
Team Oxford
Team Photo

The most complete photo of the team we've taken thus far!

The Team

Project Leaders

    Raphaella Hull (Biochemistry)

    Henry Howard-Jenkins (Engineering)

Team Members

    Wei Chung "Leon" Kong (Chemistry)

    Mabel Wong (Biochemistry)

    Li Chieh "Lychee" Lu (Biochemistry)

    William Van Duzer (Physics)

    Ju Yeon Han (Biochemistry)

    Ria Dinsdale (Chemistry)

    Sam Wilkinson (Physics)

    Silas Elliott (Biology)

    Kyle Bennett (Biochemistry)

    George Driscoll (Biochemistry)

    Helen Brown (Biochemistry)

    Duke Quinton (Biochemistry)

    James Fage (Biology)

    Fred Turner (Biochemistry)

