Safety/Check In

Safety form software is still being written. The form will be open for answers at the beginning of May. We apologize for the delay.

Organism name

Include name of species, strain, and/or cell line.

Part name

Organism Information

What risk group is the organism?

See LINK for help on risk groups

Is the organism on the Australia Group list, or on the U.S. Select Agents and Toxins List?

These organisms and their parts are restricted for international shipment.

Part information

What is the natural function of this part?

Is the part toxic to humans?

For example, if your part is a protein toxin such as EXAMPLE, or if it is an enzyme that synthesizes a chemical toxin such as EXAMPLE

Is it a virulence factor, or does it mimic one?


What will you use this organism/part for? How does it fit into the overall function of your project?

How will you acquire this organism/part?

(e.g. from a culture collection, from another lab, isolating the part from the organism by PCR, ordering the part from a DNA synthesis company)

Are you taking any additional safety precautions when you use this organism/part?

(e.g. handling it in a separate lab area, wearing additional protective equipment)

Further Comments

Anything else you want to tell us about this organism/part and how you will use it

Comments about this form

Is it easy or difficult to use? Are the questions confusing? etc.