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<h2> Nathália Beretta Tomázio </h2><br/>
<h2> Nathália Beretta Tomázio </h2><br/>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Idade</b>: 24 anos<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Curso atual</b>: Mestrado em Física Aplicada (IFSC/USP)<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Nathália, conte-nos sobre sua trajetória acadêmica.</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Desde 2013, sou bacharel em Física pelo Instituto de Física de São Carlos (IFSC/USP). Em 2014, iniciei o mestrado em Física Aplicada, também no IFSC/USP. <br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Por que escolheu uma carreira científica?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Comecei a fazer Iniciação Cientifica (IC) a partir do segundo ano da graduação, no Grupo de Biofotônica do Instituto de Física de São Carlos. Posteriormente, fiz Iniciação no Grupo de Fotônica (IFSC/USP). Gostei bastante das minhas experiências em IC, porque tinha bastante novidade e me sentia com muita autonomia ao tomar decisões... sentia que eu mesma ditava o rumo da pesquisa e sempre descobria coisas novas. Isso era muito estimulante para mim. Na graduação, a experiência adquirida era mais engessada, já que tinha que cumprir determinados protocolos, como fazer provas e entregar trabalhos... Já na Iniciação eu tinha mais liberdade para desenvolver o meu raciocínio, a minha criatividade e os meus próprios interesses.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Atualmente, a presença das mulheres nos cursos de exatas tem aumentado? O que você vê no seu próprio curso?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Acho que tem aumentado, mas o progresso tem sido bem lento; há uma boa representatividade de mulheres, mas ainda não estamos no cenário ideal. Não consigo entender porque tradicionalmente se tem menos mulheres em carreiras de exatas. Para mim é muito complicado entender isso. Nos cursos de biológicas e humanas, por exemplo, existe um público bastante heterogêneo e, às vezes, as mulheres são maioria em sala de aula. Então, a gente vem progredindo, mas ainda há essa disparidade na carreira de exatas. Vejo que há a necessidade de colocar esse tema em discussão e estimular as mulheres com exemplos de representatividade feminina em postos importantes, como, por exemplo, a Angela Merkel, que se formou em física. No meu curso, em especial, há no máximo dez meninas, os outros trinta integrantes do curso são homens. Mas não me sinto deslocada nesta área pelo fato de ser mulher.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Você diria que existe qualquer tipo de segregação ou discriminação de gênero, mesmo que sutis? Se sim, diria que isso pode ocorrer de forma inconsciente?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A gente vive em um ambiente muito privilegiado, porque as pessoas têm uma formação legal. Em geral, não encaramos o preconceito. Não diretamente. Vejo que, às vezes, há alguns comentários que são de cunho preconceituoso, mas que são feitos de forma inconsciente. No começo do curso, por exemplo, era muito comum ouvir que ao longo do curso as mulheres tornam-se machos. Acho que esse é um comentário que não tem intenção de ser preconceituoso, mas é feito de forma inconsciente. Acho que em nosso cenário, o preconceito é mais sutil; muitas vezes as pessoas fazem esse tipo de comentário sem pensar e refletir. Reconheço que esse cenário não vale para todas as situações... Há muito preconceito que é praticado de forma escancarada. Mas, no IFSC/USP, por exemplo, o preconceito é mais sutil.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Uma carreira acadêmica, contando com graduação, mestrado e doutorado, muitas vezes passa a se estabilizar apenas aos 30 anos. Como você vê o impacto disso, no seu caso? É diferente, dependendo do gênero?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No sentido de finalizar a carreira acadêmica, não há muita diferença entre os gêneros. Ambos terminam na faixa dos trinta anos. Mas, vejo que a mulher tem uma responsabilidade maior quando engravida, já que precisa se dividir entre a carreira e a maternidade, em uma idade na qual ela está bastante envolvida com a carreira, porque é nessa época que ela presta concursos, etc. Mas, se a mulher tem uma família compreensiva e que a apóia, esse processo pode ser levado de forma mais tranquila.<br/><br/></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Age</b>: 24 years old<br/>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Age</b>: 24 years old<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Current course</b>: Master at Applied Physics (IFSC/USP)<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Current course</b>: Master at Applied Physics (IFSC/USP)<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Nathália, tell us about your academic experience.</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Nathália, tell us about your academic experience.</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since 2013, I have a degree in Physics by the São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC/USP). In 2014, I started my master in Applied Physics, also in IFSC/USP.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since 2013, I have a degree in Physics by the São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC/USP). In 2014, I started my master's in Applied Physics, also in IFSC/USP.<br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Why did you choose a scientific career?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Why did you choose a scientific career?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I started my Scientific Initiation on my second year of graduation, at the Biophotonics Group of the São Carlos Institute of Physics. Later, I did Scientific Initiation at the Photonics Group (IFSC/USP). I liked these working experiences a lot, because of its novelties and I felt independent while making decisions. I felt I could choose what I researched and always discovered new things. This was very stimulating for me. During my graduation, my experience was stiffer, since I had to do certain protocols, such as doing works and tests. But in my Scientific Initiation I had more freedom to develop my own logic, my creativity and my own interests.  <br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I started my Scientific Initiation on my second year of graduation, at the Biophotonics Group of the São Carlos Institute of Physics. Later, I did Scientific Initiation at the Photonics Group (IFSC/USP). I liked these working experiences a lot, because of its novelties and I felt independent while making decisions. I felt I could choose what I researched and always discovered new things. This was very stimulating for me. During my graduation, my experience was stiffer, since I had to performing certain protocols, such as doing works and tests. But in my Scientific Initiation I had more freedom to develop my own logic, my creativity and my own interests.  <br/><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Currently, has the presence of women in exact sciences been increasing? How do you see it in your own course?</b><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Currently, has the presence of women in exact sciences been increasing? How do you see it in your own course?</b><br/>

Latest revision as of 00:22, 19 September 2015

Woman in Science

Policy and Practices

Nathália Beretta Tomázio

    Age: 24 years old
    Current course: Master at Applied Physics (IFSC/USP)

    Nathália, tell us about your academic experience.
    Since 2013, I have a degree in Physics by the São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC/USP). In 2014, I started my master's in Applied Physics, also in IFSC/USP.

    Why did you choose a scientific career?
    I started my Scientific Initiation on my second year of graduation, at the Biophotonics Group of the São Carlos Institute of Physics. Later, I did Scientific Initiation at the Photonics Group (IFSC/USP). I liked these working experiences a lot, because of its novelties and I felt independent while making decisions. I felt I could choose what I researched and always discovered new things. This was very stimulating for me. During my graduation, my experience was stiffer, since I had to performing certain protocols, such as doing works and tests. But in my Scientific Initiation I had more freedom to develop my own logic, my creativity and my own interests.

    Currently, has the presence of women in exact sciences been increasing? How do you see it in your own course?
    I think it has increased, but the progress has been slow. There is a good part composed of women, but we are still not in an ideal scenery. I cannot understand why traditionally there are less women in exact science careers. For me it is very complicated to understand this. In biological and human courses, for example, there is a very heterogeneous public and sometimes women are the majority in class. Therefore, we are progressing, but there still exists this difference in science careers. I see the necessity to bring out this topic and stimulate women by showing them successful feminine examples as Angela Merkel, who graduated in physics. In my course, specially, there is at maximum ten women, the other thirty students are men. But I do not feel out of place in this area because I am a woman.

    Would you say there is any kind of gender segregation or discrimination, even if it is subtle? If yes, would you say happens unconsciously?
    We live in a very prestigious surrounding, because people have a good education. In general we do not face prejudice. Not directly. I see that sometimes there are some prejudiced comments that happens unconsciously. At the beginning of my course, for example, it was very common to hear that women would become manlier over the course. I do not think this is a comment that intends to be prejudiced, but it was done unconsciously. I think in our institution, the prejudice is more subtle. Often people say it without thinking. I understand this situation is not always valid… There is a lot of prejudice that is done openly. But, at IFSC/USP, for example, it is more subtle.

    An academic career, with graduation, master and doctorate, most of the time stabilizes at 30 years old. How does it impact you? Does it depend on the gender?
    When thinking about finishing an academic career, there is not a lot of difference between genres. Both finish it at about 30 years old. But I find that women have more responsibilities when they get pregnant, since she needs to divide herself between the career and maternity in a critical age, since it is the time she studies for public tenders, etc. But, if the woman has a comprehensive family that backs her up, this process can be easier.

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