Difference between revisions of "Team:ATOMS-Turkiye/scrollNav"

(Created page with "! scrollNav - v2.6.0 - 2015-02-19 * http://scrollnav.com * Copyright (c) 2015 James Wilson; Licensed MIT: ! function(a) { var b = function(b, c, d, e) {...")
Line 265: Line 265:
var $;
var observer_target = document.querySelector('.post__article');
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
  mutations.forEach(function() {
var observer_config = {
  attributes: true,
  childList: true,
  characterData: true,
  subtree: true
observer.observe(observer_target, observer_config);
// Make sure all the elements with a class of "clickme" are visible and bound
// with a click event to toggle the "box" state
$('.clickme').each(function() {
    $(this).show(0).on('click', function(e) {
        // This is only needed if your using an anchor to target the "box" elements
        // Find the next "box" element in the DOM
$('#toggle').click(function() {

Revision as of 21:55, 16 September 2015

/*! scrollNav - v2.6.0 - 2015-02-19

* http://scrollnav.com
* Copyright (c) 2015 James Wilson; Licensed MIT */

! function(a) {

   var b = function(b, c, d, e) {
           if (a(b).length > 0) {
               var f = a(b).offset().top;
               c = e ? c : 0, a("html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)").animate({
                   scrollTop: f - d
               }, c)
       c = function() {
           return window.location.hash
       d = {
           classes: {
               loading: "sn-loading",
               failed: "sn-failed",
               success: "sn-active"
           defaults: {
               sections: "h2",
               subSections: !1,
               sectionElem: "section",
               className: "scroll-nav",
               showHeadline: !0,
               headlineText: "Scroll To",
               showTopLink: !0,
               topLinkText: "Top",
               fixedMargin: 40,
               scrollOffset: 40,
               animated: !0,
               speed: 500,
               insertLocation: "insertBefore",
               arrowKeys: !1,
               scrollToHash: !0,
               onInit: null,
               onRender: null,
               onDestroy: null,
               onResetPos: null
           _set_body_class: function(b) {
               var c = a("body");
               "loading" === b ? c.addClass(d.classes.loading) : c.removeClass(d.classes.loading).addClass("success" === b ? d.classes.success : d.classes.failed)
           _find_sections: function(b) {
               var c = d.settings.sections,
                   e = [];
               if (d.settings.showTopLink) {
                   var f = b.children().first();
                   f.is(c) || e.push(f.nextUntil(c).andSelf())
               b.find(c).each(function() {
               }), d.sections = {
                   raw: e
           _setup_sections: function(b) {
               var c = [];
               a(b).each(function(b) {
                   var e = [],
                       f = a(this),
                       g = "scrollNav-" + (b + 1),
                       h = function() {
                           return 0 === b
                       i = function() {
                           return !f.eq(0).is(d.settings.sections)
                       j = d.settings.showTopLink && h() && i() ? d.settings.topLinkText : f.filter(d.settings.sections).text();
                   if (f.wrapAll("<" + d.settings.sectionElem + ' id="' + g + '" class="' + d.settings.className + '__section" />'), d.settings.subSections) {
                       var k = f.filter(d.settings.subSections);
                       k.length > 0 && k.each(function(b) {
                           var c = g + "-" + (b + 1),
                               h = a(this).text(),
                               i = f.filter(a(this).nextUntil(k).andSelf());
                           i.wrapAll('<div id="' + c + '" class="' + d.settings.className + '__sub-section" />'), e.push({
                               id: c,
                               text: h
                       id: g,
                       text: j,
                       sub_sections: e
               }), d.sections.data = c
           _tear_down_sections: function(b) {
               a(b).each(function() {
                   var b = this.sub_sections;
                   a("#" + this.id).children().unwrap(), b.length > 0 && a(b).each(function() {
                       a("#" + this.id).children().unwrap()
           _setup_nav: function(b) {
               var c = a("<span />", {
                       "class": d.settings.className + "__heading",
                       text: d.settings.headlineText
                   e = a("<div />", {
                       "class": d.settings.className + "__wrapper"
                   f = a("<nav />", {
                       "class": d.settings.className,
                       role: "navigation"
                   g = a("<ol />", {
                       "class": d.settings.className + "__list"
               a.each(b, function(b) {
var c, e = 0 === b ? a("
  • ", { "class": d.settings.className + "__item active" }) : a("
  • ", { "class": d.settings.className + "__item" }), f = a("<a />", { href: "#" + this.id, "class": d.settings.className + "__link", text: this.text }); this.sub_sections.length > 0 && (e.addClass("is-parent-item"), c = a("<ol />", { "class": d.settings.className + "__sub-list" }), a.each(this.sub_sections, function() { var b = a("
  • ", { "class": d.settings.className + "__sub-item" }), e = a("<a />", { href: "#" + this.id, "class": d.settings.className + "__sub-link", text: this.text }); c.append(b.append(e)) })), g.append(e.append(f).append(c)) }), f.append(d.settings.showHeadline ? e.append(c).append(g) : e.append(g)), d.nav = f }, _insert_nav: function() { var a = d.settings.insertLocation, b = d.settings.insertTarget; d.nav[a](b) }, _setup_pos: function() { var b = d.nav, c = a(window).height(), e = b.offset().top, f = function(b) { var c = a("#" + b.id), d = c.height(); b.top_offset = c.offset().top, b.bottom_offset = b.top_offset + d }; a.each(d.sections.data, function() { f(this), a.each(this.sub_sections, function() { f(this) }) }), d.dims = { vp_height: c, nav_offset: e } }, _check_pos: function() { var b = d.nav, c = a(window).scrollTop(), e = c + d.settings.scrollOffset, f = c + d.dims.vp_height - d.settings.scrollOffset, g = [], h = []; c > d.dims.nav_offset - d.settings.fixedMargin ? b.addClass("fixed") : b.removeClass("fixed"); var i = function(a) { return a.top_offset >= e && a.top_offset <= f || a.bottom_offset > e && a.bottom_offset < f || a.top_offset < e && a.bottom_offset > f }; a.each(d.sections.data, function() { i(this) && g.push(this), a.each(this.sub_sections, function() { i(this) && h.push(this) }) }), b.find("." + d.settings.className + "__item").removeClass("active").removeClass("in-view"), b.find("." + d.settings.className + "__sub-item").removeClass("active").removeClass("in-view"), a.each(g, function(a) { 0 === a ? b.find('a[href="#' + this.id + '"]').parents("." + d.settings.className + "__item").addClass("active").addClass("in-view") : b.find('a[href="#' + this.id + '"]').parents("." + d.settings.className + "__item").addClass("in-view") }), d.sections.active = g, a.each(h, function(a) { 0 === a ? b.find('a[href="#' + this.id + '"]').parents("." + d.settings.className + "__sub-item").addClass("active").addClass("in-view") : b.find('a[href="#' + this.id + '"]').parents("." + d.settings.className + "__sub-item").addClass("in-view") }) }, _init_scroll_listener: function() { a(window).on("scroll.scrollNav", function() { d._check_pos() }) }, _rm_scroll_listeners: function() { a(window).off("scroll.scrollNav") }, _init_resize_listener: function() { a(window).on("resize.scrollNav", function() { d._setup_pos(), d._check_pos() }) }, _rm_resize_listener: function() { a(window).off("resize.scrollNav") }, _init_click_listener: function() { a("." + d.settings.className).find("a").on("click.scrollNav", function(c) { c.preventDefault(); var e = a(this).attr("href"), f = d.settings.speed, g = d.settings.scrollOffset, h = d.settings.animated; b(e, f, g, h) }) }, _rm_click_listener: function() { a("." + d.settings.className).find("a").off("click.scrollNav") }, _init_keyboard_listener: function(c) { d.settings.arrowKeys && a(document).on("keydown.scrollNav", function(a) { if (40 === a.keyCode || 38 === a.keyCode) { var e = function(a) { var b = 0, e = c.length; for (b; e > b; b++) if (c[b].id === d.sections.active[0].id) { var f = 40 === a ? b + 1 : b - 1, g = void 0 === c[f] ? void 0 : c[f].id; return g } }, f = e(a.keyCode); if (void 0 !== f) { a.preventDefault(); var g = "#" + f, h = d.settings.speed, i = d.settings.scrollOffset, j = d.settings.animated; b(g, h, i, j) } } }) }, _rm_keyboard_listener: function() { a(document).off("keydown.scrollNav") }, init: function(e) { return this.each(function() { var f = a(this); d.settings = a.extend({}, d.defaults, e), d.settings.insertTarget = d.settings.insertTarget ? a(d.settings.insertTarget) : f, f.length > 0 ? (d.settings.onInit && d.settings.onInit.call(this), d._set_body_class("loading"), d._find_sections(f), f.find(d.settings.sections).length > 0 ? (d._setup_sections(d.sections.raw), d._setup_nav(d.sections.data), d.settings.insertTarget.length > 0 ? (d._insert_nav(), d._setup_pos(), d._check_pos(), d._init_scroll_listener(), d._init_resize_listener(), d._init_click_listener(), d._init_keyboard_listener(d.sections.data), d._set_body_class("success"), d.settings.scrollToHash && b(c()), d.settings.onRender && d.settings.onRender.call(this)) : (console.log('Build failed, scrollNav could not find "' + d.settings.insertTarget + '"'), d._set_body_class("failed"))) : (console.log('Build failed, scrollNav could not find any "' + d.settings.sections + 's" inside of "' + f.selector + '"'), d._set_body_class("failed"))) : (console.log('Build failed, scrollNav could not find "' + f.selector + '"'), d._set_body_class("failed")) }) }, destroy: function() { return this.each(function() { d._rm_scroll_listeners(), d._rm_resize_listener(), d._rm_click_listener(), d._rm_keyboard_listener(), a("body").removeClass("sn-loading sn-active sn-failed"), a("." + d.settings.className).remove(), d._tear_down_sections(d.sections.data), d.settings.onDestroy && d.settings.onDestroy.call(this), d.settings = [], d.sections = void 0 }) }, resetPos: function() { d._setup_pos(), d._check_pos(), d.settings.onResetPos && d.settings.onResetPos.call(this) } }; a.fn.scrollNav = function() { var b, c = arguments[0]; if (d[c]) c = d[c], b = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); else { if ("object" != typeof c && c) return a.error("Method " + c + " does not exist in the scrollNav plugin"), this; c = d.init, b = arguments } return c.apply(this, b) } }(jQuery); var $; var observer_target = document.querySelector('.post__article'); var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function() { $.fn.scrollNav('resetPos'); }); }); var observer_config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true }; observer.observe(observer_target, observer_config); $('.box').hide(); // Make sure all the elements with a class of "clickme" are visible and bound // with a click event to toggle the "box" state $('.clickme').each(function() { $(this).show(0).on('click', function(e) { // This is only needed if your using an anchor to target the "box" elements e.preventDefault(); // Find the next "box" element in the DOM $(this).next('.box').slideToggle('fast'); }); }); $('#toggle').click(function() { $('#tiger').toggle(); });