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Lab Book

Dates are in the UK format DD/MM/YY


  • Cultured a 250ml conical flask using 100 ml BG-11 and 5 loopfuls of .6803 WT.
  • Cultured 5 streak plates of .6803 on solid BG-11
  • All were placed on the windowsill in our lab in natural light


  • Three new 250ml conical flasks were set up on the shaker (42rpm). Each contained 5 loopfuls of .6803 WT and 100ml of BG-11. They were exposed to 24hr light by the overhead lights in the lab.
  • 07/07/15

  • Flask 5 cultured containing 10ul .6803 WT in 100ml BG-11. This flask will be used for preliminary growth curve measurements. The flask was placed on the shaker with flasks 2,3 and 4.
  • 10/07/15

    2 Litres of water collected from Whiteknights Lake on campus for SODIS, method outlines in protocols.


    Estimating the Cells per ml for the flask from 29/06 1a.u at 750nm = 1.6x108

  • OD750 = 0.028
  • So
  • 0.028x1.6x108 = 4.48x106 cells per ml
  • 14/07/15

    The lamp safety testing was completed so our flasks were placed under the white light bulb

    What should this page have?
    • Chronological notes of what your team is doing.
    • Brief descriptions of daily important events.
    • Pictures of your progress.
    • Mention who participated in what task.

    Date OD750 Estimated Cells per ml
    7/7 0.000 0