvent" is true then the state change event will be called. (This method can be used
       // during config operations, in which case no event is indicated)
       drawSelection: function () {
           this.owner.graphics.addShapeGroup(this, "select");

   // represents an HTML area
   m.MapArea = function (owner,areaEl,keys) {
       if (!owner) {
       var me = this;
       me.owner = owner;   // a MapData object
       me.area = areaEl;
       me.areaDataXref=[]; // a list of map_data.data[] id's for each areaData object containing this
       me.originalCoords = [];
       $.each(u.split(areaEl.coords), function (i, el) {
       me.length = me.originalCoords.length;
       me.shape = areaEl.shape.toLowerCase();
       me.nohref = areaEl.nohref || !areaEl.href;
   m.MapArea.prototype= {
       constructor: m.MapArea,
       configure: function(keys) {
           this.keys = u.split(keys);
       reset: function() {
       coords: function (offset) {
           return $.map(this.originalCoords,function(e) {
               return offset ? e : e+offset;

} (jQuery)); /* areacorners.js

  determine the best place to put a box of dimensions (width,height) given a circle, rect or poly
  • /

(function ($) {

   var u=$.mapster.utils;

    * Compute positions that will place a target with dimensions [width,height] outside 
    * but near the boundaries of the elements "elements". When an imagemap is passed, the 
    * @param  {Element|Element[]} elements An element or an array of elements (such as a jQuery object)
    * @param  {Element} image The image to which area elements are bound, if this is an image map.
    * @param  {Element} container The contianer in which the target must be constrained (or document, if missing)
    * @param  {int} width The width of the target object
    * @return {object} a structure with the x and y positions
   u.areaCorners = function (elements, image, container, width, height) {
       var pos,found, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, bestMinX, bestMaxX, bestMinY, bestMaxY, curX, curY, nest, j,
       // if a single element was passed, map it to an array
       elements = elements.length ? 
       container = container ? 
       // get the relative root of calculation
       pos = container.offset();
       rootx = pos.left;
       rooty = pos.top;
       // with areas, all we know about is relative to the top-left corner of the image. We need to add an offset compared to
       // the actual container. After this calculation, offsetx/offsety can be added to either the area coords, or the target's
       // absolute position to get the correct top/left boundaries of the container.
       if (image) {
           pos = $(image).offset();
           offsetx = pos.left;
           offsety = pos.top;
       // map the coordinates of any type of shape to a poly and use the logic. simpler than using three different
       // calculation methods. Circles use a 20 degree increment for this estimation.
       for (j=0;j<elements.length;j++) 
           if (el.nodeName==='AREA') {
               iCoords = u.split(el.coords,parseInt);
               switch(el.shape) {
                   case 'circle':
                       for (j=0;j<360;j+=20) {
                     case 'rect':
               // map area positions to it's real position in the container
               for (j=0;j<coords.length;j+=2)
           } else {
               pos = el.position();
       minX = minY = bestMinX = bestMinY = 999999;
       maxX = maxY = bestMaxX = bestMaxY = -1;
       for (j = coords.length - 2; j >= 0; j -= 2) {
           curX = coords[j];
           curY = coords[j + 1];
           if (curX < minX) {
               minX = curX;
               bestMaxY = curY;
           if (curX > maxX) {
               maxX = curX;
               bestMinY = curY;
           if (curY < minY) {
               minY = curY;
               bestMaxX = curX;
           if (curY > maxY) {
               maxY = curY;
               bestMinX = curX;
       // try to figure out the best place for the tooltip
       if (width && height) {
           $.each([[bestMaxX - width, minY - height], [bestMinX, minY - height],
                            [minX - width, bestMaxY - height], [minX - width, bestMinY],
                            [maxX,bestMaxY - height], [ maxX,bestMinY],
                            [bestMaxX - width, maxY], [bestMinX, maxY]
                     ],function (i, e) {
                         if (!found && (e[0] > rootx && e[1] > rooty)) {
                             nest = e;
                             return false;
            // default to lower-right corner if nothing fit inside the boundaries of the image
            if (!found) {
       return nest;

} (jQuery)); /* scale.js: resize and zoom functionality

  requires areacorners.js, when.js
  • /

(function ($) {

   var m = $.mapster, u = m.utils, p = m.MapArea.prototype;
   m.utils.getScaleInfo = function (eff, actual) {
       var pct;
       if (!actual) {
           pct = 1;
       } else {
           pct = eff.width / actual.width || eff.height / actual.height;
           // make sure a float error doesn't muck us up
           if (pct > 0.98 && pct < 1.02) { pct = 1; }
       return {
           scale: (pct !== 1),
           scalePct: pct,
           realWidth: actual.width,
           realHeight: actual.height,
           width: eff.width,
           height: eff.height,
           ratio: eff.width / eff.height
   // Scale a set of AREAs, return old data as an array of objects
   m.utils.scaleMap = function (image, imageRaw, scale) {
       // stunningly, jQuery width can return zero even as width does not, seems to happen only
       // with adBlock or maybe other plugins. These must interfere with onload events somehow.

       var vis=u.size(image),
       if (!raw.complete()) {
           throw("Another script, such as an extension, appears to be interfering with image loading. Please let us know about this.");
       if (!vis.complete()) {
       return this.getScaleInfo(vis, scale ? raw : null);
    * Resize the image map. Only one of newWidth and newHeight should be passed to preserve scale
    * @param  {int}   width       The new width OR an object containing named parameters matching this function sig
    * @param  {int}   height      The new height
    * @param  {int}   effectDuration Time in ms for the resize animation, or zero for no animation
    * @param  {function} callback    A function to invoke when the operation finishes
    * @return {promise}              NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
   m.MapData.prototype.resize = function (width, height, duration, callback) {
       var p,promises,newsize,els, highlightId, ratio, 
           me = this;
       // allow omitting duration
       callback = callback || duration;
       function sizeCanvas(canvas, w, h) {
           if (m.hasCanvas()) {
               canvas.width = w;
               canvas.height = h;
           } else {
       // Finalize resize action, do callback, pass control to command queue
       function cleanupAndNotify() {
           me.currentAction = ;
           if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
       // handle cleanup after the inner elements are resized
       function finishResize() {
           sizeCanvas(me.overlay_canvas, width, height);
           // restore highlight state if it was highlighted before
           if (highlightId >= 0) {
               var areaData = me.data[highlightId];
               areaData.tempOptions = { fade: false };
               areaData.tempOptions = null;
           sizeCanvas(me.base_canvas, width, height);
       function resizeMapData() {
           // start calculation at the same time as effect
           me.scaleInfo = u.getScaleInfo({
                   width: width,
                   height: height
                   width: me.scaleInfo.realWidth,
                   height: me.scaleInfo.realHeight
           $.each(me.data, function (i, e) {
               $.each(e.areas(), function (i, e) {
       if (me.scaleInfo.width === width && me.scaleInfo.height === height) {
       highlightId = me.highlightId;

       if (!width) {
           ratio = height / me.scaleInfo.realHeight;
           width = Math.round(me.scaleInfo.realWidth * ratio);
       if (!height) {
           ratio = width / me.scaleInfo.realWidth;
           height = Math.round(me.scaleInfo.realHeight * ratio);
       newsize = { 'width': String(width) + 'px', 'height': String(height) + 'px' };
       if (!m.hasCanvas()) {
       // resize all the elements that are part of the map except the image itself (which is not visible)
       // but including the div wrapper
       els = $(me.wrapper).find('.mapster_el').add(me.wrapper);
       if (duration) {
           promises = [];
           me.currentAction = 'resizing';
           els.each(function (i, e) {
               p = u.defer();
               $(e).animate(newsize, {
                   duration: duration,
                   complete: p.resolve,
                   easing: "linear"
           p = u.defer();
           // though resizeMapData is not async, it needs to be finished just the same as the animations,
           // so add it to the "to do" list.
       } else {

   m.MapArea = u.subclass(m.MapArea, function () {
       //change the area tag data if needed
       if (this.owner.scaleInfo.scale) {
   p.coords = function (percent, coordOffset) {
       var j, newCoords = [],
                   pct = percent || this.owner.scaleInfo.scalePct,
                   offset = coordOffset || 0;
       if (pct === 1 && coordOffset === 0) {
           return this.originalCoords;
       for (j = 0; j < this.length; j++) {
           //amount = j % 2 === 0 ? xPct : yPct;
           newCoords.push(Math.round(this.originalCoords[j] * pct) + offset);
       return newCoords;
   p.resize = function () {
       this.area.coords = this.coords().join(',');
   p.reset = function () {
       this.area.coords = this.coords(1).join(',');
   m.impl.resize = function (width, height, duration, callback) {
       if (!width && !height) {
           return false;
       var x= (new m.Method(this,
               function () {
                   this.resize(width, height, duration, callback);
                   name: 'resize',
                   args: arguments
       return x;


   m.impl.zoom = function (key, opts) {
       var options = opts || {};
       function zoom(areaData) {
           // this will be MapData object returned by Method
           var scroll, corners, height, width, ratio,
                   diffX, diffY, ratioX, ratioY, offsetX, offsetY, newWidth, newHeight, scrollLeft, scrollTop,
                   padding = options.padding || 0,
                   scrollBarSize = areaData ? 20 : 0,
                   me = this,
                   zoomOut = false;
           if (areaData) {
               // save original state on first zoom operation
               if (!me.zoomed) {
                   me.zoomed = true;
                   me.preZoomWidth = me.scaleInfo.width;
                   me.preZoomHeight = me.scaleInfo.height;
                   me.zoomedArea = areaData;
                   if (options.scroll) {
                       me.wrapper.css({ overflow: 'auto' });
               corners = $.mapster.utils.areaCorners(areaData.coords(1, 0));
               width = me.wrapper.innerWidth() - scrollBarSize - padding * 2;
               height = me.wrapper.innerHeight() - scrollBarSize - padding * 2;
               diffX = corners.maxX - corners.minX;
               diffY = corners.maxY - corners.minY;
               ratioX = width / diffX;
               ratioY = height / diffY;
               ratio = Math.min(ratioX, ratioY);
               offsetX = (width - diffX * ratio) / 2;
               offsetY = (height - diffY * ratio) / 2;
               newWidth = me.scaleInfo.realWidth * ratio;
               newHeight = me.scaleInfo.realHeight * ratio;
               scrollLeft = (corners.minX) * ratio - padding - offsetX;
               scrollTop = (corners.minY) * ratio - padding - offsetY;
           } else {
               if (!me.zoomed) {
               zoomOut = true;
               newWidth = me.preZoomWidth;
               newHeight = me.preZoomHeight;
               scrollLeft = null;
               scrollTop = null;
               width: newWidth,
               height: newHeight,
               duration: options.duration,
               scroll: scroll,
               scrollLeft: scrollLeft,
               scrollTop: scrollTop,
               // closure so we can be sure values are correct
               callback: (function () {
                   var isZoomOut = zoomOut,
                           scroll = options.scroll,
                           areaD = areaData;
                   return function () {
                       if (isZoomOut) {
                           me.preZoomWidth = null;
                           me.preZoomHeight = null;
                           me.zoomed = false;
                           me.zoomedArea = false;
                           if (scroll) {
                               me.wrapper.css({ overflow: 'inherit' });
                       } else {
                           // just to be sure it wasn't canceled & restarted
                           me.zoomedArea = areaD;
               } ())
       return (new m.Method(this,
               function (opts) {
               function () {
                   zoom.call(this.owner, this);
                   name: 'zoom',
                   args: arguments,
                   first: true,
                   key: key


} (jQuery)); /* tooltip.js - tooltip functionality

  requires areacorners.js
  • /

(function ($) {

   var m = $.mapster, u = m.utils;
   $.extend(m.defaults, {
toolTipContainer: '
       showToolTip: false,
       toolTipFade: true,
       toolTipClose: ['area-mouseout','image-mouseout'],
       onShowToolTip: null,
       onHideToolTip: null
   $.extend(m.area_defaults, {
       toolTip: null,
       toolTipClose: null
    * Show a tooltip positioned near this area.
    * @param {string|jquery} html A string of html or a jQuery object containing the tooltip content.
    * @param {string|jquery} [template] The html template in which to wrap the content
    * @param {string|object} [css] CSS to apply to the outermost element of the tooltip 
    * @return {jquery} The tooltip that was created
   function createToolTip(html, template, css) {
       var tooltip;
       // wrap the template in a jQuery object, or clone the template if it's already one.
       // This assumes that anything other than a string is a jQuery object; if it's not jQuery will
       // probably throw an error.
       if (template) {
           tooltip = typeof template === 'string' ?
               $(template) : 
       } else {
       // always set display to block, or the positioning css won't work if the end user happened to
       // use a non-block type element.
       tooltip.css($.extend((css || {}),{
       // we must actually add the tooltip to the DOM and "show" it in order to figure out how much space it
       // consumes, and then reposition it with that knowledge.
       // We also cache the actual opacity setting to restore finally.
       // doesn't really show it because opacity=0
       return tooltip.show();

    * Show a tooltip positioned near this area.
    * @param {jquery} tooltip The tooltip
    * @param {object} [options] options for displaying the tooltip.
    *  @config {int} [left] The 0-based absolute x position for the tooltip
    *  @config {int} [top] The 0-based absolute y position for the tooltip
    *  @config {string|object} [css] CSS to apply to the outermost element of the tooltip 
    *  @config {bool} [fadeDuration] When non-zero, the duration in milliseconds of a fade-in effect for the tooltip.
   function showToolTipImpl(tooltip,options)
       var tooltipCss = { 
               "left":  options.left + "px",
               "top": options.top + "px"
           actalOpacity=tooltip.attr("data-opacity") || 0,
           zindex = tooltip.css("z-index");
       if (parseInt(zindex,10)===0 
           || zindex === "auto") {
           tooltipCss["z-index"] = 9999;

       if (options.fadeDuration && options.fadeDuration>0) {
           u.fader(tooltip[0], 0, actalOpacity, options.fadeDuration);
       } else {
           u.setOpacity(tooltip[0], actalOpacity);
    * Hide and remove active tooltips
    * @param  {MapData} this The mapdata object to which the tooltips belong
   m.MapData.prototype.clearToolTip = function() {
       if (this.activeToolTip) {
           this.activeToolTip = null;
           this.activeToolTipID = null;
           u.ifFunction(this.options.onHideToolTip, this);
    * Configure the binding between a named tooltip closing option, and a mouse event.
    * If a callback is passed, it will be called when the activating event occurs, and the tooltip will
    * only closed if it returns true.
    * @param  {MapData}  [this]     The MapData object to which this tooltip belongs.
    * @param  {String}   option     The name of the tooltip closing option
    * @param  {String}   event      UI event to bind to this option
    * @param  {Element}  target     The DOM element that is the target of the event
    * @param  {Function} [beforeClose] Callback when the tooltip is closed
    * @param  {Function} [onClose]  Callback when the tooltip is closed
   function bindToolTipClose(options, bindOption, event, target, beforeClose, onClose) {
       var event_name = event + '.mapster-tooltip';
       if ($.inArray(bindOption, options) >= 0) {
               .bind(event_name, function (e) {
                   if (!beforeClose || beforeClose.call(this,e)) {
                       if (onClose) {
           return {
               object: target, 
               event: event_name
    * Show a tooltip.
    * @param {string|jquery}   [tooltip]       A string of html or a jQuery object containing the tooltip content.
    * @param {string|jquery}   [target]        The target of the tooltip, to be used to determine positioning. If null,
    *                                          absolute position values must be passed with left and top.
    * @param {string|jquery}   [image]         If target is an [area] the image that owns it
    * @param {string|jquery}   [container]     An element within which the tooltip must be bounded
    * @param {object|string|jQuery} [options]  options to apply when creating this tooltip - OR -
    *                                          The markup, or a jquery object, containing the data for the tooltip 
    *  @config {string}        [closeEvents]   A string with one or more comma-separated values that determine when the tooltip
    *                                          closes: 'area-click','tooltip-click','image-mouseout' are valid values
    *                                          then no template will be used.
    *  @config {int}           [offsetx]       the horizontal amount to offset the tooltip 
    *  @config {int}           [offsety]       the vertical amount to offset the tooltip 
    *  @config {string|object} [css]           CSS to apply to the outermost element of the tooltip 
   function showToolTip(tooltip,target,image,container,options) {
       var corners,
           ttopts = {};
       options = options || {};

       if (target) {
           corners = u.areaCorners(target,image,container,
           // Try to upper-left align it first, if that doesn't work, change the parameters
           ttopts.left = corners[0];
           ttopts.top = corners[1];
       } else {
           ttopts.left = options.left;
           ttopts.top = options.top;
       ttopts.left += (options.offsetx || 0);
       ttopts.top +=(options.offsety || 0);
       ttopts.css= options.css;
       ttopts.fadeDuration = options.fadeDuration;
       return tooltip;
    * Show a tooltip positioned near this area.
    * @param {string|jquery}   [content]       A string of html or a jQuery object containing the tooltip content.
    * @param {object|string|jQuery} [options]  options to apply when creating this tooltip - OR -
    *                                          The markup, or a jquery object, containing the data for the tooltip 
    *  @config {string|jquery}   [container]     An element within which the tooltip must be bounded
    *  @config {bool}          [template]      a template to use instead of the default. If this property exists and is null,
    *                                          then no template will be used.
    *  @config {string}        [closeEvents]   A string with one or more comma-separated values that determine when the tooltip
    *                                          closes: 'area-click','tooltip-click','image-mouseout' are valid values
    *                                          then no template will be used.
    *  @config {int}           [offsetx]       the horizontal amount to offset the tooltip 
    *  @config {int}           [offsety]       the vertical amount to offset the tooltip 
    *  @config {string|object} [css]           CSS to apply to the outermost element of the tooltip 
   m.AreaData.prototype.showToolTip= function(content,options) {
       var tooltip, closeOpts, target, tipClosed, template,
           ttopts = {},
           areaOpts = ad.effectiveOptions();
       // copy the options object so we can update it
       options = options ? $.extend({},options) : {};
       content = content || areaOpts.toolTip;
       closeOpts = options.closeEvents || areaOpts.toolTipClose || md.options.toolTipClose || 'tooltip-click';
       template = typeof options.template !== 'undefined' ? 
               options.template :
       options.closeEvents = typeof closeOpts === 'string' ?
           closeOpts = u.split(closeOpts) :
       options.fadeDuration = options.fadeDuration ||
                (md.options.toolTipFade ? 
                   (md.options.fadeDuration || areaOpts.fadeDuration) : 0);
       target = ad.area ? 
           ad.area :
               function(e) {
                   return e.area;
       if (md.activeToolTipID===ad.areaId) {
       md.activeToolTip = tooltip = createToolTip(content,
       md.activeToolTipID = ad.areaId;
       tipClosed = function() {
       bindToolTipClose(closeOpts,'area-click', 'click', $(md.map), null, tipClosed);
       bindToolTipClose(closeOpts,'tooltip-click', 'click', tooltip,null, tipClosed);
       bindToolTipClose(closeOpts,'image-mouseout', 'mouseout', $(md.image), function(e) {
           return (e.relatedTarget && e.relatedTarget.nodeName!=='AREA' && e.relatedTarget!==ad.area);
       }, tipClosed);

       u.ifFunction(md.options.onShowToolTip, ad.area,
           toolTip: tooltip,
           options: ttopts,
           areaOptions: areaOpts,
           key: ad.key,
           selected: ad.isSelected()
       return tooltip;
    * Parse an object that could be a string, a jquery object, or an object with a "contents" property
    * containing html or a jQuery object.
    * @param  {object|string|jQuery} options The parameter to parse
    * @return {string|jquery} A string or jquery object
   function getHtmlFromOptions(options) {
           // see if any html was passed as either the options object itself, or the content property
           return (options ?
               ((typeof options === 'string' || options.jquery) ?
                   options :
                   options.content) :
    * Activate or remove a tooltip for an area. When this method is called on an area, the
    * key parameter doesn't apply and "options" is the first parameter.
    * When called with no parameters, or "key" is a falsy value, any active tooltip is cleared.
    * When only a key is provided, the default tooltip for the area is used. 
    * When html is provided, this is used instead of the default tooltip.
    * When "noTemplate" is true, the default tooltip template will not be used either, meaning only
    * the actual html passed will be used.
    * @param  {string|AreaElement} key The area for which to activate a tooltip, or a DOM element.
    * @param {object|string|jquery} [options] options to apply when creating this tooltip - OR -
    *                                         The markup, or a jquery object, containing the data for the tooltip 
    *  @config {string|jQuery} [content]   the inner content of the tooltip; the tooltip text or HTML
    *  @config {Element|jQuery} [container]   the inner content of the tooltip; the tooltip text or HTML
    *  @config {bool}          [template]  a template to use instead of the default. If this property exists and is null,
    *                                      then no template will be used.
    *  @config {int}           [offsetx]   the horizontal amount to offset the tooltip.
    *  @config {int}           [offsety]   the vertical amount to offset the tooltip.
    *  @config {string|object} [css]       CSS to apply to the outermost element of the tooltip 
    *  @config {string|object} [css] CSS to apply to the outermost element of the tooltip 
    *  @config {bool}          [fadeDuration] When non-zero, the duration in milliseconds of a fade-in effect for the tooltip.
    * @return {jQuery} The jQuery object
   m.impl.tooltip = function (key,options) {
       return (new m.Method(this,
       function mapData() {
           var tooltip, target, md=this;
           if (!key) {
           } else {
               if (md.activeToolTipID ===target[0]) {
               md.activeToolTip = tooltip = createToolTip(getHtmlFromOptions(options),
                           options.template || md.options.toolTipContainer,
               md.activeToolTipID = target[0];
               bindToolTipClose(['tooltip-click'],'tooltip-click', 'click', tooltip, null, function() {
               md.activeToolTip = tooltip = showToolTip(tooltip,
       function areaData() {
           if ($.isPlainObject(key) && !options) {
               options = key;
           name: 'tooltip',
           args: arguments,
           key: key
} (jQuery));