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<h1>Welcome to CAU_China!</h1>
<p>We are the team of China Agricultural University, CAU-China. For iGEM 2015, there are more than 20 members in our family and they spread from freshmen to juniors in CAU. It is the interest of synthetic biology and the ambition to propagate it that gathers us together. Though it is the third time for our team to take part in this amazing international competition,  for most of us, it is the first chance to directly join in the big event.
This year, we talked about our project together and came up with an idea about crops.
So far, we have accomplished a series of tasks, such as Human Practice, Journal Club every week, e-book edition, team construction and so on. As members of our team, we get great pleasure from the process, especially from the activity of brainstorm.
<br>To be a better team, there is still a long way to go, but luckily, we are all  adamant about and enthusiastic at that.
<!-- end welcome box -->
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<tr><td bgcolor="#666666" colspan="3" height="15px"> </td></tr>
<!--Introduction of the project -->
<tr><td bgcolor="#666666" colspan="3"> <h3> Our Project</h3></td></tr>
<td bgcolor="#666666" width="100%" valign="top">
<p> Every year numbers of herbicide is used in agricultural industry. However, the weeds have somehow developed to be resistant to the herbicide because of the more and more extensive use of the herbicide. Therefore, people have to raise the amount of herbicide used in agricultural industry year by year, but the increased amount of herbicide have caused a lot of harmful effect such as toxic substance remaining, crop growth being inhibited and so on. In order to solve the problem, the mix use of herbicide has been figured out. The mix use of the herbicide has plenty of benefits including decreasing the dose, increasing the efficacy, decreasing the poison residual and expanding the weed control spectrum. According to this our team created four new genes, all of which have the resistance to two different herbicide.What's more, we found out the polypeptide we used to link 2 different resistant genes had many other interesting applications . </p>
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Revision as of 13:32, 14 September 2015

Team:CAU China/Project - 2014.igem.org


Team:CAU China/Project

From 2014.igem.org

Welcome to CAU_China!

We are the team of China Agricultural University, CAU-China. For iGEM 2015, there are more than 20 members in our family and they spread from freshmen to juniors in CAU. It is the interest of synthetic biology and the ambition to propagate it that gathers us together. Though it is the third time for our team to take part in this amazing international competition, for most of us, it is the first chance to directly join in the big event. This year, we talked about our project together and came up with an idea about crops. So far, we have accomplished a series of tasks, such as Human Practice, Journal Club every week, e-book edition, team construction and so on. As members of our team, we get great pleasure from the process, especially from the activity of brainstorm.
To be a better team, there is still a long way to go, but luckily, we are all adamant about and enthusiastic at that.

Our Project

Every year numbers of herbicide is used in agricultural industry. However, the weeds have somehow developed to be resistant to the herbicide because of the more and more extensive use of the herbicide. Therefore, people have to raise the amount of herbicide used in agricultural industry year by year, but the increased amount of herbicide have caused a lot of harmful effect such as toxic substance remaining, crop growth being inhibited and so on. In order to solve the problem, the mix use of herbicide has been figured out. The mix use of the herbicide has plenty of benefits including decreasing the dose, increasing the efficacy, decreasing the poison residual and expanding the weed control spectrum. According to this our team created four new genes, all of which have the resistance to two different herbicide.What's more, we found out the polypeptide we used to link 2 different resistant genes had many other interesting applications .