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Revision as of 09:21, 18 September 2015

Adding parts to the registry

You can add parts to the Registry at our Add a Part to the Registry link.

We encourage teams to start completing documentation for their parts on the Registry as soon as you have it available. The sooner you put up your parts, the better you will remember all the details about your parts. Remember, you don't need to send us the DNA sample before you create an entry for a part on the Registry. (However, you do need to send us the DNA sample before the Jamboree. If you don't send us a DNA sample of a part, that part will not be eligible for awards and medal criteria.)

What information do I need to start putting my parts on the Registry?

The information needed to initially create a part on the Registry is:

  • Part Name
  • Part type
  • Creator
  • Sequence
  • Short Description (60 characters on what the DNA does)
  • Long Description (Longer description of what the DNA does)
  • Design considerations

We encourage you to put up much more information as you gather it over the summer. If you have images, plots, characterization data and other information, please also put it up on the part page.


We have a created a collection of well documented parts that can help you get started.

You can also take a look at how other teams have documented their parts in their wiki:

Part Table

<groupparts>BBa_K1629000, BBa_K1629002</groupparts>