Team:NAIT Edmonton/Trial6

Team NAIT 2015


Despite the time constraints, our team met all the gold requirements for the iGEM competition.

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iGEM 2015

Learn about the exciting opportunities the iGEM foundation has to offer! The experience was incredible!

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Contact Us!

Please contact our team if you want more information about our project or have any other questions or concerns.

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iGEM Survival Guide

The iGEM Survival Guide is not a traditional novel. It is written by first time iGEMers for all other iGEMers. In this write up, Team NAIT delves into their experiences as a first time iGEM team, covering everything from surviving team conflicts to fixing wrongfully sequenced gBlocks. Not many people get to experience the authentic learning experience iGEM provides. We hope that this document will guide future teams through the dark waters that we sailed through our iGEM experience.


Our Sponsors

With the generosity of these institutions and companies, our team was able to conduct the research for our project and attend the Giant Jamboree in Boston. Thank you so much!