
Team Oxford

Date Researcher(s) Content
22/06/2015 Whole Team

Preparation of Stock Solutions

1. gBlocks

The gBlocks ordered from IDT arrived in the form of vials of 200ng solid DNA powder.

(refer to BioBricks page for information on DNA sequences)

The gBlocks were made into 10ng/µl stock solutions in Milli-Q water for storage:

mass / ng conc / ngµl-1 final volume / µl
200 10 20
2. Primers

The forward and reverse primers ordered from IDT came in 32.4nmol and 34.3nmol of solid respectively.


The primers were made into 100µM stock solutions in Milli-Q water for storage:

amt / 10-9 mol conc / 10-6 M final volume / 10-6 L
32.4 100 324
34.3 100 343

Preparation of Reaction Solutions