
The Curios Little Story about a Curios Little Being

All the statistics show that it is the level of knowledge regarding GMOs that constitutes people's attitude towards GMOs. Actually, this mechanism is quite natural and concern many other instances. The less we know about a certain thing the more we fear it, and if the road is paved with fear then irrational attitudes will be the offspring of irrational arguments. My mission is not to convert anyone's opinion concerning GMO, but to make people talk about it. A GMO itself is not right or wrong, the existence of an organism cannot be wrong, it is how we decide to use it that can be ethically discussed. I believe that enlightenment of people
is the way to make sure that whatever opinion one might have, it is built on a solid foundation. But how do I even
get started. People can be very hardheaded. Why are they hardheaded? The have been shaped, twisted and tur-
ned by the circumstances of life and are in no way what so ever in a place where such complicated issues as
GMOs can prioritized. They do not have the time... Then I asked myself. If I am to share my thoughts on GMOs
with someone who has the time and it is not bias then that should it be? Children of course. Children are bles-
sed with an unpolluted mind and a wonderful ability to ask the most obvious questions in ways that require
not so obvious answers. 
But for these questions to come into existence and be verbalized by children, they
must be introduced in a form that is understandable and in some lengths entertaining.
 If I can introduce
children to GMOs and at the same time tell them a story with existential implications it just might do the
Ripples of enlightenment have been set in motion. 
An introductory children's book about
GMOs with an undertone of existentialism. 
For Kids. Why make it easy?

A story for adults and children on the subjects of GMOs and Existentialism. Some illustrations are
uncolored so that you can color them yourself. There are both a digital version and a printable version.

Underneath this section we bring you a little teaser of our amazing children's book which is done by the SDU-Denmark 2015 team, sponsored by University of Southern Denmark and inspired by iGEM. If you want to read the whole book, you can open and/or download it right here: The Curios Little Story about a Curios Little Being Download