Template:IONIS Paris/Notebook/26-08-15

Digestion of pSB1C3 (from iGEM) and miniprep

Mix digestion preparation:
Tube pSB1C3 pSB1C3 Miniprep
Water 6 µL 12 µL 12 µL
Buffer 2.1 4 µL 2 µL 2 µL
Plasmid 8 µL 5 µL 5 µL
Enzyme EcoRI 1 µL - 0,5 µL
Enzyme PstI 1 µL - 0,5 µL
Enzyme XbaI - 0,5 µL -
Enzyme SpeI - 0,5 µL -

37°C, 1h

Expected results

Expected results



There are only bands corresponding to linearized pSB1C3 and one band, unexpected, corresponding to unknown sequence.

PCR of pDawn (1,2,3,4) and VVD-YN (1,2,1/4)

Mix PCR preparation:
pDawn (1,2,3,4) VVD-YN (1,2,1/4)
MQ Water 40 µL 40 µL
RB Buffer 5 µL 5 µL
Mg2+ 1,5 µL 1,5 µL
dNTP 10 µM 1 µL 1 µL
Primer Fwd 50 µM 0,5µL pDawn Fwd I 0,5µL VVD Fwd I
Primer Rev 50 µM 0,5µL pDawn Rev II 0,5µL YN155 Rev II
DNA 1µL 1µL
Taq Pol enzyme 0,5 µL 0,5 µL

Run of the IGEM TAQ 4 program

Ligation of Gblocks into pSB1C3

Mix ligation preparation:
Tube VVD-YC155 VVD-YN155 GFP rev H/E rev CCDB rev HOKD rev
Water 2,4 µL 1,3 µL 2,2 µL - 3,5 µL 4,5 µL
T4 ligase Buffer 1 µL 1 µL 1 µL 1 µL 1 µL 1 µL
Gblock 3,6 µL 4,7 µL 3,8 µL 5,8 µL 2,5 µL 1,5 µL
pSB1C3 2,5 µL 2,5 µL 2,5 µL 2,5 µL 2,5 µL 2,5 µL
T4 ligase 0,5 µL 0,5 µL 0,5 µL 0,5 µL 0,5 µL 0,5 µL

Room temperature, 30min

Ligation of pSB1C3 (from iGEM) XbaI-SpeI (circularization)

Mix ligation preparation:
Tube pSB1C3
Water 3,5 µL
T4 ligase Buffer 1 µL
Plasmid 5 µL
T4 ligase 0,5 µL

Room temperature, 1h

Expected results

Expected results



Same band for each sample Impossible Fail

Expected results

Expected results



Very soft bands at 2000 bp (pSB1C3) and 4000 bp (???)
Some bands between them (apparent on the screen of the gel reader, not on the picture…)

Transformation of bacteria with ligation products

26 August 15