Team:TU Dresden/Notebook/PlasmidDesign

Plasmid Design

All plasmids designed in this section were used as parts for the various subprojects. These plasmids were initially designed to have kanomycin selection marker. These were synthesized from IDT. Below, the plasmid maps of the various parts characterized as for this project can be found.

Please refer to the Parts section for the final updated parts in iGEM Biobrick format.

Plasmid Maps

M13 gene 3 coding for infection protein P3

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HER2 (Human Epidermal Growth Factor 2) cytoplasmic domain

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ZHER2 - affibody with affinity to HER2

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T25 - subunit of BACTH system

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T18 - subunit of BACTH system

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Leucine zipper able to bind to T25 BACTH subunit

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Leucine zipper able to bind to T18 BACTH subunit

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