Difference between revisions of "Registration Handbook"

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<h2>iGEM team: registration/roster</h2>
<h2><a id="roster">iGEM team: registration/roster</h2>
<p>As soon as your team application is approved by iGEM HQ, you will be on the list to receive the Spring 2015 DNA Distribution Kit and you will be able to start to form your team roster.</p>
<p>As soon as your team application is approved by iGEM HQ, you will be on the list to receive the Spring 2015 DNA Distribution Kit and you will be able to start to form your team roster.</p>

Revision as of 22:47, 2 February 2015

iGEM Registration Handbook: user accounts

The first step in the entire iGEM registration process is to create a user account for yourself. Everyone must have a user account - instructors, students, graduate students, other faculty, and anyone else on the team. In order to be on a team, you must have a user account. By creating this account, you will be able to access and edit the content on the iGEM website and wiki, and the Registry website and wiki. You will also be able to use any tools on either of those two websites. It is extremely important that you have a user account!

In order to create an account, go to the create an account page by clicking on "Log in/create an account" in the upper right corner. It will look like this:

The most important thing to remember when creating a user account is that we are asking you to provide us TWO names: your real name and your user name. Your user name will only be used to log in to iGEM and the Registry. Your real name will be used for everything else - including keeping track of edits that you make, attributing credit to anything that you have done, and any other presence that you have on iGEM and the Registry. Your user name is simply your login name and your real name is your professional identity. Your user/login name can be anything that you want but your real name must take the form [first name] [last name]. At this time, we can only accept character A-Z and numbers 0-9. We unfortunately cannot accept any special characters yet. We realize that this might pose an inconvenience to some but please be aware that we are working towards having full character support at some point in the near future.

When you create an account you will be asked for the school or organization you are affiliated with. This is NOT the name of the iGEM team you are on. This is the school that you attend or the organization that you are with. For example, if Boston College and Cambridge College were to join together to form an iGEM team called Massachusetts, a student at Boston College would write that their school is Boston College, NOT Massachusetts.

Once you have created a user account, you automatically have a user page.

If you ever forget your user name or your password, you can come back to the login page. You can look up your user name by searching with your real name. If you forget your password, you can enter your user name and a new password can be emailed to you.

iGEM Registration Handbook: team accounts

In order to participate in iGEM, you must first apply for and then register your team. You must be a faculty instructor to do so - students members will not be allowed to register a team.

If you are an instructor, keep reading these instructions. If you are a student, you can continue reading but please be sure to read the section below called iGEM team: registration/roster.

iGEM team: composition

There a few things to remember before registering a team. First, and most important, is the team name. In most cases the team name will be the name of the city (or school in some cases) from which you are participating. It must: