


We'd like to thank all the people and organizations that had supported us through the development of out project. We couldn't have made it without them.

Departamento de Biotecnología e Ing Química, for the support with human resources, special permissions for laboratory usage, and the sponsoring for materials and reagents used throughout the development of the Project.

  • Efraín Barragán, Director of the Faculty, for his support and advice regarding the Project.
  • Ph. D. Yamir Bandala, Research Professor, for his advice upon the bioinformatic analysis of our Project. He helped a lot in the analysis of the aptameric sequence and its affinity to lead.
  • Ph. D. Aurora Antonio
  • Ph. D. Juan Carlos Amador, Research Professor, for his advice regarding protein analysis and molecular biology techniques.
  • Ph. D. César García Díaz, for his funding in order to attend to events such as IWA Conference and the iGEM Meet Up at Monterrey.
  • MSc Ana Laura Torres, the Primary Advisor of our team, for all the advice, help, and effort put into the development of this Project. Without her, this could never have been possible.
  • Ph. D. Berenice Vergara, the Secondary Advisor, for all her advice and support throughtout the Project.
  • Biologist Ramón Rivero Aranda, for providing advice, supervision, and material as laboratoty attendant throughout our Wetlab development.
  • Engineer Paola Mora Lozano, for providing supervision and material as laboratoty attendant throughout our Wetlab development.

Escuela de Diseño, Ingeniería, y Arquitectura

  • Ph. D. Andrés García, it's Director for the funding used for the Team Registration fee.

Departamento de Asuntos Estudiantiles

  • Miguel Hidalgo, it's Director for the support and T-shirts for the ITESM teams.

Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados, CINVESTAV

  • Ph. D. Carlos Cruz Cruz for the help, advice, material, and reagents provided during the Wetlab development.

iGEM Headquarters

  • Ana Sifuentes, for the help and advice provided during the iGEM Competition.

IDT and Uniparts


Alitas los Jinetes