
/*jslint devel: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, browser: true, confusion: true, unparam: true, eqeq: true, white: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */ /*globals jQuery */


* Coverflow
* Copyright (c) 2013 Martijn W. van der Lee
* Licensed under the MIT.

/* Lightweight and flexible coverflow effect using CSS3 transforms.

* For modern browsers with some amount of graceful degradation.
* Optional support for jQuery.interpolate() plugin.
* Optional support for .reflect() plugins.
* Requires jQuery 1.7+ and jQueryUI 1.9+.
* Recommended jQuery 1.8+ and jQueryUI 1.9+.
(function($, undefined) {

"use strict";

var sign = function(number) { return number < 0 ? -1 : 1; }, scl = function(number, fromMin, fromMax, toMin, toMax) { return ((number - fromMin) * (toMax - toMin) / (fromMax - fromMin)) + toMin; };

$.widget("vanderlee.coverflow", { options: { animateComplete: undefined, animateStep: undefined, density: 1, duration: 'normal', easing: undefined, index: 0, innerAngle: -75, innerCss: undefined, innerOffset: 100 / 3, innerScale: 0.75, outerAngle: -30, outerCss: undefined, outerScale: 0.25, selectedCss: undefined, visible: 'density', // 'density', 'all', NNN (exact) width: undefined,

change: undefined, // Whenever index is changed confirm: undefined, // Whenever clicking on the current item select: undefined // Whenever index is set (also on init) },

_create: function() { var that = this;

// Internal event prefix that.widgetEventPrefix = 'vanderlee-coverflow';

that.hovering = false; that.pagesize = 1; that.currentIndex = that.options.index;

// Fix height that.element.height(that._getCovers().first().height());

// Hide all covers and set position to absolute that._getCovers().hide().css('position', 'absolute');

// Enable click-jump that.element.on('click', '> *', function() { var index = that._getCovers().index(this); if (index === that.currentIndex) { that._callback('confirm'); } else { that._setIndex(index, true); } });

// Refresh on resize $(window).resize(function() { that.refresh(); });

// Mousewheel that.element.on('mousewheel', function(event, delta) { event.preventDefault(); that._setIndex(that.options.index - delta, true); });

// Swipe if ($.isFunction(that.element.swipe)) { that.element.swipe({ swipe: function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) { var count = Math.round((direction === 'left' ? 1 : -1) * 1.25 * that.pagesize * distance / that.element.width()); that._setIndex(that.options.index + count, true); } }); }

// Keyboard that.element.hover( function() { that.hovering = true; } , function() { that.hovering = false; } );

$(window).on('keydown', function(event) { if (that.hovering) { switch (event.which) { case 36: // home event.preventDefault(); that._setIndex(0, true); break;

case 35: // end event.preventDefault(); that._setIndex(that._getCovers().length - 1, true); break;

case 38: // up case 37: // left event.preventDefault(); that._setIndex(that.options.index - 1, true); break;

case 40: // down case 39: // right event.preventDefault(); that._setIndex(that.options.index + 1, true); break;

case 33: // page up (towards home) event.preventDefault(); that._setIndex(that.options.index - that.pagesize, true); break;

case 34: // page down (towards end) event.preventDefault(); that._setIndex(that.options.index + that.pagesize, true); break; } } });

// Initialize that._setIndex(that.options.index, false, true); that.refresh();

return that; },

/** * Returns the currently selected cover * @returns {jQuery} jQuery object */ cover: function() { return $(this._getCovers()[this.options.index]); },

/** * * @returns {unresolved} */ _getCovers: function() { return $('> *', this.element); },

_setIndex: function(index, animate, initial) { var covers = this._getCovers();

index = Math.max(0, Math.min(index, covers.length - 1));

if (index !== this.options.index) { this.refresh(); // pre-correct for reflection/mods

if (animate === true) { this.currentIndex = this.options.index; this.options.index = Math.round(index);

var that = this, duration = typeof that.options.duration === "number" ? that.options.duration : jQuery.fx.speeds[that.options.duration] || jQuery.fx.speeds._default, timeout = null, step = that.options.index > that.currentIndex ? 1 : -1, doStep = function() { var steps = Math.abs(that.options.index - that.currentIndex), time = duration / Math.max(1, steps) * 0.5; if (that.options.index !== that.currentIndex) { that.currentIndex += step;, time, that.currentIndex); timeout = setTimeout(doStep, time); } that._callback('change'); that._callback('select'); }; if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } if (that.currentIndex !== this.options.index) { doStep(); } } else { this.currentIndex = this.options.index = Math.round(index); this.refresh(this.options.duration); this._callback('change'); this._callback('select'); } } else if (initial === true) { this.refresh(); this._callback('select'); } },

_callback: function(callback) { this._trigger(callback, null, this._getCovers().get(this.currentIndex), this.currentIndex); },

index: function(index) { if (index === undefined) { return this.options.index; } this._setIndex(index, true); },

refresh: function(duration, index) { var that = this, target = index || that.options.index, count = that._getCovers().length, parentWidth = that.element.innerWidth(), coverWidth = that.options.width || that._getCovers().first().outerWidth(), visible = that.options.visible === 'density' ? Math.round(parentWidth * that.options.density / coverWidth) : $.isNumeric(that.options.visible) ? that.options.visible : count, parentLeft = that.element.position().left - ((1 - that.options.outerScale) * coverWidth * 0.5), space = (parentWidth - (that.options.outerScale * coverWidth)) * 0.5;

duration = duration || 0;

that.pagesize = visible;

that._getCovers().removeClass('current').each(function(index, cover) { var position = index - target, offset = position / visible, isVisible = Math.abs(offset) <= 1, sin = isVisible ? Math.sin(offset * Math.PI * 0.5) : sign(offset), cos = isVisible ? Math.cos(offset * Math.PI * 0.5) : 0, isMiddle = position === 0, zIndex = count - Math.abs(position), left = parentLeft + space + (isMiddle ? 0 : sign(sin) * scl(Math.abs(sin), 0, 1, that.options.innerOffset * that.options.density, space)), scale = !isVisible? 0 : isMiddle ? 1 : scl(Math.abs(cos), 1, 0, that.options.innerScale, that.options.outerScale), angle = isMiddle ? 0 : sign(sin) * scl(Math.abs(sin), 0, 1, that.options.innerAngle, that.options.outerAngle), state = {}, css = isMiddle ? that.options.selectedCss || {} : ( $.interpolate && that.options.outerCss && !$.isEmptyObject(that.options.outerCss) ? ( isVisible ? $.interpolate(that.options.innerCss || {}, that.options.outerCss, Math.abs(sin))  : that.options.outerCss ) : {} ), transform;

if (isVisible) { $(cover).show(); }

$(cover).stop().css({ 'z-index': zIndex }).animate($.extend(css, { 'left': left, '_sin': sin, '_cos': cos, '_scale': scale, '_angle': angle // must be last! }), { 'easing': that.options.easing, 'duration': duration, 'step': function(now, fx) { // Store state state[fx.prop] = now;

// On last of the states, change all at once if (fx.prop === '_angle') { transform = 'scale(' + state._scale + ',' + state._scale + ') perspective('+(parentWidth * 0.5)+'px) rotateY(' + state._angle + 'deg)'; $(this).css({ '-webkit-transform': transform, '-ms-transform': transform, 'transform': transform });

// Optional callback that._trigger('animateStep', cover, [cover, offset, isVisible, isMiddle, state._sin, state._cos]); } }, 'complete': function() { $(this)[isMiddle ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('current'); $(this)[isVisible ? 'show' : 'hide']();

// Optional callback that._trigger('animateComplete', cover, [cover, offset, isVisible, isMiddle, sin, cos]); } }); }); } }); }(jQuery));