Team:Shiyan SY China/Notebook.html


You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret of success.

—— Charles Chaplin

In November 2014

For the first time we learned about the igem competition, we felt very interested. We hope to have the opportunity to participate in, to expand our own field of interest and comprehensive exercise ourselvses.

In December 2014

We contacted the China youth international competition and communication center. Communication center of Dr Mao Yong told us to form their own team first, and to find a suitable laboratory, or the preparation of high school laboratory

In January 2015

We established the igem competition team, and discuss with the teacher ZhangShuang in the school, the international department of the province experimental middle school michille teacher's support, but we still had no laboratory

In February 2015

For the preparation of our own laboratory?we need to spend a lot of money.In February, we found the liaoning university of life sciences, professor qiu-yu wang learned that our wishes.He knew that we like biology, math, modeling, we hope to get practice in synthetic biology professor wang to support us and his team work together, study of synthetic biology.

In March 2015

Planning our own team, we began to recruit team members, weibo, QQ, paste posters school, finally we have a nine-member team, division of labor is different, we all like biology, math, software. We worked together, and set up our shiyan_SY_China team

In April 2015

April is a brainstorm month.We query the calendar year in the igem competition team, and looking for our subjects which have interested in. Everyone is looking for a 4-5 own thoughts are most interested in. They are about environmental protection, sewage treatment, fat degradation, luminous power saving of the yeast, degradable plastics... .. But wang said the experiment process is very difficult to realize... We are looking for opportunity to visit the laboratory of Chinese academy of sciences, found a more valuable direction, food safety:... Xu Mingkai teacher not only supported our ideas, he also agreed to be our guidance of the teacher. In this way, we have the second laboratory, the laboratory level is higher and had more advanced facilities. It was able to help us achieve our vision better. On April 29, project meetings, determine the division of labor, the wiki design, project scheme, igem magazine

In May 2015

If we design an engineering bacteria make it can degrade pesticide residue, we can get more safe food. Question is what kind of circumstances, can degrade pesticide? A what's the pesticides on fruits and vegetables? Is there a pesticide residue? After extensive investigation, we found that fruits and vegetables pesticide overweight problem is very serious in China, pesticides, affecting the quality of fruits and vegetables mainly pesticides pesticides, namely 70% of pesticide use insecticide, 70% were organophosphate pesticides, and 70% of organophosphorus pesticides for high toxic, highly toxic, high residual pesticide.

Lanzhou University

Contacts: Xu Rong phone 15193158692

Captain:Zhang Xiao 15522707656

Wang Haotian(experiment):18394662335

Guider: Li Xiangkai

1. We aided the Lanzhou University to solve the problem on IDT free registering.

(1) May,2015 ,Lanzhou University failed to register the IDT plasmids. By consulting the partners of Beijing IDT , they counseled our team about how to register.

(2) Then we answered Lanzhou University: We have just found 2 links. One is unfree. The other is especial for the IGEM team and free The link is

(3) Registering on this internet just need fill in the name, teacher and the E-mail address and so on of the team, and making a confirmation. Then they will send the plasmids freely to your team.

2. We consulted the Lanzhou University, and got their help.

(1) If we should choose Linear plasmid or choose the carrier from the 2000 plasmids. They told us that they chose the carriers from the 2000 plasmids. The carrier because of the few number, need transform and extract the plasmids. Then they need to be a further transformed.

(2) How should us pass the customs? Last year, Lan Zhou University appealed the customs by transporting the plastic tubes.

(3) How should we fill the plasmid register form? It is the question that we will ask them next weak.

(4) The amount of funding. Lanzhou University team possessed 8000RMB funding. The other parts was funded by its school.

(5) Information about social experience.

3. What they majorly did is to publicize the core of the function of synthetic biology and their result.

Last year, the best social experience team made a radio station interview about 2 hours

Consequently, they conclude that the key element is the influence of society.

4. The problem of the 2000plasmids(according to 8.11 telephone meeting.)

5. Concentration is extreme low. A: Yes, according to the official guide,there was 10 microliter water. They added 40 microliter water, and drew 2 microliter water to transform. Only 2, 3 bacterias grew.

Chloramphenicol is also need 40 microliter water. They answered they also used 120 microliter water without any problem.

6. Living defending case and PPT presentation.

(1) How many people can take part in PPT presentation?

(2) If we should explain for 20min and defend for 20min.

7. The making of the poster?

8. Is there a internet that we can download the pictures?