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function obfp() {
function obfp() {
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "c";
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "Our Bacon Future Plan";
document.getElementById("isi").innerHTML = "We offer a new contraception method named BaCon (Bacterial Contraception), a synthetic biology based contraceptive, to prevent unwanted pregnancy in more effective way. Why we claimed that it’s effective? Because the engineered bacteria have spermicidal side effect which makes the women who use it situated in infertile condition for long time. But, we make our product reversible by making the kill switch/toggle switch as control. Thus, when woman wants to get pregnant, all she needs to do is just consume a drug that has kill switch effect.<br><br><b>Form of Product</b><br><br>We choose ovules as our product form. Ovules is a small solid substance with an oval and ellipse shape that inserted to vagina (ovules often use to cure fluor albus). After the ovules inserted to the vagina, it will dissolve and the engineered bacteria which have a spermicidal effect will start to work.  We choose ovules as our product form because Ovules predicted as the finest form of medicine for vaginal use. Ovules also easy to apply and doesn’t  need paramedics help. Another reason of why we choose ovules is, our product contains engineered bacteria that can spread easily. We prevent some harmful effects that may happen whan an outbreak occurs (and the kill switch deosn’t work). So, the engineered bacteria will not spread and harm other people or the environment and people don’t have to do special treatment to dispose it after they finished using it.<br><br><b>Estimated Selling Price</b><br><br>After we analyze respondents’ preference of contraceptives price, most of them prefers the contraceptives cost under Rp50.000,-. But, it’s hard to realize due to expensive material & research budget. Besides that, BaCon has (assumptive) long effectivity time (+/- 5 years). So, we decide our product price is Rp500.000,-. We set the price after analyzing existing contraceptives’ price for 5 year effective period. Hormonal injection looks cheaper than another due to its lower price. But, after we count the Hormonal Injection cost for 5 years, it has more expensive cost than IUD & Implant which have higher effectivity percentage. Why this happens? It happens because of the repetitive usage of Hormonal Injection, needs higher cost if we use it for long time.<br><br><b>Community Targets</b><br><br>Our consument target (acceptor) is : 15-49 aged legally married women from every social and economical background.  After doing survey through questionnaire to the consument target, most of the respondents agreed if we use engineered bacteria as the active material for our contraceptives. They agreed with our inovation because there’re some synthetic biology product for drugs, foods, beverages, etc. which have been sold in Indonesia. The products have good impact for human health & don’t brings any significant side effects. Moreover,  we can conclude that People wants a simple & safe form for our product.<br><br><b>Ideals Condition</b><br><br>Our product can change their Family Planning habit because then, people tend to use repetitive contraceptional methods like Hormonal Injection and Hormonal Pills. If this situation happen, people will think that the use of contraceptive in family planning is not a difficult thing. BaCon also can make people healthier because of the absence of obesity  & menstrual disturbance caused hormones. Our product also doesn’t need invasion like IUD, implant, and permanent sterilization.It also doesn’t cause heavy complication. This situation can make people think that it doesn’t need painful invasion if you want to prevent pregnancy in long period or spacing their childbirth. We also help the people who life in rural area, faraway from Public health center and hospital to participate in Family Planning. Finally, when these conditions happen, they will make family planning participant’s number increases.";
document.getElementById("isi").innerHTML = "We offer a new contraception method named BaCon (Bacterial Contraception), a synthetic biology based contraceptive, to prevent unwanted pregnancy in more effective way. Why we claimed that it’s effective? Because the engineered bacteria have spermicidal side effect which makes the women who use it situated in infertile condition for long time. But, we make our product reversible by making the kill switch/toggle switch as control. Thus, when woman wants to get pregnant, all she needs to do is just consume a drug that has kill switch effect.<br><br><b>Form of Product</b><br><br>We choose ovules as our product form. Ovules is a small solid substance with an oval and ellipse shape that inserted to vagina (ovules often use to cure fluor albus). After the ovules inserted to the vagina, it will dissolve and the engineered bacteria which have a spermicidal effect will start to work.  We choose ovules as our product form because Ovules predicted as the finest form of medicine for vaginal use. Ovules also easy to apply and doesn’t  need paramedics help. Another reason of why we choose ovules is, our product contains engineered bacteria that can spread easily. We prevent some harmful effects that may happen whan an outbreak occurs (and the kill switch deosn’t work). So, the engineered bacteria will not spread and harm other people or the environment and people don’t have to do special treatment to dispose it after they finished using it.<br><br><b>Estimated Selling Price</b><br><br>After we analyze respondents’ preference of contraceptives price, most of them prefers the contraceptives cost under Rp50.000,-. But, it’s hard to realize due to expensive material & research budget. Besides that, BaCon has (assumptive) long effectivity time (+/- 5 years). So, we decide our product price is Rp500.000,-. We set the price after analyzing existing contraceptives’ price for 5 year effective period. Hormonal injection looks cheaper than another due to its lower price. But, after we count the Hormonal Injection cost for 5 years, it has more expensive cost than IUD & Implant which have higher effectivity percentage. Why this happens? It happens because of the repetitive usage of Hormonal Injection, needs higher cost if we use it for long time.<br><br><b>Community Targets</b><br><br>Our consument target (acceptor) is : 15-49 aged legally married women from every social and economical background.  After doing survey through questionnaire to the consument target, most of the respondents agreed if we use engineered bacteria as the active material for our contraceptives. They agreed with our inovation because there’re some synthetic biology product for drugs, foods, beverages, etc. which have been sold in Indonesia. The products have good impact for human health & don’t brings any significant side effects. Moreover,  we can conclude that People wants a simple & safe form for our product.<br><br><b>Ideals Condition</b><br><br>Our product can change their Family Planning habit because then, people tend to use repetitive contraceptional methods like Hormonal Injection and Hormonal Pills. If this situation happen, people will think that the use of contraceptive in family planning is not a difficult thing. BaCon also can make people healthier because of the absence of obesity  & menstrual disturbance caused hormones. Our product also doesn’t need invasion like IUD, implant, and permanent sterilization.It also doesn’t cause heavy complication. This situation can make people think that it doesn’t need painful invasion if you want to prevent pregnancy in long period or spacing their childbirth. We also help the people who life in rural area, faraway from Public health center and hospital to participate in Family Planning. Finally, when these conditions happen, they will make family planning participant’s number increases.";

Revision as of 13:10, 16 September 2015

End User Consideration Of Bacterial Contraception (BaCon)

A. Society View Toward the Existing Contraceptive and Bacterial Contraception (BaCon)
• About 55% respondents feel neutral with their current contraceptives

• Altough some of them feel neutral on their current contraceptives, They still find some disadvantages in their current contraceptive. 3 major disadvantages are : Inconvenient, Troublesome & Ineffectivity

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