


Project Design

Our project was preliminary designed by Wang Xi and Zhangyu Cheng. Also, many brainstorming meetings including all the team were held, then we established our whole project.

Wet Lab Work

Our wet team consists of several undergraduates including Shuyan Tang, Lei Yin, Zhangyu Cheng, Wang Xi, Wangjie Liu, Junjie Xu, Shuaiying Xiang, Zhi Zeng, YanXiao Zheng and Guozhao Wu.


Our modeling jab are mainly taken in charge by by Ruihao Li and Tianguang Wang.


All the content of our wiki was provided by all of us! Wiki framework was done by Yang Xu. Art and design was done by Zixi Yang. YanXiao Zheng also made a short video for our project.


Jiatong Liu&Guozhao Wu left for ZhouShan, Zhejiang and did a field work. Shuyan Tang consulted Professor Junjie Zheng from Civil Engineering College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.


Professor Yunjun Ya

Professor Kang Ning

Professor Yu Xue

Dr Yi Zhan

Dr Qian Ge

Special Thanks

Especially thanks Professor Xinqing Zhao, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Professor Jens Nielson, for providing Saccharomyces cerevisiae s288c.

Thanks Dr Xiaohua Gui, M Yulin Kuang Dr Guilong Wang, Dr Wu Liu, Dr Dujie Pan for their direct guide in experiment.

Thanks Ruiyan Zhang for translating and proofreading the content of our wiki.


This project was supported by Huazhong University of science and technology, College of Life Science and Technology HUST, Qiming college of HUST.

Mathworks provided software supply.

TsingKe and TianYiHuiYuan provided primer synthesis and sequencing service.

IDT provided DNA product.