Team:Nankai/Composite Part

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Composite Parts

Composite Parts

Promoter Pxyl together with promoter PlacI, repressor LacI (BBa_K1628201), promoter Pgrac (BBa_K1628202) and repressor XylR (BBa_K1628203) formed a metabolic toggle switch. Promoter Pxyl(BBa_K1628002) is a promoter of xylose operon regulate by repressor XylR. Promoter PlacI is a promoter of lactose operon and LacI is a repressor of lactose operon regulating promoter PlacI. PlacI is the native promoter of LacI. Promoter Pgrac is a promoter of lactose operon regulated by repressor LacI.

We used this device to regulate the expression of odhAB genes in B. amyloliquefaciens NK-1 (showed in Figure 2). Without IPTG, the promoter Pgrac is inhibited by suppressor LacI and the supreessor XylR will not synthesized, thus the promoter Pxyl is active and odhAB genes are expressed. When IPTG is added, the xylR gene is expressed and the suppressor XylR is synthesized thereafter inhibited the expression of odhAB genes.

Figure 2. Metabolic toggle switch to regulate the expression of odhAB






Medigo Blue, free responsive template