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NCTU_Formosa created an organization-APOllO, which stands for Almighty Probe of scFv Organization. APOllO devoted to developing detection technology by utilizing antibodies. In 2015, We cooperated with iGEM with Synthetic Biology to develop a brand new detection platform.
We want to help doctor to select the candidates for targeted drug therapies and determine what kinds of targeted drugs can be used in a cheaper way. If the diagnosis cost become inexpensive, there will be more people can afford, therefore more people can be prescribe and treated, decreasing the mortality rate.
APOllO E.Cotector:
Stain the tissue biopsies by antibody-antigen interaction and perform fluorescence. Then it can help doctor determine the targeted drug therapy.
APOllO E.Cotector Plus:
test the concentration of specific antigens in serum and to give more information about the patients' condition.
contact us
NCTU_Formosa APOllO   
  Engineering Building 6 EF455, 1001 University Road, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan, ROC.