Template:TAS Taipei/js/jssor


  • Jssor 19.0
  • http://www.jssor.com/
  • Licensed under the MIT license:
  • http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT
  • TERMS OF USE - Jssor
  • Copyright 2014 Jssor
  • Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
  • a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
  • "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
  • without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
  • distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
  • permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
  • the following conditions:
  • The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
  • included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  • /

/*! Jssor */

//$JssorDebug$ var $JssorDebug$ = new function () {

   this.$DebugMode = true;
   // Methods
   this.$Log = function (msg, important) {
       var console = window.console || {};
       var debug = this.$DebugMode;
       if (debug && console.log) {
       } else if (debug && important) {
   this.$Error = function (msg, e) {
       var console = window.console || {};
       var debug = this.$DebugMode;
       if (debug && console.error) {
       } else if (debug) {
       if (debug) {
           // since we're debugging, fail fast by crashing
           throw e || new Error(msg);
   this.$Fail = function (msg) {
       throw new Error(msg);
   this.$Assert = function (value, msg) {
       var debug = this.$DebugMode;
       if (debug) {
           if (!value)
               throw new Error("Assert failed " + msg || "");
   this.$Trace = function (msg) {
       var console = window.console || {};
       var debug = this.$DebugMode;
       if (debug && console.log) {
   this.$Execute = function (func) {
       var debug = this.$DebugMode;
       if (debug)
   this.$LiveStamp = function (obj, id) {
       var debug = this.$DebugMode;
       if (debug) {
           var stamp = document.createElement("DIV");
           stamp.setAttribute("id", id);
           obj.$Live = stamp;
   this.$C_AbstractProperty = function () {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Tells compiler the property is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass.
       ///	</summary>
       throw new Error("The property is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass.");
   this.$C_AbstractMethod = function () {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Tells compiler the method is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass.
       ///	</summary>
       throw new Error("The method is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass.");
   function C_AbstractClass(instance) {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Tells compiler the class is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass.
       ///	</summary>
       if (instance.constructor === C_AbstractClass.caller)
           throw new Error("Cannot create instance of an abstract class.");
   this.$C_AbstractClass = C_AbstractClass;


//$JssorEasing$ var $JssorEasing$ = window.$JssorEasing$ = {

   $EaseSwing: function (t) {
       return -Math.cos(t * Math.PI) / 2 + .5;
   $EaseLinear: function (t) {
       return t;
   $EaseInQuad: function (t) {
       return t * t;
   $EaseOutQuad: function (t) {
       return -t * (t - 2);
   $EaseInOutQuad: function (t) {
       return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t : -1 / 2 * (--t * (t - 2) - 1);
   $EaseInCubic: function (t) {
       return t * t * t;
   $EaseOutCubic: function (t) {
       return (t -= 1) * t * t + 1;
   $EaseInOutCubic: function (t) {
       return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * t : 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2);
   $EaseInQuart: function (t) {
       return t * t * t * t;
   $EaseOutQuart: function (t) {
       return -((t -= 1) * t * t * t - 1);
   $EaseInOutQuart: function (t) {
       return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * t * t : -1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2);
   $EaseInQuint: function (t) {
       return t * t * t * t * t;
   $EaseOutQuint: function (t) {
       return (t -= 1) * t * t * t * t + 1;
   $EaseInOutQuint: function (t) {
       return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * t * t * t : 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2);
   $EaseInSine: function (t) {
       return 1 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI / 2);
   $EaseOutSine: function (t) {
       return Math.sin(t * Math.PI / 2);
   $EaseInOutSine: function (t) {
       return -1 / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t) - 1);
   $EaseInExpo: function (t) {
       return t == 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1));
   $EaseOutExpo: function (t) {
       return t == 1 ? 1 : -Math.pow(2, -10 * t) + 1;
   $EaseInOutExpo: function (t) {
       return t == 0 || t == 1 ? t : (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) : 1 / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2);
   $EaseInCirc: function (t) {
       return -(Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1);
   $EaseOutCirc: function (t) {
       return Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 1) * t);
   $EaseInOutCirc: function (t) {
       return (t *= 2) < 1 ? -1 / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) : 1 / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1);
   $EaseInElastic: function (t) {
       if (!t || t == 1)
           return t;
       var p = .3, s = .075;
       return -(Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - s) * 2 * Math.PI / p));
   $EaseOutElastic: function (t) {
       if (!t || t == 1)
           return t;
       var p = .3, s = .075;
       return Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t - s) * 2 * Math.PI / p) + 1;
   $EaseInOutElastic: function (t) {
       if (!t || t == 1)
           return t;
       var p = .45, s = .1125;
       return (t *= 2) < 1 ? -.5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - s) * 2 * Math.PI / p) : Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - s) * 2 * Math.PI / p) * .5 + 1;
   $EaseInBack: function (t) {
       var s = 1.70158;
       return t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s);
   $EaseOutBack: function (t) {
       var s = 1.70158;
       return (t -= 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1;
   $EaseInOutBack: function (t) {
       var s = 1.70158;
       return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t - s) : 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t + s) + 2);
   $EaseInBounce: function (t) {
       return 1 - $JssorEasing$.$EaseOutBounce(1 - t)
   $EaseOutBounce: function (t) {
       return t < 1 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * t * t : t < 2 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75 : t < 2.5 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375 : 7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375;
   $EaseInOutBounce: function (t) {
       return t < 1 / 2 ? $JssorEasing$.$EaseInBounce(t * 2) * .5 : $JssorEasing$.$EaseOutBounce(t * 2 - 1) * .5 + .5;
   $EaseGoBack: function (t) {
       return 1 - Math.abs((t *= 2) - 1);
   $EaseInWave: function (t) {
       return 1 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI * 2)
   $EaseOutWave: function (t) {
       return Math.sin(t * Math.PI * 2);
   $EaseOutJump: function (t) {
       return 1 - (((t *= 2) < 1) ? (t = 1 - t) * t * t : (t -= 1) * t * t);
   $EaseInJump: function (t) {
       return ((t *= 2) < 1) ? t * t * t : (t = 2 - t) * t * t;


var $JssorDirection$ = window.$JssorDirection$ = {

   $TO_LEFT: 0x0001,
   $TO_RIGHT: 0x0002,
   $TO_TOP: 0x0004,
   $TO_BOTTOM: 0x0008,
   $HORIZONTAL: 0x0003,
   $VERTICAL: 0x000C,
   //$LEFTRIGHT: 0x0003,
   //$TOPBOTOM: 0x000C,
   //$TOPLEFT: 0x0005,
   //$TOPRIGHT: 0x0006,
   //$BOTTOMLEFT: 0x0009,
   //$BOTTOMRIGHT: 0x000A,
   //$AROUND: 0x000F,
   $GetDirectionHorizontal: function (direction) {
       return direction & 0x0003;
   $GetDirectionVertical: function (direction) {
       return direction & 0x000C;
   //$ChessHorizontal: function (direction) {
   //    return (~direction & 0x0003) + (direction & 0x000C);
   //$ChessVertical: function (direction) {
   //    return (~direction & 0x000C) + (direction & 0x0003);
   //$IsToLeft: function (direction) {
   //    return (direction & 0x0003) == 0x0001;
   //$IsToRight: function (direction) {
   //    return (direction & 0x0003) == 0x0002;
   //$IsToTop: function (direction) {
   //    return (direction & 0x000C) == 0x0004;
   //$IsToBottom: function (direction) {
   //    return (direction & 0x000C) == 0x0008;
   $IsHorizontal: function (direction) {
       return direction & 0x0003;
   $IsVertical: function (direction) {
       return direction & 0x000C;


var $JssorKeyCode$ = {

   $COMMA: 188,
   $DELETE: 46,
   $DOWN: 40,
   $END: 35,
   $ENTER: 13,
   $ESCAPE: 27,
   $HOME: 36,
   $LEFT: 37,
   $NUMPAD_ADD: 107,
   $NUMPAD_ENTER: 108,
   $PAGE_DOWN: 34,
   $PAGE_UP: 33,
   $PERIOD: 190,
   $RIGHT: 39,
   $SPACE: 32,
   $TAB: 9,
   $UP: 38


// $Jssor$ is a static class, so make it singleton instance var $Jssor$ = window.$Jssor$ = new function () {

   var _This = this;
   //#region Constants
   var ROWSER_OTHER = -1;
   var ROWSER_UNKNOWN = 0;
   var BROWSER_IE = 1;
   var BROWSER_SAFARI = 3;
   var BROWSER_CHROME = 4;
   var BROWSER_OPERA = 5;
   //var arrActiveX = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Msxml3.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"];
   //#region Variables
   var _Device;
   var _Browser = 0;
   var _BrowserRuntimeVersion = 0;
   var _BrowserEngineVersion = 0;
   var _BrowserJavascriptVersion = 0;
   var _WebkitVersion = 0;
   var _Navigator = navigator;
   var _AppName = _Navigator.appName;
   var _AppVersion = _Navigator.appVersion;
   var _UserAgent = _Navigator.userAgent;
   var _DocElmt = document.documentElement;
   var _TransformProperty;
   function Device() {
       if (!_Device) {
           _Device = { $Touchable: "ontouchstart" in window || "createTouch" in document };
           var msPrefix;
           if ((_Navigator.pointerEnabled || (msPrefix = _Navigator.msPointerEnabled))) {
               _Device.$TouchActionAttr = msPrefix ? "msTouchAction" : "touchAction";
       return _Device;
   function DetectBrowser(browser) {
       if (!_Browser) {
           _Browser = -1;
           if (_AppName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" &&
               !!window.attachEvent && !!window.ActiveXObject) {
               var ieOffset = _UserAgent.indexOf("MSIE");
               _Browser = BROWSER_IE;
               _BrowserEngineVersion = ParseFloat(_UserAgent.substring(ieOffset + 5, _UserAgent.indexOf(";", ieOffset)));
               //check IE javascript version
               _BrowserJavascriptVersion = @_jscript_version;
               // update: for intranet sites and compat view list sites, IE sends
               // an IE7 User-Agent to the server to be interoperable, and even if
               // the page requests a later IE version, IE will still report the
               // IE7 UA to JS. we should be robust to self
               //var docMode = document.documentMode;
               //if (typeof docMode !== "undefined") {
               //    _BrowserRuntimeVersion = docMode;
               _BrowserRuntimeVersion = document.documentMode || _BrowserEngineVersion;
           else if (_AppName == "Netscape" && !!window.addEventListener) {
               var ffOffset = _UserAgent.indexOf("Firefox");
               var saOffset = _UserAgent.indexOf("Safari");
               var chOffset = _UserAgent.indexOf("Chrome");
               var webkitOffset = _UserAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit");
               if (ffOffset >= 0) {
                   _Browser = BROWSER_FIREFOX;
                   _BrowserRuntimeVersion = ParseFloat(_UserAgent.substring(ffOffset + 8));
               else if (saOffset >= 0) {
                   var slash = _UserAgent.substring(0, saOffset).lastIndexOf("/");
                   _Browser = (chOffset >= 0) ? BROWSER_CHROME : BROWSER_SAFARI;
                   _BrowserRuntimeVersion = ParseFloat(_UserAgent.substring(slash + 1, saOffset));
               else {
                   //(/Trident.*rv[ :]*11\./i
                   var match = /Trident\/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/i.exec(_UserAgent);
                   if (match) {
                       _Browser = BROWSER_IE;
                       _BrowserRuntimeVersion = _BrowserEngineVersion = ParseFloat(match[1]);
               if (webkitOffset >= 0)
                   _WebkitVersion = ParseFloat(_UserAgent.substring(webkitOffset + 12));
           else {
               var match = /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/i.exec(_UserAgent);
               if (match) {
                   _Browser = BROWSER_OPERA;
                   _BrowserRuntimeVersion = ParseFloat(match[2]);
       return browser == _Browser;
   function IsBrowserIE() {
       return DetectBrowser(BROWSER_IE);
   function IsBrowserIeQuirks() {
       return IsBrowserIE() && (_BrowserRuntimeVersion < 6 || document.compatMode == "BackCompat");   //Composite to "CSS1Compat"
   function IsBrowserFireFox() {
       return DetectBrowser(BROWSER_FIREFOX);
   function IsBrowserSafari() {
       return DetectBrowser(BROWSER_SAFARI);
   function IsBrowserChrome() {
       return DetectBrowser(BROWSER_CHROME);
   function IsBrowserOpera() {
       return DetectBrowser(BROWSER_OPERA);
   function IsBrowserBadTransform() {
       return IsBrowserSafari() && (_WebkitVersion > 534) && (_WebkitVersion < 535);
   function IsBrowserIe9Earlier() {
       return IsBrowserIE() && _BrowserRuntimeVersion < 9;
   function GetTransformProperty(elmt) {
       if (!_TransformProperty) {
           // Note that in some versions of IE9 it is critical that
           // msTransform appear in this list before MozTransform
           Each(['transform', 'WebkitTransform', 'msTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform'], function (property) {
               if (elmt.style[property] != undefined) {
                   _TransformProperty = property;
                   return true;
           _TransformProperty = _TransformProperty || "transform";
       return _TransformProperty;
   // Helpers
   function getOffsetParent(elmt, isFixed) {
       // IE and Opera "fixed" position elements don't have offset parents.
       // regardless, if it's fixed, its offset parent is the body.
       if (isFixed && elmt != document.body) {
           return document.body;
       } else {
           return elmt.offsetParent;
   function toString(obj) {
       return {}.toString.call(obj);
   // Class -> type pairs
   var _Class2type;
   function GetClass2Type() {
       if (!_Class2type) {
           _Class2type = {};
           Each(["Boolean", "Number", "String", "Function", "Array", "Date", "RegExp", "Object"], function (name) {
               _Class2type["[object " + name + "]"] = name.toLowerCase();
       return _Class2type;
   function Each(obj, callback) {
       if (toString(obj) == "[object Array]") {
           for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
               if (callback(obj[i], i, obj)) {
                   return true;
       else {
           for (var name in obj) {
               if (callback(obj[name], name, obj)) {
                   return true;
   function Type(obj) {
       return obj == null ? String(obj) : GetClass2Type()[toString(obj)] || "object";
   function IsNotEmpty(obj) {
       for(var name in obj)
           return true;
   function IsPlainObject(obj) {
       // Not plain objects:
       // - Any object or value whose internal Class property is not "[object Object]"
       // - DOM nodes
       // - window
       try {
           return Type(obj) == "object"
               && !obj.nodeType
               && obj != obj.window
               && (!obj.constructor || { }.hasOwnProperty.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf"));
       catch (e) { }
   function Point(x, y) {
       return { x: x, y: y };
   function Delay(code, delay) {
       setTimeout(code, delay || 0);
   function RemoveByReg(str, reg) {
       var m = reg.exec(str);
       if (m) {
           var header = str.substr(0, m.index);
           var tailer = str.substr(m.lastIndex + 1, str.length - (m.lastIndex + 1));
           str = header + tailer;
       return str;
   function BuildNewCss(oldCss, removeRegs, replaceValue) {
       var css = (!oldCss || oldCss == "inherit") ? "" : oldCss;
       Each(removeRegs, function (removeReg) {
           var m = removeReg.exec(css);
           if (m) {
               var header = css.substr(0, m.index);
               var tailer = css.substr(m.lastIndex + 1, css.length - (m.lastIndex + 1));
               css = header + tailer;
       css = replaceValue + (css.indexOf(" ") != 0 ? " " : "") + css;
       return css;
   function SetStyleFilterIE(elmt, value) {
       if (_BrowserRuntimeVersion < 9) {
           elmt.style.filter = value;
   function SetStyleMatrixIE(elmt, matrix, offset) {
       //matrix is not for ie9+ running in ie8- mode
       if (_BrowserJavascriptVersion < 9) {
           var oldFilterValue = elmt.style.filter;
           var matrixReg = new RegExp(/[\s]*progid:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.Matrix\([^\)]*\)/g);
           var matrixValue = matrix ? "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(" + "M11=" + matrix[0][0] + ", M12=" + matrix[0][1] + ", M21=" + matrix[1][0] + ", M22=" + matrix[1][1] + ", SizingMethod='auto expand')" : "";
           var newFilterValue = BuildNewCss(oldFilterValue, [matrixReg], matrixValue);
           SetStyleFilterIE(elmt, newFilterValue);
           _This.$CssMarginTop(elmt, offset.y);
           _This.$CssMarginLeft(elmt, offset.x);
   // Methods
   _This.$Device = Device;
   _This.$IsBrowserIE = IsBrowserIE;
   _This.$IsBrowserIeQuirks = IsBrowserIeQuirks;
   _This.$IsBrowserFireFox = IsBrowserFireFox;
   _This.$IsBrowserSafari = IsBrowserSafari;
   _This.$IsBrowserChrome = IsBrowserChrome;
   _This.$IsBrowserOpera = IsBrowserOpera;
   _This.$IsBrowserBadTransform = IsBrowserBadTransform;
   _This.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier = IsBrowserIe9Earlier;
   _This.$BrowserVersion = function () {
       return _BrowserRuntimeVersion;
   _This.$BrowserEngineVersion = function () {
       return _BrowserEngineVersion || _BrowserRuntimeVersion;
   _This.$WebKitVersion = function () {
       return _WebkitVersion;
   _This.$Delay = Delay;
   _This.$Inherit = function (instance, baseClass) {
       return Extend({}, instance);
   function Construct(instance) {
       instance.constructor === Construct.caller && instance.$Construct && instance.$Construct.apply(instance, Construct.caller.arguments);
   _This.$Construct = Construct;
   _This.$GetElement = function (elmt) {
       if (_This.$IsString(elmt)) {
           elmt = document.getElementById(elmt);
       return elmt;
   function GetEvent(event) {
       return event || window.event;
   _This.$GetEvent = GetEvent;
   _This.$EvtSrc = function (event) {
       event = GetEvent(event);
       return event.target || event.srcElement || document;
   _This.$EvtTarget = function (event) {
       event = GetEvent(event);
       return event.relatedTarget || event.toElement;
   _This.$EvtWhich = function (event) {
       event = GetEvent(event);
       return event.which || [0, 1, 3, 0, 2][event.button] || event.charCode || event.keyCode;
   _This.$MousePosition = function (event) {
       event = GetEvent(event);
       //var body = document.body;
       return {
           x: event.pageX || event.clientX/* + (_DocElmt.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft || 0) - (_DocElmt.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0)*/ || 0,
           y: event.pageY || event.clientY/* + (_DocElmt.scrollTop || body.scrollTop || 0) - (_DocElmt.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0)*/ || 0
   _This.$PageScroll = function () {
       var body = document.body;
       return {
           x: (window.pageXOffset || _DocElmt.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft || 0) - (_DocElmt.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0),
           y: (window.pageYOffset || _DocElmt.scrollTop || body.scrollTop || 0) - (_DocElmt.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0)
   _This.$WindowSize = function () {
       var body = document.body;
       return {
           x: body.clientWidth || _DocElmt.clientWidth,
           y: body.clientHeight || _DocElmt.clientHeight
   //_This.$GetElementPosition = function (elmt) {
   //    elmt = _This.$GetElement(elmt);
   //    var result = Point();
   //    // technique from:
   //    // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html
   //    // with special check for "fixed" elements.
   //    while (elmt) {
   //        result.x += elmt.offsetLeft;
   //        result.y += elmt.offsetTop;
   //        var isFixed = _This.$GetElementStyle(elmt).position == "fixed";
   //        if (isFixed) {
   //            result = result.$Plus(_This.$PageScroll(window));
   //        }
   //        elmt = getOffsetParent(elmt, isFixed);
   //    }
   //    return result;
   //_This.$GetMouseScroll = function (event) {
   //    event = GetEvent(event);
   //    var delta = 0; // default value
   //    // technique from:
   //    // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/10/31/javascript-tutorial-the-scroll-wheel/
   //    if (typeof (event.wheelDelta) == "number") {
   //        delta = event.wheelDelta;
   //    } else if (typeof (event.detail) == "number") {
   //        delta = event.detail * -1;
   //    } else {
   //        $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Unknown event mouse scroll, no known technique.");
   //    }
   //    // normalize value to [-1, 1]
   //    return delta ? delta / Math.abs(delta) : 0;
   //_This.$MakeAjaxRequest = function (url, callback) {
   //    var async = typeof (callback) == "function";
   //    var req = null;
   //    if (async) {
   //        var actual = callback;
   //        var callback = function () {
   //            Delay($Jssor$.$CreateCallback(null, actual, req), 1);
   //        };
   //    }
   //    if (window.ActiveXObject) {
   //        for (var i = 0; i < arrActiveX.length; i++) {
   //            try {
   //                req = new ActiveXObject(arrActiveX[i]);
   //                break;
   //            } catch (e) {
   //                continue;
   //            }
   //        }
   //    } else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
   //        req = new XMLHttpRequest();
   //    }
   //    if (!req) {
   //        $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Browser doesn't support XMLHttpRequest.");
   //    }
   //    if (async) {
   //        req.onreadystatechange = function () {
   //            if (req.readyState == 4) {
   //                // prevent memory leaks by breaking circular reference now
   //                req.onreadystatechange = new Function();
   //                callback();
   //            }
   //        };
   //    }
   //    try {
   //        req.open("GET", url, async);
   //        req.send(null);
   //    } catch (e) {
   //        $JssorDebug$.$Log(e.name + " while making AJAX request: " + e.message);
   //        req.onreadystatechange = null;
   //        req = null;
   //        if (async) {
   //            callback();
   //        }
   //    }
   //    return async ? null : req;
   //_This.$ParseXml = function (string) {
   //    var xmlDoc = null;
   //    if (window.ActiveXObject) {
   //        try {
   //            xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
   //            xmlDoc.async = false;
   //            xmlDoc.loadXML(string);
   //        } catch (e) {
   //            $JssorDebug$.$Log(e.name + " while parsing XML (ActiveX): " + e.message);
   //        }
   //    } else if (window.DOMParser) {
   //        try {
   //            var parser = new DOMParser();
   //            xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(string, "text/xml");
   //        } catch (e) {
   //            $JssorDebug$.$Log(e.name + " while parsing XML (DOMParser): " + e.message);
   //        }
   //    } else {
   //        $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Browser doesn't support XML DOM.");
   //    }
   //    return xmlDoc;
   function Css(elmt, name, value) {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		access css
       ///     $Jssor$.$Css(elmt, name);         //get css value
       ///     $Jssor$.$Css(elmt, name, value);  //set css value
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<param name="elmt" type="HTMLElement">
       ///		the element to access css
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="name" type="String">
       ///		the name of css property
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="value" optional="true">
       ///		the value to set
       ///	</param>
       if (value != undefined) {
           elmt.style[name] = value;
       else {
           var style = elmt.currentStyle || elmt.style;
           value = style[name];
           if (value == "" && window.getComputedStyle) {
               style = elmt.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elmt, null);
               style && (value = style.getPropertyValue(name) || style[name]);
           return value;
   function CssN(elmt, name, value, isDimensional) {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		access css as numeric
       ///     $Jssor$.$CssN(elmt, name);         //get css value
       ///     $Jssor$.$CssN(elmt, name, value);  //set css value
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<param name="elmt" type="HTMLElement">
       ///		the element to access css
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="name" type="String">
       ///		the name of css property
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="value" type="Number" optional="true">
       ///		the value to set
       ///	</param>
       if (value != undefined) {
           isDimensional && (value += "px");
           Css(elmt, name, value);
       else {
           return ParseFloat(Css(elmt, name));
   function CssP(elmt, name, value) {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		access css in pixel as numeric, like 'top', 'left', 'width', 'height'
       ///     $Jssor$.$CssP(elmt, name);         //get css value
       ///     $Jssor$.$CssP(elmt, name, value);  //set css value
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<param name="elmt" type="HTMLElement">
       ///		the element to access css
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="name" type="String">
       ///		the name of css property
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="value" type="Number" optional="true">
       ///		the value to set
       ///	</param>
       return CssN(elmt, name, value, true);
   function CssProxy(name, numericOrDimension) {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		create proxy to access css, CssProxy(name[, numericOrDimension]);
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<param name="elmt" type="HTMLElement">
       ///		the element to access css
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="numericOrDimension" type="Number" optional="true">
       ///		not set: access original css, 1: access css as numeric, 2: access css in pixel as numeric
       ///	</param>
       var isDimensional = numericOrDimension & 2;
       var cssAccessor = numericOrDimension ? CssN : Css;
       return function (elmt, value) {
           return cssAccessor(elmt, name, value, isDimensional);
   function GetStyleOpacity(elmt) {
       if (IsBrowserIE() && _BrowserEngineVersion < 9) {
           var match = /opacity=([^)]*)/.exec(elmt.style.filter || "");
           return match ? (ParseFloat(match[1]) / 100) : 1;
           return ParseFloat(elmt.style.opacity || "1");
   function SetStyleOpacity(elmt, opacity, ie9EarlierForce) {
       if (IsBrowserIE() && _BrowserEngineVersion < 9) {
           //var filterName = "filter"; // _BrowserEngineVersion < 8 ? "filter" : "-ms-filter";
           var finalFilter = elmt.style.filter || "";
           // for CSS filter browsers (IE), remove alpha filter if it's unnecessary.
           // update: doing _This always since IE9 beta seems to have broken the
           // behavior if we rely on the programmatic filters collection.
           var alphaReg = new RegExp(/[\s]*alpha\([^\)]*\)/g);
           // important: note the lazy star! _This protects against
           // multiple filters; we don't want to delete the other ones.
           // update: also trimming extra whitespace around filter.
           var ieOpacity = Math.round(100 * opacity);
           var alphaFilter = "";
           if (ieOpacity < 100 || ie9EarlierForce) {
               alphaFilter = "alpha(opacity=" + ieOpacity + ") ";
           var newFilterValue = BuildNewCss(finalFilter, [alphaReg], alphaFilter);
           SetStyleFilterIE(elmt, newFilterValue);
       else {
           elmt.style.opacity = opacity == 1 ? "" : Math.round(opacity * 100) / 100;
   function SetStyleTransformInternal(elmt, transform) {
       var rotate = transform.$Rotate || 0;
       var scale = transform.$Scale == undefined ? 1 : transform.$Scale;
       if (IsBrowserIe9Earlier()) {
           var matrix = _This.$CreateMatrix(rotate / 180 * Math.PI, scale, scale);
           SetStyleMatrixIE(elmt, (!rotate && scale == 1) ? null : matrix, _This.$GetMatrixOffset(matrix, transform.$OriginalWidth, transform.$OriginalHeight));
       else {
           //rotate(15deg) scale(.5) translateZ(0)
           var transformProperty = GetTransformProperty(elmt);
           if (transformProperty) {
               var transformValue = "rotate(" + rotate % 360 + "deg) scale(" + scale + ")";
               //needed for touch device, no need for desktop device
               if (IsBrowserChrome() && _WebkitVersion > 535 && "ontouchstart" in window)
                   transformValue += " perspective(2000px)";
               elmt.style[transformProperty] = transformValue;
   _This.$SetStyleTransform = function (elmt, transform) {
       if (IsBrowserBadTransform()) {
           Delay(_This.$CreateCallback(null, SetStyleTransformInternal, elmt, transform));
       else {
           SetStyleTransformInternal(elmt, transform);
   _This.$SetStyleTransformOrigin = function (elmt, transformOrigin) {
       var transformProperty = GetTransformProperty(elmt);
       if (transformProperty)
           elmt.style[transformProperty + "Origin"] = transformOrigin;
   _This.$CssScale = function (elmt, scale) {
       if (IsBrowserIE() && _BrowserEngineVersion < 9 || (_BrowserEngineVersion < 10 && IsBrowserIeQuirks())) {
           elmt.style.zoom = (scale == 1) ? "" : scale;
       else {
           var transformProperty = GetTransformProperty(elmt);
           if (transformProperty) {
               //rotate(15deg) scale(.5)
               var transformValue = "scale(" + scale + ")";
               var oldTransformValue = elmt.style[transformProperty];
               var scaleReg = new RegExp(/[\s]*scale\(.*?\)/g);
               var newTransformValue = BuildNewCss(oldTransformValue, [scaleReg], transformValue);
               elmt.style[transformProperty] = newTransformValue;
   _This.$EnableHWA = function (elmt) {
       if (!elmt.style[GetTransformProperty(elmt)] || elmt.style[GetTransformProperty(elmt)] == "none")
           elmt.style[GetTransformProperty(elmt)] = "perspective(2000px)";
   _This.$DisableHWA = function (elmt) {
       elmt.style[GetTransformProperty(elmt)] = "none";
   var ie8OffsetWidth = 0;
   var ie8OffsetHeight = 0;
   _This.$WindowResizeFilter = function (window, handler) {
       return IsBrowserIe9Earlier() ? function () {
           var trigger = true;
           var checkElement = (IsBrowserIeQuirks() ? window.document.body : window.document.documentElement);
           if (checkElement) {
               var widthChange = checkElement.offsetWidth - ie8OffsetWidth;
               var heightChange = checkElement.offsetHeight - ie8OffsetHeight;
               if (widthChange || heightChange) {
                   ie8OffsetWidth += widthChange;
                   ie8OffsetHeight += heightChange;
                   trigger = false;
           trigger && handler();
       } : handler;
   _This.$MouseOverOutFilter = function (handler, target) {
       ///	<param name="target" type="HTMLDomElement">
       ///		The target element to detect mouse over/out events. (for ie < 9 compatibility)
       ///	</param>
       $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
           if (!target) {
               throw new Error("Null reference, parameter \"target\".");
       return function (event) {
           event = GetEvent(event);
           var eventName = event.type;
           var related = event.relatedTarget || (eventName == "mouseout" ? event.toElement : event.fromElement);
           if (!related || (related !== target && !_This.$IsChild(target, related))) {
   _This.$AddEvent = function (elmt, eventName, handler, useCapture) {
       elmt = _This.$GetElement(elmt);
       $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
           if (!elmt) {
               $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Parameter 'elmt' not specified.");
           if (!handler) {
               $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Parameter 'handler' not specified.");
           if (!elmt.addEventListener && !elmt.attachEvent) {
               $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Unable to attach event handler, no known technique.");
       // technique from:
       // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/
       if (elmt.addEventListener) {
           if (eventName == "mousewheel") {
               elmt.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", handler, useCapture);
           // we are still going to add the mousewheel -- not a mistake!
           // _This is for opera, since it uses onmousewheel but needs addEventListener.
           elmt.addEventListener(eventName, handler, useCapture);
       else if (elmt.attachEvent) {
           elmt.attachEvent("on" + eventName, handler);
           if (useCapture && elmt.setCapture) {
   _This.$RemoveEvent = function (elmt, eventName, handler, useCapture) {
       elmt = _This.$GetElement(elmt);
       // technique from:
       // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/
       if (elmt.removeEventListener) {
           if (eventName == "mousewheel") {
               elmt.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", handler, useCapture);
           // we are still going to remove the mousewheel -- not a mistake!
           // _This is for opera, since it uses onmousewheel but needs removeEventListener.
           elmt.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, useCapture);
       else if (elmt.detachEvent) {
           elmt.detachEvent("on" + eventName, handler);
           if (useCapture && elmt.releaseCapture) {
   _This.$FireEvent = function (elmt, eventName) {
       //var document = elmt.document;
       $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
           if (!document.createEvent && !document.createEventObject) {
               $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Unable to fire event, no known technique.");
           if (!elmt.dispatchEvent && !elmt.fireEvent) {
               $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Unable to fire event, no known technique.");
       var evento;
       if (document.createEvent) {
           evento = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
           evento.initEvent(eventName, false, false);
       else {
           var ieEventName = "on" + eventName;
           evento = document.createEventObject();
           elmt.fireEvent(ieEventName, evento);
   _This.$CancelEvent = function (event) {
       event = GetEvent(event);
       // technique from:
       // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/
       if (event.preventDefault) {
           event.preventDefault();     // W3C for preventing default
       event.cancel = true;            // legacy for preventing default
       event.returnValue = false;      // IE for preventing default
   _This.$StopEvent = function (event) {
       event = GetEvent(event);
       // technique from:
       // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/
       if (event.stopPropagation) {
           event.stopPropagation();    // W3C for stopping propagation
       event.cancelBubble = true;      // IE for stopping propagation
   _This.$CreateCallback = function (object, method) {
       // create callback args
       var initialArgs = [].slice.call(arguments, 2);
       // create closure to apply method
       var callback = function () {
           // concatenate new args, but make a copy of initialArgs first
           var args = initialArgs.concat([].slice.call(arguments, 0));
           return method.apply(object, args);
       //$JssorDebug$.$LiveStamp(callback, "callback_" + ($Jssor$.$GetNow() & 0xFFFFFF));
       return callback;
   _This.$InnerText = function (elmt, text) {
       if (text == undefined)
           return elmt.textContent || elmt.innerText;
       var textNode = document.createTextNode(text);
   _This.$InnerHtml = function (elmt, html) {
       if (html == undefined)
           return elmt.innerHTML;
       elmt.innerHTML = html;
   _This.$GetClientRect = function (elmt) {
       var rect = elmt.getBoundingClientRect();
       return { x: rect.left, y: rect.top, w: rect.right - rect.left, h: rect.bottom - rect.top };
   _This.$ClearInnerHtml = function (elmt) {
       elmt.innerHTML = "";
   _This.$EncodeHtml = function (text) {
       var div = _This.$CreateDiv();
       _This.$InnerText(div, text);
       return _This.$InnerHtml(div);
   _This.$DecodeHtml = function (html) {
       var div = _This.$CreateDiv();
       _This.$InnerHtml(div, html);
       return _This.$InnerText(div);
   _This.$SelectElement = function (elmt) {
       var userSelection;
       if (window.getSelection) {
           //W3C default
           userSelection = window.getSelection();
       var theRange = null;
       if (document.createRange) {
           theRange = document.createRange();
       else {
           theRange = document.body.createTextRange();
       //set user selection
       if (userSelection)
   _This.$DeselectElements = function () {
       if (document.selection) {
       } else if (window.getSelection) {
   _This.$Children = function (elmt, includeAll) {
       var children = [];
       for (var tmpEl = elmt.firstChild; tmpEl; tmpEl = tmpEl.nextSibling) {
           if (includeAll || tmpEl.nodeType == 1) {
       return children;
   function FindChild(elmt, attrValue, noDeep, attrName) {
       attrName = attrName || "u";
       for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstChild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextSibling) {
           if (elmt.nodeType == 1) {
               if (AttributeEx(elmt, attrName) == attrValue)
                   return elmt;
               if (!noDeep) {
                   var childRet = FindChild(elmt, attrValue, noDeep, attrName);
                   if (childRet)
                       return childRet;
   _This.$FindChild = FindChild;
   function FindChildren(elmt, attrValue, noDeep, attrName) {
       attrName = attrName || "u";
       var ret = [];
       for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstChild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextSibling) {
           if (elmt.nodeType == 1) {
               if (AttributeEx(elmt, attrName) == attrValue)
               if (!noDeep) {
                   var childRet = FindChildren(elmt, attrValue, noDeep, attrName);
                   if (childRet.length)
                       ret = ret.concat(childRet);
       return ret;
   _This.$FindChildren = FindChildren;
   function FindChildByTag(elmt, tagName, noDeep) {
       for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstChild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextSibling) {
           if (elmt.nodeType == 1) {
               if (elmt.tagName == tagName)
                   return elmt;
               if (!noDeep) {
                   var childRet = FindChildByTag(elmt, tagName, noDeep);
                   if (childRet)
                       return childRet;
   _This.$FindChildByTag = FindChildByTag;
   function FindChildrenByTag(elmt, tagName, noDeep) {
       var ret = [];
       for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstChild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextSibling) {
           if (elmt.nodeType == 1) {
               if (!tagName || elmt.tagName == tagName)
               if (!noDeep) {
                   var childRet = FindChildrenByTag(elmt, tagName, noDeep);
                   if (childRet.length)
                       ret = ret.concat(childRet);
       return ret;
   _This.$FindChildrenByTag = FindChildrenByTag;
   _This.$GetElementsByTag = function (elmt, tagName) {
       return elmt.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
   //function Extend() {
   //    var args = arguments;
   //    var target;
   //    var options;
   //    var propName;
   //    var propValue;
   //    var targetPropValue;
   //    var purpose = 7 & args[0];
   //    var deep = 1 & purpose;
   //    var unextend = 2 & purpose;
   //    var i = purpose ? 2 : 1;
   //    target = args[i - 1] || {};
   //    for (; i < args.length; i++) {
   //        // Only deal with non-null/undefined values
   //        if (options = args[i]) {
   //            // Extend the base object
   //            for (propName in options) {
   //                propValue = options[propName];
   //                if (propValue !== undefined) {
   //                    propValue = options[propName];
   //                    if (unextend) {
   //                        targetPropValue = target[propName];
   //                        if (propValue === targetPropValue)
   //                            delete target[propName];
   //                        else if (deep && IsPlainObject(targetPropValue)) {
   //                            Extend(purpose, targetPropValue, propValue);
   //                        }
   //                    }
   //                    else {
   //                        target[propName] = (deep && IsPlainObject(target[propName])) ? Extend(purpose | 4, {}, propValue) : propValue;
   //                    }
   //                }
   //            }
   //        }
   //    }
   //    // Return the modified object
   //    return target;
   //function Unextend() {
   //    var args = arguments;
   //    var newArgs = [].slice.call(arguments);
   //    var purpose = 1 & args[0];
   //    purpose && newArgs.shift();
   //    newArgs.unshift(purpose | 2);
   //    return Extend.apply(null, newArgs);
   function Extend() {
       var args = arguments;
       var target;
       var options;
       var propName;
       var propValue;
       var deep = 1 & args[0];
       var i = 1 + deep;
       target = args[i - 1] || {};
       for (; i < args.length; i++) {
           // Only deal with non-null/undefined values
           if (options = args[i]) {
               // Extend the base object
               for (propName in options) {
                   propValue = options[propName];
                   if (propValue !== undefined) {
                       propValue = options[propName];
                       target[propName] = (deep && IsPlainObject(target[propName])) ? Extend(deep, {}, propValue) : propValue;
       // Return the modified object
       return target;
   _This.$Extend = Extend;
   function Unextend(target, option) {
       var unextended = {};
       var name;
       var targetProp;
       var optionProp;
       // Extend the base object
       for (name in target) {
           targetProp = target[name];
           optionProp = option[name];
           if (targetProp !== optionProp) {
               var exclude;
               if (IsPlainObject(targetProp) && IsPlainObject(optionProp)) {
                   targetProp = Unextend(optionProp);
                   exclude = !IsNotEmpty(targetProp);
               !exclude && (unextended[name] = targetProp);
       // Return the modified object
       return unextended;
   _This.$Unextend = Unextend;
   _This.$IsFunction = function (obj) {
       return Type(obj) == "function";
   _This.$IsArray = function (obj) {
       return Type(obj) == "array";
   _This.$IsString = function (obj) {
       return Type(obj) == "string";
   _This.$IsNumeric = function (obj) {
       return !isNaN(ParseFloat(obj)) && isFinite(obj);
   _This.$Type = Type;
   // args is for internal usage only
   _This.$Each = Each;
   _This.$IsNotEmpty = IsNotEmpty;
   _This.$IsPlainObject = IsPlainObject;
   function CreateElement(tagName) {
       return document.createElement(tagName);
   _This.$CreateElement = CreateElement;
   _This.$CreateDiv = function () {
       return CreateElement("DIV");
   _This.$CreateSpan = function () {
       return CreateElement("SPAN");
   _This.$EmptyFunction = function () { };
   function Attribute(elmt, name, value) {
       if (value == undefined)
           return elmt.getAttribute(name);
       elmt.setAttribute(name, value);
   function AttributeEx(elmt, name) {
       return Attribute(elmt, name) || Attribute(elmt, "data-" + name);
   _This.$Attribute = Attribute;
   _This.$AttributeEx = AttributeEx;
   function ClassName(elmt, className) {
       if (className == undefined)
           return elmt.className;
       elmt.className = className;
   _This.$ClassName = ClassName;
   function ToHash(array) {
       var hash = {};
       Each(array, function (item) {
           hash[item] = item;
       return hash;
   function Split(str, separator) {
       return str.match(separator || REGEX_WHITESPACE_GLOBAL);
   function StringToHashObject(str, regExp) {
       return ToHash(Split(str || "", regExp));
   _This.$ToHash = ToHash;
   _This.$Split = Split;
   function Join(separator, strings) {
       ///	<param name="separator" type="String">
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="strings" type="Array" value="['1']">
       ///	</param>
       var joined = "";
       Each(strings, function (str) {
           joined && (joined += separator);
           joined += str;
       return joined;
   function ReplaceClass(elmt, oldClassName, newClassName) {
       ClassName(elmt, Join(" ", Extend(Unextend(StringToHashObject(ClassName(elmt)), StringToHashObject(oldClassName)), StringToHashObject(newClassName))));
   _This.$Join = Join;
   _This.$AddClass = function (elmt, className) {
       ReplaceClass(elmt, null, className);
   _This.$RemoveClass = ReplaceClass;
   _This.$ReplaceClass = ReplaceClass;
   _This.$ParentNode = function (elmt) {
       return elmt.parentNode;
   _This.$HideElement = function (elmt) {
       _This.$CssDisplay(elmt, "none");
   _This.$EnableElement = function (elmt, notEnable) {
       if (notEnable) {
           _This.$Attribute(elmt, "disabled", true);
       else {
           _This.$RemoveAttribute(elmt, "disabled");
   _This.$HideElements = function (elmts) {
       for (var i = 0; i < elmts.length; i++) {
   _This.$ShowElement = function (elmt, hide) {
       _This.$CssDisplay(elmt, hide ? "none" : "");
   _This.$ShowElements = function (elmts, hide) {
       for (var i = 0; i < elmts.length; i++) {
           _This.$ShowElement(elmts[i], hide);
   _This.$RemoveAttribute = function (elmt, attrbuteName) {
   _This.$CanClearClip = function () {
       return IsBrowserIE() && _BrowserRuntimeVersion < 10;
   _This.$SetStyleClip = function (elmt, clip) {
       if (clip) {
           elmt.style.clip = "rect(" + Math.round(clip.$Top) + "px " + Math.round(clip.$Right) + "px " + Math.round(clip.$Bottom) + "px " + Math.round(clip.$Left) + "px)";
       else {
           var cssText = elmt.style.cssText;
           var clipRegs = [
               new RegExp(/[\s]*clip: rect\(.*?\)[;]?/i),
               new RegExp(/[\s]*cliptop: .*?[;]?/i),
               new RegExp(/[\s]*clipright: .*?[;]?/i),
               new RegExp(/[\s]*clipbottom: .*?[;]?/i),
               new RegExp(/[\s]*clipleft: .*?[;]?/i)
           var newCssText = BuildNewCss(cssText, clipRegs, "");
           $Jssor$.$CssCssText(elmt, newCssText);
   _This.$GetNow = function () {
       return new Date().getTime();
   _This.$AppendChild = function (elmt, child) {
   _This.$AppendChildren = function (elmt, children) {
       Each(children, function (child) {
           _This.$AppendChild(elmt, child);
   _This.$InsertBefore = function (newNode, refNode, pNode) {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Insert a node before a reference node
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<param name="newNode" type="HTMLElement">
       ///		A new node to insert
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="refNode" type="HTMLElement">
       ///		The reference node to insert a new node before
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="pNode" type="HTMLElement" optional="true">
       ///		The parent node to insert node to
       ///	</param>
       (pNode || refNode.parentNode).insertBefore(newNode, refNode);
   _This.$InsertAfter = function (newNode, refNode, pNode) {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Insert a node after a reference node
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<param name="newNode" type="HTMLElement">
       ///		A new node to insert
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="refNode" type="HTMLElement">
       ///		The reference node to insert a new node after
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="pNode" type="HTMLElement" optional="true">
       ///		The parent node to insert node to
       ///	</param>
       _This.$InsertBefore(newNode, refNode.nextSibling, pNode || refNode.parentNode);
   _This.$InsertAdjacentHtml = function (elmt, where, html) {
       elmt.insertAdjacentHTML(where, html);
   _This.$RemoveElement = function (elmt, pNode) {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Remove element from parent node
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<param name="elmt" type="HTMLElement">
       ///		The element to remove
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="pNode" type="HTMLElement" optional="true">
       ///		The parent node to remove elment from
       ///	</param>
       (pNode || elmt.parentNode).removeChild(elmt);
   _This.$RemoveElements = function (elmts, pNode) {
       Each(elmts, function (elmt) {
           _This.$RemoveElement(elmt, pNode);
   _This.$Empty = function (elmt) {
       _This.$RemoveElements(_This.$Children(elmt, true), elmt);
   _This.$ParseInt = function (str, radix) {
       return parseInt(str, radix || 10);
   var ParseFloat = parseFloat;
   _This.$ParseFloat = ParseFloat;
   _This.$IsChild = function (elmtA, elmtB) {
       var body = document.body;
       while (elmtB && elmtA !== elmtB && body !== elmtB) {
           try {
               elmtB = elmtB.parentNode;
           } catch (e) {
               // Firefox sometimes fires events for XUL elements, which throws
               // a "permission denied" error. so this is not a child.
               return false;
       return elmtA === elmtB;
   function CloneNode(elmt, noDeep, keepId) {
       var clone = elmt.cloneNode(!noDeep);
       if (!keepId) {
           _This.$RemoveAttribute(clone, "id");
       return clone;
   _This.$CloneNode = CloneNode;
   _This.$LoadImage = function (src, callback) {
       var image = new Image();
       function LoadImageCompleteHandler(event, abort) {
           _This.$RemoveEvent(image, "load", LoadImageCompleteHandler);
           _This.$RemoveEvent(image, "abort", ErrorOrAbortHandler);
           _This.$RemoveEvent(image, "error", ErrorOrAbortHandler);
           if (callback)
               callback(image, abort);
       function ErrorOrAbortHandler(event) {
           LoadImageCompleteHandler(event, true);
       if (IsBrowserOpera() && _BrowserRuntimeVersion < 11.6 || !src) {
       else {
           _This.$AddEvent(image, "load", LoadImageCompleteHandler);
           _This.$AddEvent(image, "abort", ErrorOrAbortHandler);
           _This.$AddEvent(image, "error", ErrorOrAbortHandler);
           image.src = src;
   _This.$LoadImages = function (imageElmts, mainImageElmt, callback) {
       var _ImageLoading = imageElmts.length + 1;
       function LoadImageCompleteEventHandler(image, abort) {
           if (mainImageElmt && image && image.src == mainImageElmt.src)
               mainImageElmt = image;
           !_ImageLoading && callback && callback(mainImageElmt);
       Each(imageElmts, function (imageElmt) {
           _This.$LoadImage(imageElmt.src, LoadImageCompleteEventHandler);
   _This.$BuildElement = function (template, tagName, replacer, createCopy) {
       if (createCopy)
           template = CloneNode(template);
       var templateHolders = FindChildren(template, tagName);
       if (!templateHolders.length)
           templateHolders = $Jssor$.$GetElementsByTag(template, tagName);
       for (var j = templateHolders.length - 1; j > -1; j--) {
           var templateHolder = templateHolders[j];
           var replaceItem = CloneNode(replacer);
           ClassName(replaceItem, ClassName(templateHolder));
           $Jssor$.$CssCssText(replaceItem, templateHolder.style.cssText);
           $Jssor$.$InsertBefore(replaceItem, templateHolder);
       return template;
   function JssorButtonEx(elmt) {
       var _Self = this;
       var _OriginClassName = "";
       var _ToggleClassSuffixes = ["av", "pv", "ds", "dn"];
       var _ToggleClasses = [];
       var _ToggleClassName;
       var _IsMouseDown = 0;   //class name 'dn'
       var _IsSelected = 0;    //class name 1(active): 'av', 2(passive): 'pv'
       var _IsDisabled = 0;    //class name 'ds'
       function Highlight() {
           ReplaceClass(elmt, _ToggleClassName, _ToggleClasses[_IsDisabled || _IsMouseDown || (_IsSelected & 2) || _IsSelected]);
           $Jssor$.$Css(elmt, "pointer-events", _IsDisabled ? "none" : "");
       function MouseUpOrCancelEventHandler(event) {
           _IsMouseDown = 0;
           _This.$RemoveEvent(document, "mouseup", MouseUpOrCancelEventHandler);
           _This.$RemoveEvent(document, "touchend", MouseUpOrCancelEventHandler);
           _This.$RemoveEvent(document, "touchcancel", MouseUpOrCancelEventHandler);
       function MouseDownEventHandler(event) {
           if (_IsDisabled) {
           else {
               _IsMouseDown = 4;
               _This.$AddEvent(document, "mouseup", MouseUpOrCancelEventHandler);
               _This.$AddEvent(document, "touchend", MouseUpOrCancelEventHandler);
               _This.$AddEvent(document, "touchcancel", MouseUpOrCancelEventHandler);
       _Self.$Selected = function (activate) {
           if (activate != undefined) {
               _IsSelected = (activate & 2) || (activate & 1);
           else {
               return _IsSelected;
       _Self.$Enable = function (enable) {
           if (enable == undefined) {
               return !_IsDisabled;
           _IsDisabled = enable ? 0 : 3;
       //JssorButtonEx Constructor
           elmt = _This.$GetElement(elmt);
           var originalClassNameArray = $Jssor$.$Split(ClassName(elmt));
           if (originalClassNameArray)
               _OriginClassName = originalClassNameArray.shift();
           Each(_ToggleClassSuffixes, function (toggleClassSuffix) {
               _ToggleClasses.push(_OriginClassName +toggleClassSuffix);
           _ToggleClassName = Join(" ", _ToggleClasses);
           _This.$AddEvent(elmt, "mousedown", MouseDownEventHandler);
           _This.$AddEvent(elmt, "touchstart", MouseDownEventHandler);
   _This.$Buttonize = function (elmt) {
       return new JssorButtonEx(elmt);
   _This.$Css = Css;
   _This.$CssN = CssN;
   _This.$CssP = CssP;
   _This.$CssOverflow = CssProxy("overflow");
   _This.$CssTop = CssProxy("top", 2);
   _This.$CssLeft = CssProxy("left", 2);
   _This.$CssWidth = CssProxy("width", 2);
   _This.$CssHeight = CssProxy("height", 2);
   _This.$CssMarginLeft = CssProxy("marginLeft", 2);
   _This.$CssMarginTop = CssProxy("marginTop", 2);
   _This.$CssPosition = CssProxy("position");
   _This.$CssDisplay = CssProxy("display");
   _This.$CssZIndex = CssProxy("zIndex", 1);
   _This.$CssFloat = function (elmt, floatValue) {
       return Css(elmt, IsBrowserIE() ? "styleFloat" : "cssFloat", floatValue);
   _This.$CssOpacity = function (elmt, opacity, ie9EarlierForce) {
       if (opacity != undefined) {
           SetStyleOpacity(elmt, opacity, ie9EarlierForce);
       else {
           return GetStyleOpacity(elmt);
   _This.$CssCssText = function (elmt, text) {
       if (text != undefined) {
           elmt.style.cssText = text;
       else {
           return elmt.style.cssText;
   var _StyleGetter = {
       $Opacity: _This.$CssOpacity,
       $Top: _This.$CssTop,
       $Left: _This.$CssLeft,
       $Width: _This.$CssWidth,
       $Height: _This.$CssHeight,
       $Position: _This.$CssPosition,
       $Display: _This.$CssDisplay,
       $ZIndex: _This.$CssZIndex
   var _StyleSetterReserved;
   function StyleSetter() {
       if (!_StyleSetterReserved) {
           _StyleSetterReserved = Extend({
               $MarginTop: _This.$CssMarginTop,
               $MarginLeft: _This.$CssMarginLeft,
               $Clip: _This.$SetStyleClip,
               $Transform: _This.$SetStyleTransform
           }, _StyleGetter);
       return _StyleSetterReserved;
   function StyleSetterEx() {
       //For Compression Only
       _StyleSetterReserved.$Transform = _StyleSetterReserved.$Transform;
       return _StyleSetterReserved;
   _This.$StyleSetter = StyleSetter;
   _This.$StyleSetterEx = StyleSetterEx;
   _This.$GetStyles = function (elmt, originStyles) {
       var styles = {};
       Each(originStyles, function (value, key) {
           if (_StyleGetter[key]) {
               styles[key] = _StyleGetter[key](elmt);
       return styles;
   _This.$SetStyles = function (elmt, styles) {
       var styleSetter = StyleSetter();
       Each(styles, function (value, key) {
           styleSetter[key] && styleSetter[key](elmt, value);
   _This.$SetStylesEx = function (elmt, styles) {
       _This.$SetStyles(elmt, styles);
   var $JssorMatrix$ = new function () {
       var _ThisMatrix = this;
       function Multiply(ma, mb) {
           var acs = ma[0].length;
           var rows = ma.length;
           var cols = mb[0].length;
           var matrix = [];
           for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
               var row = matrix[r] = [];
               for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
                   var unitValue = 0;
                   for (var ac = 0; ac < acs; ac++) {
                       unitValue += ma[r][ac] * mb[ac][c];
                   row[c] = unitValue;
           return matrix;
       _ThisMatrix.$ScaleX = function (matrix, sx) {
           return _ThisMatrix.$ScaleXY(matrix, sx, 0);
       _ThisMatrix.$ScaleY = function (matrix, sy) {
           return _ThisMatrix.$ScaleXY(matrix, 0, sy);
       _ThisMatrix.$ScaleXY = function (matrix, sx, sy) {
           return Multiply(matrix, [[sx, 0], [0, sy]]);
       _ThisMatrix.$TransformPoint = function (matrix, p) {
           var pMatrix = Multiply(matrix, [[p.x], [p.y]]);
           return Point(pMatrix[0][0], pMatrix[1][0]);
   _This.$CreateMatrix = function (alpha, scaleX, scaleY) {
       var cos = Math.cos(alpha);
       var sin = Math.sin(alpha);
       //var r11 = cos;
       //var r21 = sin;
       //var r12 = -sin;
       //var r22 = cos;
       //var m11 = cos * scaleX;
       //var m12 = -sin * scaleY;
       //var m21 = sin * scaleX;
       //var m22 = cos * scaleY;
       return [[cos * scaleX, -sin * scaleY], [sin * scaleX, cos * scaleY]];
   _This.$GetMatrixOffset = function (matrix, width, height) {
       var p1 = $JssorMatrix$.$TransformPoint(matrix, Point(-width / 2, -height / 2));
       var p2 = $JssorMatrix$.$TransformPoint(matrix, Point(width / 2, -height / 2));
       var p3 = $JssorMatrix$.$TransformPoint(matrix, Point(width / 2, height / 2));
       var p4 = $JssorMatrix$.$TransformPoint(matrix, Point(-width / 2, height / 2));
       return Point(Math.min(p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, p4.x) + width / 2, Math.min(p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, p4.y) + height / 2);
   _This.$Cast = function (fromStyles, difStyles, interPosition, easings, durings, rounds, options) {
       var currentStyles = difStyles;
       if (fromStyles) {
           currentStyles = {};
           for (var key in difStyles) {
               var round = rounds[key] || 1;
               var during = durings[key] || [0, 1];
               var propertyInterPosition = (interPosition - during[0]) / during[1];
               propertyInterPosition = Math.min(Math.max(propertyInterPosition, 0), 1);
               propertyInterPosition = propertyInterPosition * round;
               var floorPosition = Math.floor(propertyInterPosition);
               if (propertyInterPosition != floorPosition)
                   propertyInterPosition -= floorPosition;
               var easing = easings[key] || easings.$Default || $JssorEasing$.$EaseSwing;
               var easingValue = easing(propertyInterPosition);
               var currentPropertyValue;
               var value = fromStyles[key];
               var toValue = difStyles[key];
               var difValue = difStyles[key];
               if ($Jssor$.$IsNumeric(difValue)) {
                   currentPropertyValue = value + difValue * easingValue;
               else {
                   currentPropertyValue = $Jssor$.$Extend({ $Offset: {} }, fromStyles[key]);
                   $Jssor$.$Each(difValue.$Offset, function (rectX, n) {
                       var offsetValue = rectX * easingValue;
                       currentPropertyValue.$Offset[n] = offsetValue;
                       currentPropertyValue[n] += offsetValue;
               currentStyles[key] = currentPropertyValue;
           if (difStyles.$Zoom || difStyles.$Rotate) {
               currentStyles.$Transform = { $Rotate: currentStyles.$Rotate || 0, $Scale: currentStyles.$Zoom, $OriginalWidth: options.$OriginalWidth, $OriginalHeight: options.$OriginalHeight };
       if (difStyles.$Clip && options.$Move) {
           var styleFrameNClipOffset = currentStyles.$Clip.$Offset;
           var offsetY = (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Top || 0) + (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Bottom || 0);
           var offsetX = (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Left || 0) + (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Right || 0);
           currentStyles.$Left = (currentStyles.$Left || 0) + offsetX;
           currentStyles.$Top = (currentStyles.$Top || 0) + offsetY;
           currentStyles.$Clip.$Left -= offsetX;
           currentStyles.$Clip.$Right -= offsetX;
           currentStyles.$Clip.$Top -= offsetY;
           currentStyles.$Clip.$Bottom -= offsetY;
       if (currentStyles.$Clip && $Jssor$.$CanClearClip() && !currentStyles.$Clip.$Top && !currentStyles.$Clip.$Left && (currentStyles.$Clip.$Right == options.$OriginalWidth) && (currentStyles.$Clip.$Bottom == options.$OriginalHeight))
           currentStyles.$Clip = null;
       return currentStyles;


//$JssorObject$ function $JssorObject$() {

   var _ThisObject = this;
   // Fields
   var _Listeners = []; // dictionary of eventName --> array of handlers
   var _Listenees = [];
   // Private Methods
   function AddListener(eventName, handler) {
       $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
           if (eventName == undefined || eventName == null)
               throw new Error("param 'eventName' is null or empty.");
           if (typeof (handler) != "function") {
               throw "param 'handler' must be a function.";
           $Jssor$.$Each(_Listeners, function (listener) {
               if (listener.$EventName == eventName && listener.$Handler === handler) {
                   throw new Error("The handler listened to the event already, cannot listen to the same event of the same object with the same handler twice.");
       _Listeners.push({ $EventName: eventName, $Handler: handler });
   function RemoveListener(eventName, handler) {
       $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
           if (eventName == undefined || eventName == null)
               throw new Error("param 'eventName' is null or empty.");
           if (typeof (handler) != "function") {
               throw "param 'handler' must be a function.";
       $Jssor$.$Each(_Listeners, function (listener, index) {
           if (listener.$EventName == eventName && listener.$Handler === handler) {
               _Listeners.splice(index, 1);
   function ClearListeners() {
       _Listeners = [];
   function ClearListenees() {
       $Jssor$.$Each(_Listenees, function (listenee) {
           $Jssor$.$RemoveEvent(listenee.$Obj, listenee.$EventName, listenee.$Handler);
       _Listenees = [];
   //Protected Methods
   _ThisObject.$Listen = function (obj, eventName, handler, useCapture) {
       $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
           if (!obj)
               throw new Error("param 'obj' is null or empty.");
           if (eventName == undefined || eventName == null)
               throw new Error("param 'eventName' is null or empty.");
           if (typeof (handler) != "function") {
               throw "param 'handler' must be a function.";
           $Jssor$.$Each(_Listenees, function (listenee) {
               if (listenee.$Obj === obj && listenee.$EventName == eventName && listenee.$Handler === handler) {
                   throw new Error("The handler listened to the event already, cannot listen to the same event of the same object with the same handler twice.");
       $Jssor$.$AddEvent(obj, eventName, handler, useCapture);
       _Listenees.push({ $Obj: obj, $EventName: eventName, $Handler: handler });
   _ThisObject.$Unlisten = function (obj, eventName, handler) {
       $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
           if (!obj)
               throw new Error("param 'obj' is null or empty.");
           if (eventName == undefined || eventName == null)
               throw new Error("param 'eventName' is null or empty.");
           if (typeof (handler) != "function") {
               throw "param 'handler' must be a function.";
       $Jssor$.$Each(_Listenees, function (listenee, index) {
           if (listenee.$Obj === obj && listenee.$EventName == eventName && listenee.$Handler === handler) {
               $Jssor$.$RemoveEvent(obj, eventName, handler);
               _Listenees.splice(index, 1);
   _ThisObject.$UnlistenAll = ClearListenees;
   // Public Methods
   _ThisObject.$On = _ThisObject.addEventListener = AddListener;
   _ThisObject.$Off = _ThisObject.removeEventListener = RemoveListener;
   _ThisObject.$TriggerEvent = function (eventName) {
       var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
       $Jssor$.$Each(_Listeners, function (listener) {
           listener.$EventName == eventName && listener.$Handler.apply(window, args);
   _ThisObject.$Destroy = function () {
       for (var name in _ThisObject)
           delete _ThisObject[name];


function $JssorAnimator$(delay, duration, options, elmt, fromStyles, difStyles) {

   delay = delay || 0;
   var _ThisAnimator = this;
   var _AutoPlay;
   var _Hiden;
   var _CombineMode;
   var _PlayToPosition;
   var _PlayDirection;
   var _NoStop;
   var _TimeStampLastFrame = 0;
   var _SubEasings;
   var _SubRounds;
   var _SubDurings;
   var _Callback;
   var _Shift = 0;
   var _Position_Current = 0;
   var _Position_Display = 0;
   var _Hooked;
   var _Position_InnerBegin = delay;
   var _Position_InnerEnd = delay + duration;
   var _Position_OuterBegin;
   var _Position_OuterEnd;
   var _LoopLength;
   var _NestedAnimators = [];
   var _StyleSetter;
   function GetPositionRange(position, begin, end) {
       var range = 0;
       if (position < begin)
           range = -1;
       else if (position > end)
           range = 1;
       return range;
   function GetInnerPositionRange(position) {
       return GetPositionRange(position, _Position_InnerBegin, _Position_InnerEnd);
   function GetOuterPositionRange(position) {
       return GetPositionRange(position, _Position_OuterBegin, _Position_OuterEnd);
   function Shift(offset) {
       _Position_OuterBegin += offset;
       _Position_OuterEnd += offset;
       _Position_InnerBegin += offset;
       _Position_InnerEnd += offset;
       _Position_Current += offset;
       _Position_Display += offset;
       _Shift = offset;
   function Locate(position, relative) {
       var offset = position - _Position_OuterBegin + delay * relative;
       //$JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
       //    _ThisAnimator.$Position_InnerBegin = _Position_InnerBegin;
       //    _ThisAnimator.$Position_InnerEnd = _Position_InnerEnd;
       //    _ThisAnimator.$Position_OuterBegin = _Position_OuterBegin;
       //    _ThisAnimator.$Position_OuterEnd = _Position_OuterEnd;
       return _Position_OuterEnd;
   function GoToPosition(positionOuter, force) {
       var trimedPositionOuter = positionOuter;
       if (_LoopLength && (trimedPositionOuter >= _Position_OuterEnd || trimedPositionOuter <= _Position_OuterBegin)) {
           trimedPositionOuter = ((trimedPositionOuter - _Position_OuterBegin) % _LoopLength + _LoopLength) % _LoopLength + _Position_OuterBegin;
       if (!_Hooked || _NoStop || force || _Position_Current != trimedPositionOuter) {
           var positionToDisplay = Math.min(trimedPositionOuter, _Position_OuterEnd);
           positionToDisplay = Math.max(positionToDisplay, _Position_OuterBegin);
           if (!_Hooked || _NoStop || force || positionToDisplay != _Position_Display) {
               if (difStyles) {
                   var interPosition = (positionToDisplay - _Position_InnerBegin) / (duration || 1);
                   if (options.$Reverse)
                       interPosition = 1 - interPosition;
                   var currentStyles = $Jssor$.$Cast(fromStyles, difStyles, interPosition, _SubEasings, _SubDurings, _SubRounds, options);
                   $Jssor$.$Each(currentStyles, function (value, key) {
                       _StyleSetter[key] && _StyleSetter[key](elmt, value);
               _ThisAnimator.$OnInnerOffsetChange(_Position_Display - _Position_InnerBegin, positionToDisplay - _Position_InnerBegin);
               _Position_Display = positionToDisplay;
               $Jssor$.$Each(_NestedAnimators, function (animator, i) {
                   var nestedAnimator = positionOuter < _Position_Current ? _NestedAnimators[_NestedAnimators.length - i - 1] : animator;
                   nestedAnimator.$GoToPosition(_Position_Display - _Shift, force);
               var positionOld = _Position_Current;
               var positionNew = _Position_Display;
               _Position_Current = trimedPositionOuter;
               _Hooked = true;
               _ThisAnimator.$OnPositionChange(positionOld, positionNew);
   function Join(animator, combineMode, noExpand) {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Combine another animator as nested animator
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<param name="animator" type="$JssorAnimator$">
       ///		An instance of $JssorAnimator$
       ///	</param>
       ///	<param name="combineMode" type="int">
       ///		0: parallel - place the animator parallel to this animator.
       ///		1: chain - chain the animator at the _Position_InnerEnd of this animator.
       ///	</param>
       $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
           if (combineMode !== 0 && combineMode !== 1)
               $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Argument out of range, the value of 'combineMode' should be either 0 or 1.");
       if (combineMode)
           animator.$Locate(_Position_OuterEnd, 1);
       if (!noExpand) {
           _Position_OuterBegin = Math.min(_Position_OuterBegin, animator.$GetPosition_OuterBegin() + _Shift);
           _Position_OuterEnd = Math.max(_Position_OuterEnd, animator.$GetPosition_OuterEnd() + _Shift);
   var RequestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame
   || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
   || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame
   || window.msRequestAnimationFrame;
   if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserSafari() && $Jssor$.$BrowserVersion() < 7) {
       RequestAnimationFrame = null;
       //$JssorDebug$.$Log("Custom animation frame for safari before 7.");
   RequestAnimationFrame = RequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) {
       $Jssor$.$Delay(callback, options.$Interval);
   function ShowFrame() {
       if (_AutoPlay) {
           var now = $Jssor$.$GetNow();
           var timeOffset = Math.min(now - _TimeStampLastFrame, options.$IntervalMax);
           var timePosition = _Position_Current + timeOffset * _PlayDirection;
           _TimeStampLastFrame = now;
           if (timePosition * _PlayDirection >= _PlayToPosition * _PlayDirection)
               timePosition = _PlayToPosition;
           if (!_NoStop && timePosition * _PlayDirection >= _PlayToPosition * _PlayDirection) {
           else {
   function PlayToPosition(toPosition, callback, noStop) {
       if (!_AutoPlay) {
           _AutoPlay = true;
           _NoStop = noStop
           _Callback = callback;
           toPosition = Math.max(toPosition, _Position_OuterBegin);
           toPosition = Math.min(toPosition, _Position_OuterEnd);
           _PlayToPosition = toPosition;
           _PlayDirection = _PlayToPosition < _Position_Current ? -1 : 1;
           _TimeStampLastFrame = $Jssor$.$GetNow();
   function Stop(callback) {
       if (_AutoPlay) {
           _NoStop = _AutoPlay = _Callback = false;
           if (callback)
   _ThisAnimator.$Play = function (positionLength, callback, noStop) {
       PlayToPosition(positionLength ? _Position_Current + positionLength : _Position_OuterEnd, callback, noStop);
   _ThisAnimator.$PlayToPosition = PlayToPosition;
   _ThisAnimator.$PlayToBegin = function (callback, noStop) {
       PlayToPosition(_Position_OuterBegin, callback, noStop);
   _ThisAnimator.$PlayToEnd = function (callback, noStop) {
       PlayToPosition(_Position_OuterEnd, callback, noStop);
   _ThisAnimator.$Stop = Stop;
   _ThisAnimator.$Continue = function (toPosition) {
   _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition = function () {
       return _Position_Current;
   _ThisAnimator.$GetPlayToPosition = function () {
       return _PlayToPosition;
   _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition_Display = function () {
       return _Position_Display;
   _ThisAnimator.$GoToPosition = GoToPosition;
   _ThisAnimator.$GoToBegin = function () {
       GoToPosition(_Position_OuterBegin, true);
   _ThisAnimator.$GoToEnd = function () {
       GoToPosition(_Position_OuterEnd, true);
   _ThisAnimator.$Move = function (offset) {
       GoToPosition(_Position_Current + offset);
   _ThisAnimator.$CombineMode = function () {
       return _CombineMode;
   _ThisAnimator.$GetDuration = function () {
       return duration;
   _ThisAnimator.$IsPlaying = function () {
       return _AutoPlay;
   _ThisAnimator.$IsOnTheWay = function () {
       return _Position_Current > _Position_InnerBegin && _Position_Current <= _Position_InnerEnd;
   _ThisAnimator.$SetLoopLength = function (length) {
       _LoopLength = length;
   _ThisAnimator.$Locate = Locate;
   _ThisAnimator.$Shift = Shift;
   _ThisAnimator.$Join = Join;
   _ThisAnimator.$Combine = function (animator) {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Combine another animator parallel to this animator
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<param name="animator" type="$JssorAnimator$">
       ///		An instance of $JssorAnimator$
       ///	</param>
       Join(animator, 0);
   _ThisAnimator.$Chain = function (animator) {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Chain another animator at the _Position_InnerEnd of this animator
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<param name="animator" type="$JssorAnimator$">
       ///		An instance of $JssorAnimator$
       ///	</param>
       Join(animator, 1);
   _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition_InnerBegin = function () {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Internal member function, do not use it.
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<private />
       ///	<returns type="int" />
       return _Position_InnerBegin;
   _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition_InnerEnd = function () {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Internal member function, do not use it.
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<private />
       ///	<returns type="int" />
       return _Position_InnerEnd;
   _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition_OuterBegin = function () {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Internal member function, do not use it.
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<private />
       ///	<returns type="int" />
       return _Position_OuterBegin;
   _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition_OuterEnd = function () {
       ///	<summary>
       ///		Internal member function, do not use it.
       ///	</summary>
       ///	<private />
       ///	<returns type="int" />
       return _Position_OuterEnd;
   _ThisAnimator.$OnPositionChange = _ThisAnimator.$OnStart = _ThisAnimator.$OnStop = _ThisAnimator.$OnInnerOffsetChange = $Jssor$.$EmptyFunction;
   _ThisAnimator.$Version = $Jssor$.$GetNow();
   //Constructor  1
       options = $Jssor$.$Extend({
           $Interval: 16,
           $IntervalMax: 50
       }, options);
       //Sodo statement, for development time intellisence only
       $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
           options = $Jssor$.$Extend({
               $LoopLength: undefined,
               $Setter: undefined,
               $Easing: undefined
           }, options);
       _LoopLength = options.$LoopLength;
       _StyleSetter = $Jssor$.$Extend({}, $Jssor$.$StyleSetter(), options.$Setter);
       _Position_OuterBegin = _Position_InnerBegin = delay;
       _Position_OuterEnd = _Position_InnerEnd = delay + duration;
       _SubRounds = options.$Round || {};
       _SubDurings = options.$During || {};
       _SubEasings = $Jssor$.$Extend({ $Default: $Jssor$.$IsFunction(options.$Easing) && options.$Easing || $JssorEasing$.$EaseSwing }, options.$Easing);


function $JssorPlayerClass$() {

   var _ThisPlayer = this;
   var _PlayerControllers = [];
   function PlayerController(playerElement) {
       var _SelfPlayerController = this;
       var _PlayerInstance;
       var _PlayerInstantces = [];
       function OnPlayerInstanceDataAvailable(event) {
           var srcElement = $Jssor$.$EvtSrc(event);
           _PlayerInstance = srcElement.pInstance;
           $Jssor$.$RemoveEvent(srcElement, "dataavailable", OnPlayerInstanceDataAvailable);
           $Jssor$.$Each(_PlayerInstantces, function (playerInstance) {
               if (playerInstance != _PlayerInstance) {
           playerElement.pTagName = _PlayerInstance.tagName;
           _PlayerInstantces = null;
       function HandlePlayerInstance(playerInstanceElement) {
           var playerHandler;
           if (!playerInstanceElement.pInstance) {
               var playerHandlerAttribute = $Jssor$.$AttributeEx(playerInstanceElement, "pHandler");
               if ($JssorPlayer$[playerHandlerAttribute]) {
                   $Jssor$.$AddEvent(playerInstanceElement, "dataavailable", OnPlayerInstanceDataAvailable);
                   playerHandler = new $JssorPlayer$[playerHandlerAttribute](playerElement, playerInstanceElement);
                   $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
                       if ($Jssor$.$Type(playerHandler.$Remove) != "function") {
                           $JssorDebug$.$Fail("'pRemove' interface not implemented for player handler '" + playerHandlerAttribute + "'.");
           return playerHandler;
       _SelfPlayerController.$InitPlayerController = function () {
           if (!playerElement.pInstance && !HandlePlayerInstance(playerElement)) {
               var playerInstanceElements = $Jssor$.$Children(playerElement);
               $Jssor$.$Each(playerInstanceElements, function (playerInstanceElement) {
   _ThisPlayer.$EVT_SWITCH = 21;
   _ThisPlayer.$FetchPlayers = function (elmt) {
       elmt = elmt || document.body;
       var playerElements = $Jssor$.$FindChildren(elmt, "player");
       $Jssor$.$Each(playerElements, function (playerElement) {
           if (!_PlayerControllers[playerElement.pId]) {
               playerElement.pId = _PlayerControllers.length;
               _PlayerControllers.push(new PlayerController(playerElement));
           var playerController = _PlayerControllers[playerElement.pId];
