Team:Paris Saclay/Notebook/July/3

Lab Work



by Johan

Transformation :

I13522 R0051 (Years 2013, 2014, 2015) K1493504 by Johan, Pauline

Liquide culture :

14x 5ml of LB + 5uL Cm 20mg/mL to obtain 20ug/mL J23117, J23101, J23106, R0051, I13602, I13522, C0040 We stop with K098997 because the well, we think the biobrick was, was empty

4x 5ml of LB + 25uL Amp 20mg/mL to obatin 100ug/mL I113504 by Pauline, Johan

Preparation for the Parisien meet-up

Members present:

  • Instructors : Alice.
  • Students : Johan, Pauline.