
Dear iGEMers,

We tally all of these votes to determine awards, as voted by the judges.

Judging feedback is provided in two forms: scores from the evaluation rubric and comments from the judges. The rubric scores are presented in the form of a histogram of votes. The further to the left, the higher the score. Please note the numbers correspond to the number of votes at each level. We received 63,000 votes in total, about 55% more than last year, so the judges were busy at the Jamboree!

Judges can also write comments for each team. Teams should receive comments from at least three or four judges, if not from all judges assigned to your team. All feedback is anonymous.

Feedback Presentation

Your feedback is presented in the form of a table with two columns. The first is the category (in the example below "Project") with the aspects listed below. The second column represents the votes judges cast. You should interpret this is high to low from left to right.


If you have any questions about feedback, please contact the judging committee: kim AT igem DOT org and put "iGEM 2015 FEEDBACK QUESTIONS" in the subject line.