Team:NCTU Formosa

Who we are
In 2015, NCTU_Formosa created an APOllO organization, which stands for Almighty probe of scFv organization, to develop a new product.
What we did
We want to help doctor to select the candidates for targeted drug therapies and determine what kinds of targeted drugs can be used in a cheaper way. If the diagnosis cost become inexpensive, there will be more people can afford, therefore more people can be prescribe and treated, decreasing the mortality rate.
How we make it
APOllO E.Cotector : stain the tissue biopsies by antibody-antigen interaction and perform fluorescence. Then it can help doctor determine the targeted drug therapy.
APOllO E.Cotector Plus : test the concentration of specific antigens in serum and to give more information about the patients' condition.
contact us
NCTU_Formosa APOllO   
  1001 University Road, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan, ROC
          Engineering Building 6 EF455