Team:Slovenia HS/mainjs

/* TXT by HTML5 UP | @n33co Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (

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(function($) {

skel .breakpoints({ desktop: '(min-width: 737px)', tablet: '(min-width: 737px) and (max-width: 1200px)', mobile: '(max-width: 736px)' }) .viewport({ breakpoints: { tablet: { width: 1080 } } });

$(function() {

var $window = $(window), $body = $('body');

// Disable animations/transitions until the page has loaded. $body.addClass('is-loading');

$window.on('load', function() { $body.removeClass('is-loading'); });

// Fix: Placeholder polyfill. $('form').placeholder();

// Prioritize "important" elements on mobile. skel.on('+mobile -mobile', function() { $.prioritize( '.important\\28 mobile\\29', skel.breakpoint('mobile').active ); });

// CSS polyfills (IE<9). if (skel.vars.IEVersion < 9) $(':last-child').addClass('last-child');

// Dropdowns. $('#nav > ul').dropotron({ mode: 'fade', noOpenerFade: true, speed: 300, alignment: 'center' });

// Off-Canvas Navigation.

// Title Bar. $(

' +

'<a href="#navPanel" class="toggle"></a>' + '' + $('#logo').html() + '' +


) .appendTo($body);

// Navigation Panel. $(


) .appendTo($body) .panel({ delay: 500, hideOnClick: true, hideOnSwipe: true, resetScroll: true, resetForms: true, side: 'left', target: $body, visibleClass: 'navPanel-visible' });

// Fix: Remove navPanel transitions on WP<10 (poor/buggy performance). if (skel.vars.os == 'wp' && skel.vars.osVersion < 10) $('#titleBar, #navPanel, #page-wrapper') .css('transition', 'none');

