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[[File:Adsız.jpg|thumb|right|350px|'''Nilüfer Aksöz And Me''']]
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<html><p><p><b>Name:</b> Mert Çiftçi <br/><b>Age:</b> 16.89<br/><b>Hometown:</b> Antalya<br/><b>Interest:</b> Biology<br/><b>Beverage:</b> Milk <br/><b>Favorite Protocol:</b> Transformation<br/><b>Chocolate:</b> White Chocolate<br/><b>To Where?:</b> Uranus<br/><b>Favorite Food:</b> cheese<br/>I am just passionate biologist .</p><p/></html>
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[[File:IBAKimyaHP.jpg|thumb|left|350px|'''IBA Kimya''': With Serhat Karabulut]]
<p><b>Name:</b> Fatih Gül<br/><b>Age:</b> 17.89<br/><b>Hometown:</b> Amasya<br/><b>Interest:</b> Poetry<br/><b>Beverage:</b> Fresh Hydrogen Peroxide<br/><b>Favorite Protocol:</b> Transformation<br/><b>Chocolate:</b> White Chocolate<br/><b>To Where?:</b> Uranus<br/><b>Favorite Food:</b> Sugar Cubes<br/>I am a very very very big Justin Bieber fan. Everybody loves him! Very very bigfan...very very.</p>
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[[File:Karadağ.jpg|thumb|right|350px|'''In Suit :)''']]
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<p><b>Name:</b> Abdulkadir Karadağ<br/><b>Age:</b> 18.04<br/><b>Hometown:</b> Muğla<br/><b>Interest:</b> Fishing<br/><b>Beverage:</b> Sprite<br/><b>Favorite Protocol:</b> Protein Isolation<br/><b>Chocolate:</b> Dark Chocolate<br/><b>To Where?:</b> Italy<br/><b>Favorite Food:</b> Kebab<br/>I am a man.</p>
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The discussed and developed scheme for a future product can be listed as below.
# The bacteria will be cultivated in a bacterial fermenter.
info:"<p><b>Name:</b> Fatih Gul <b>aka</b> TLOS<br/><b>Age:</b> 18<br/><b>Hometown:</b> Amasya<br/><b>Interest:</b> Poetry<br/><b>Let's eat:</b> Sugar Cubes <b>and drink:</b> Fresh Hydrogen Peroxide</b><br/><b>To Where?</b> Uranus<br/><b>Favorite Protocol:</b> Transformation<br/><b>Favorite Quote:</b> \"LB, LB, LB\" - Napoleon Bactoparte</p><br/>I am a very very very big Justin Bieber fan. Everybody loves him! Very very bigfan...very very."};
# The products formed as a result of the breakdown of the substrates (urea and hydrogen peroxide) should be effectively dispensed to prevent end-product inhibition of the enzymes.
# The urea and hydrogen peroxide will be transferred to the fermenter as a flow rate adjusted substrate.
info:"<p><b>Name:</b> Ibrahim Yasir Orhan <b>aka</b> ibo<br/><b>Age:</b> 18<br/><b>Hometown:</b> Rize<br/><b>Interest:</b> Biochemistry<br/><b>Let's eat:</b> Maklube <b>and drink:</b> Lemon Mineral Soda</b><br/><b>To Where?</b> The Moon<br/><b>Favorite Protocol:</b> Ligation<br/><b>Favorite Quote:</b> \"LB, LB, LB\" - Napoleon Bactoparte</p><br/>Travel to New York riding dolphins to Dallas holding on to a kangaroo's neck."};
# The products of the chemical breakdown (NH3 and H+) will cause a significant decrease in the pH of the medium leading to a decrease in enzymatic activity and the decline in the bacterial concentration of the medium. To counteract the change in pH, buffer solutions(such as the common bicarbonate) will be used. The use buffer solutions are already widespread and cost-effective due to the extensive usage in related industries.
# The following will be installed to the fermenter:
info:"<p><b>Name:</b> Abdulkadir Karadag <b>aka</b> kessaf48<br/><b>Age:</b> 18<br/><b>Hometown:</b> Mugla<br/><b>Interest:</b> Fishing<br/><b>Let's eat:</b> Kebab <b>and drink:</b> Sprite</b><br/><b>To Where?</b> Italy<br/><b>Favorite Protocol:</b> Protein Isolation<br/><b>Favorite Quote:</b> \"LB, LB, LB\" - Napoleon Bactoparte</p><br/>Oduncu, yapi ustasi, seni mi, selam sen, dedim ben"};
## A Chemostat Sensor to adjust the flow rate of the substrate in respect to the substrate concentration of the medium
## To adjust the flow rate of LB Broth to the medium in respect to the microorganism concentration through:
info:"<p><b>Name:</b> Alihan Çelikcan <b>aka</b> Alihandroid<br/><b>Age:</b> 18<br/><b>Hometown:</b> Adana<br/><b>Interest:</b> Computer Programming<br/><b>Let's eat:</b> Iskender <b>and drink:</b> Salgam</b><br/><b>To Where?</b> The infinity and beyond<br/><b>Favorite Protocol:</b> The protocol where you spin bacteria in some device.<br/><b>Favorite Quote:</b> \"When life gives you lemons, call them 'yellow oranges' and sell them for double the price.\" - Stan Pines</p><br/>I'm just the coder of this wiki ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ"};
### Turbidostat Sensor
### Photocell (Alternative)
info:"<p><b>Name:</b> Berka Akdeniz <b>aka</b> Berka<br/><b>Age:</b> 18<br/><b>Hometown:</b> Eskişehir<br/><b>Interest:</b> Move<br/><b>Let's eat:</b> Plums <b>and drink:</b> Water</b><br/><b>To Where?</b> Dalmatia Islands<br/><b>Favorite Protocol:</b> Colony PCR<br/><b>Favorite Quote:</b> \"LB, LB, LB\" - Napoleon Bactoparte</p><br/>Discipline, discipline, discipline...:P"};
# A major issue for the fermenter is the formation of biofilm on the device surface. To counteract this, chemicals that negate quorum sensing in the bacterial population should be used; if not, occasional scraping of the device surface may be necessary.
# Due to the Pasteur Effect, the activity of aerobic bacteria will be significantly higher in contrast to anaerobic bacteria. Therefore, the bacterial medium should be supplied with air. The inward airflow to the fermenter will most likely trigger bacterial foaming, which is a major handicap for the efficiency of the system. Sodium dodecyl sulfate, or other surface inactive agents should be manipulated to combat any foaming in the medium.
info:"<p><b>Name:</b> Goktug Mert Ciftci <b>aka</b> GMC<br/><b>Age:</b> 17<br/><b>Hometown:</b> Antalya<br/><b>Interest:</b> Biology<br/><b>Let's eat:</b> Cheese <b>and drink:</b> Milk</b><br/><b>To Where?</b> Uranus<br/><b>Favorite Protocol:</b> Transformation<br/><b>Favorite Quote:</b> \"LB, LB, LB\" - Napoleon Bactoparte</p><br/>I have no special talent. I am only passionately biologist."};
# The efficiency of the fermenter should be calculated and analyzed for the applicability of such a device. The fuels and devices that are currently being used should be contrasted with the device in design to deduce if the system is worth it. The main points in the analysis should be efficiency and affectivity.
# According to the results of the research, the size and the scale of the device, and its range of effect should be determined.
info:"<p><b>Name:</b> Furkan Sacit Ceylan <b>aka</b> FSC<br/><b>Age:</b> 19<br/><b>Hometown:</b> Amasya<br/><b>Interest:</b> iGEMism<br/><b>Let's eat:</b> Imambayildi <b>and drink:</b> Tea</b><br/><b>To Where?</b> The world<br/><b>Favorite Protocol:</b> Digestion<br/><b>Favorite Quote:</b> \"OGRE MAGI!!!\" - Ogre Magi</p><br/>I like listening to Basshunter - Dota."};
# The safety measures required to prevent contamination of the environment should be designated and applied to the fermenter to prevent a worldwide plague!
# Cooperation with specialists in respective fields, such as Electronics and Industrial Engineers, should be consulted to manipulate the experience of such specialists in the product.
$("#selection a").click(function(){
var ind= $('#selection a').index(this);
$("#info img").attr("src",sInfo[ind].image);
[[File:IBAKimyaHP.jpg|thumb|left|350px|'''IBA Kimya''': Serhat Karabulut]]
$("#info span").html(sInfo[ind].info);
<html><p><br>In order to get into contact with specialists in chemistry, we decided to arrange a meeting with chemical companies. IBA Kimya answered our call, and on behalf of them, Mr. Serhat Karabulut, conducted an interview with us.</br>
<br>The discussed topics during the interview were biotechnology, the mechanism and function of our project, the chemical pathway of reactions. As a company representitive, we had talks on efficiency of the project. We also talked about the applications of the company and the ethics of genetic engineering. Being the Safety Specialist of the company, Mr. Karabulut raised many questions about work safety and lab conditions.</br>
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<img src="http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/square/000/017/436/XD_Face.png" />
<br>Mr. Karabulut had little knowledge on the field of synthetic biology but did abide with us and we thank him for his delightful time.</br>
<span> Click a picture of our team members to learn more about them.
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[[File:Sadrettin Durakçı.jpg|thumb|right|200px|'''Onur Kimya''': Sadrettin Başalan]]
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Our Team
<html><p>We met Sadrettin Başalan, an official of Onur Kimya.
We had a short meeting with him on our project.He listened to our project, very much intrigued. He also assisted us in the acquiring of the chemicals we use in our project, by also providing the necessary information for their usage.
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<img src="http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/square/000/004/832/Riolu_lick_icon_by_Futurecartoonist12.gif" />
We thank Sadrettin Başalan and Onur Kimya.<p/></html>
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<img src="http://orig13.deviantart.net/68b1/f/2010/268/8/5/arcanine_lick_icon__3_by_mushydog-d2zhkl4.gif" />
[[File:Rh.jpg|thumb|left|350px|'''Figure 1''': Mr. Yusuf Durmuş]]
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<img src="http://orig05.deviantart.net/475f/f/2010/302/2/6/r___chikorita_lick_icon_by_zeaeevee-d31s7q0.gif" />
<html><p>We came together with Mr. Yusuf Durmuş, an Expert of Entomology at the Hacettepe University. We explained how we had adopted the fuse mechanism of the Bombardier Beetle's catalase for our project. He had suggestions on how the metabolic systems of other insects could be utilized for our project and possible future projects. He also elaborated on the future application of the project.<p/><html/>
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<img src="http://orig04.deviantart.net/b3f4/f/2010/119/8/8/psyduck_free_lick_avatar_by_yakalentos.gif" />
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Latest revision as of 01:11, 19 September 2015

37 °C
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