
The OwligO Team


Arianna "the Explora"

BSc Molecular Biology? Graduate BBk?


Ariana Mirzarafie-Ahi at the airport. Ariana Explora on the interwebs.


According to an old Romanian peasant on the train between Timisoara and Iasi? Fifteen.

Where are you from?

Manastur, the neighbourhood with a reputation from Cluj-Napoca.

Post-graduation plan?

Post-graduation degree.

One thing you must do before you die?

Live. (Oh. This got deep quickly).

If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?

Acting in Hollywood.

Biggest pet peeve?

People misplacing things, forgetting things, and god forbid and god help them, losing things.

Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?

74.5% of the time.

Least favourite film?

“Devil” was a cryworthy waste of time.

What do you eat for breakfast?

Genetically resurrected mammoth babies. Or a non-GMO banana.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

Chronologically? A lawyer (mum told me my choices were doctor or lawyer), an actress, an advertiser, an actress, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a DON’T-LABEL-ME activist.

Tea or coffee?

Tea. Always and forever.

Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?

I’m taking part in a genetic engineering competition. Hello?

Barbara "Babz" Steijl

3rd year BSc Molecular Biology? Birkbeck College, University of London

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Elliot Paris

Graduate MSci in Natural Sciences, University College London

A University College London MSci Natural Sciences 2015 Graduate, where his major was Genetics, Evolution & Environment and his minor was Synthetic Organic Chemistry. iGEM offered a unique opportunity for him to bridge his degree disciplines with invaluable synthetic biology experience; the field in which he wishes to acquire a doctorate position.

The first in his family to go to University, he feels privileged to be a part of the first Birkbeck team and all that it represents – determination, perseverance, progression and success. Besides his desire to implement synthetic biology on healthcare, one long-term goal of his is to engineer organisms that can reverse drivers positively feeding back into climate change. A football fanatic and player alike - he eats like a pig, drinks like a fish and cycles with animosity.


Luba Prout

Graduate BSc Molecular Biology? Birkbeck College, University of London

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Mervyn Richardson

3rd Year BSc Molecular Biology? Birkbeck College, University of London

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Rachel Wellman

3rd year BSc Molecular Biology? Birkbeck College, University of London

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Sean Ross Craig

Graduate BSc in Microbiology University of Dundee, MRes Microbiology Graduate Birkbeck College, University of London

A University of Dundee BSc Microbiology 2012 Graduate, he worked as a chef for a year and a half after graduation. Birkbeck College University of London gave Sean the opportunity to study the subject that he loves and work at the same time. He was able to complete his MRes due to the flexibility of Birkbeck College. Without an institution such as Birkbeck College offering the flexibility in study, he would not have been able to obtain a research based post-graduate qualification. Being a part of the iGEM team means a lot to Sean & he hopes to give back to the great institute that provided him with the opportunity to pursue a career in academic science.

When Sean is not looking at Biosynthetic pathways or dreaming up scientific ideas for the good of mankind sean enjoys playing & watching football. He also has a keen interest in nature. He has the pace to keep up with Elliot on the eating front (but doesn’t have the stamina to eat the sheer volume) however, does have the stamina on the drinking front.

Tim Walker

Graduate BSc in Molecular Biology? University of Edinbrough, MRes Microbiology Graduate Birkbeck College, University of London

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Wayne Pires

Graduate BSc in Molecular Biology? Birkbeck College, University of London

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The Gaffer

The Advisors

The Students


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  • Include pictures of your teammates, don’t forget instructors and advisors!
  • You can add a small biography or a few words from each team member, to tell us what you like, and what motivated you to participate in iGEM.
  • Take team pictures! Show us your school, your lab and little bit of your city.
  • Remember that image galleries can help you showcase many pictures while saving space.