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Revision as of 13:33, 18 September 2015

iGEM Toulouse 2015

Fun Facts

10 students in a lab during the whole summer

What could possibly go wrong?

During our summer at iGEM, we often impersonated movie characters or recreated famous scenes from TV shows - sometimes on purpose, sometimes not. Here are a few of our best cosplays !

Ya'll ready for iGEM? Arrrr !

CSI : Toulouse

“Do not go gentle into that good night. Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

Theoden and Grima Worm-Tongue (or Charlemagne and Quasimodo, depending on the sources !)

It's a trap !

When we realize that we have been doing our competent cells wrong for 2 weeks

When we tell our instructor that we failed our competent cells

To be lucky in our wet lab work and wiki coding, we built two glove-gods: ATGC for molecular biology and html for informatics !