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Origin Story

Week 1 (15th June – 21st June)


This is how it begins. The iGEM bootcamp at UCL is intended to prepare us for the roles we are going to play this summer. We get to talk to some of the founding members of iGEM and meet two other iGEM teams from London, from the Biohackspace in Hackney and Birkbeck College.

Monday 15th

We met at 09:30 in the the lab. It is the first time we could all meet each other since exams. The team members from the hackspace and Birkbeck were there as well. We use

Tuesday 16th

Wednesday 17th

Thursday 18th

Friday 19th

Saturday 20th

Sunday 21st

Week 2 (22nd June – 28th June)

Monday 22nd

Tuesday 23rd

Wednesday 24th

Thursday 25th

Friday 26th

Saturday 27th

Sunday 28th