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<li>Public Outreach
<li>Public Outreach
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:UI_Indonesia/Parts"><li>Harganas</li></a>
<a onclick="harganas()""><li>Harganas</li></a>
<a  onclick="gcwsb()"><li>Get Closer With Synthetic Biology</li></a>   
<a  onclick="gcwsb()"><li>Get Closer With Synthetic Biology</li></a>   
                                                         <a  onclick="bkkbn()"><li>BKKBN</li></a>
                                                         <a  onclick="bkkbn()"><li>BKKBN</li></a>
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<a onclick="ei()"><li>Ethical Investigation</li></a>
<a onclick="ei()"><li>Ethical Investigation</li></a>
<a onclick="ei()"><li>Law & Regulation</li></a>
<a onclick="fpage()"><li>Family Planning & Gender Equality</li></a>   
<a onclick="fpage()"><li>Family Planning & Gender Equality</li></a>   
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:UI_Indonesia/Composite_Part"><li>The Survey Said</li></a>
<a onclick="surveysaid()"><li>The Survey Said</li></a>
<a onclick="sj()"><li>Social Justice On Bacon</li></a>  
<a onclick="sj()"><li>Social Justice On Bacon</li></a>  
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                                         <li onclick="biosecurity()">Biosecurity</li>
                                         <li onclick="biosecurity()">Biosecurity</li>
<a onclick="bs()"><li>Biosecurity</li></a>
<a onclick="bw()"><li>Biological Weapon</li></a>
<a onclick="fta()"><li>FTA</li></a> 
<div id="konten" style="width:700px;border: 2px solid #6D5417;margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:20px;padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;float:left;margin-left:20px;background-image: url('https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/1/10/UI_Indonesia_opacity.png');">
<div id="konten" style="width:700px;border: 2px solid #6D5417;margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:20px;padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;float:left;margin-left:20px;background-image: url('https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/1/10/UI_Indonesia_opacity.png');">
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function harganas() {
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "Policy & Practice iGEM UI 2015 Public Outreach : Participating in National Family Day 2015";
    document.getElementById("isi").innerHTML = "<center><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/f/fa/UI_Indonesia_harganas1.png' width='500px'></center><br><br><b>A. Overview of National Family Day Celebration and it’s Relation With Family Planning Program</b><br><br>Family , the smallest part of communities . But from a good family will appear good and qualified people . Well here means in terms of spiritual and physical . Because family has very important the rolein the community , since 1994 , precisely on June 29 the government commemorating the national family day . National Family Day ( HarGaNas ) by the government is held to invite the whole family Indonesia to introspect and improve itself in order to do what is best for his family .<br><br>National Family Day (HarGaNas)  become a strategic moment to remind us of the importance of the family as a place of growth and development of each nation, both physically , mentally and morally , to become a complete human being , for the sake of his own family and the interests of the nation . In addition, to improve our common commitment to continue and develop the construction of small happy and prosperous as expected in the implementation.<br><br>Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) is an effort to reduce poverty / hunger , reduce maternal and child mortality , promoting gender equality , as well as addressing HIV / AIDS and other diseases that have undermined the fundamental resilience of a family , community and  nation<br><br>Development of population and family, along with efforts to achieve MDG targets in Indonesia, should be supported together. Moreover, in order to control the quantity and improving the quality of the population, our nation has been long enough to apply the concept of development pertaining to the population (people centered development) and construction of family empowerment (family centered development). With the development concept pertaining to the population, the population viewed as a whole five traits, namely as a unique self, as family members, as members of society, as citizens and as a set quantity. While the concept of the development of the family, the family is seen as a strategic vehicle for the development of Human Resources (HR) potential which will give birth to humans the development of reliable in all areas. Logically, the family as the smallest unit of society has such an important role in determining the quality of human resources in general, since the family is the first and the first environment for every individual. Therefore, to realize the potential of human resources, the role of the family is very urgent.<br><br><b>B. What’s the Correlation Between National Family Day Celebration and UI iGEM 2015 Project ?</b><br><br>This year, UI Indonesia team make an iGEM project about Bacterial Contraception (BaCon). We make this product to solve overpopulation problem from the grassroot. Overpopulation can be prevent by birth rate control.  Contraceptives are use in family planning implementation.To control birth rate, One of National Family Day commemoration aim is to increase people awareness toward Family Planning.<br><br>As one the most important National Day, National Family Day , was attended by various elements of society and individualofficials. Through this celebration, Policy makers want the human resources to be better with the presence of Family Planning programs. family welfare association , which is an element that is closest to the community , also participated in this event. their presence is useful to promote the benefits of family planning program and to educate the public.<br><br>We were invited by Tangerang Selatan Government to attend National Family Day. It seems like a ‘Perfect Timing’ for us, So, we use this moment to disseminate our project to the various communities and interviewed the stakeholder, from bottom to top. We make socialization and opinion analysis to the society  through flyer and interview. We also make small interview to the goverments who attend this event. That’s why we choose this event as part of our team’s Public Outreach &Practice<br><br><center><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/a/a7/UI_Indonesia_harganas2.jpg' width='500px'></center>";
function surveysaid() {
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "The Survey Said";
    document.getElementById("isi").innerHTML = "Each product should have formed because of the urgency for the people. To see an urgency in the community, we conducted a survey related to the products that we are developing. Our survey include four parts: the issue of population growth, planning, family planning, gender equality and issues related to contraception as well as public opinion regarding contraceptives tool that we use.<br><br>We spread this questionnaire online at Indonesia as well as in some Asian countries, Europe and America with the help of a team iGEMNoKoGen Japan, METU Turkey,CGU Taiwan, Aix-Marseile France, ITESM Guadalaraja Mexico, SYU Braxil, Tecnion Israel, ,Aachen Germany, and IIT Khargpur Indiaand some our friend in aboard.<br><br>We collect 274 of participants for our questionnaire, all the participant comes from Asia, Europe and America: China, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Turkey, Israel, Turkmenistan, Japan, and Indonesia. We gather data and analyze it. First we make-the chard with participants from Asia, America and Europe to analyze overall, we compared both between developing countries and developed countries, namely Indonesia and Japan. Thus we have the general and specific data. Here are the chard from the survey we did.<br><br>A. Survey Result in countries of the Asian, America, and Europe Continent<br><br><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/c/cd/UI_Indonesia_survey1.png' width='500px'><br><br>B. Survey Result between Developed and Developing Countries<br><br><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/7/71/Picture21.png' width='500px'><br><br><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/3/3b/Picture22.png' width='500px'><br><br><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/2/24/For_uiigem.png' width='500px'><br><br>c. Conclusions:<br><br>There are 273 respondents agreed that the problem of population explosion in the world must be addressed. 173 of 274 respondents also stated that hunger and poverty are major problems as a result of the population explosion. It is proved that the world community is now not only take attention with progress of civilization but the population explosion problem needs to be addressed immediately. It strengthens us to create innovation-friendly new contraceptive.<br><br>In section 2 we review the questionnaire about the urgency of contraception and family planning program. There are 31 of the 274 respondents who are not familiar with the family planning or contraception program to suppress the growth of the population. This is a large number. When we asked if the family you are using contraceptives program only 44% of respondents who gave responpositif. While 53% of them stated that his country has no program to suppress the growth of the population. Some countries set restrictions on the number of children by raising taxes, rectricing birth etc. Results showed 56% of respondents agree and support it. World population is projected to exceed 6 billion before the year 2000. And According to a report by the United Nations Population Fund, the total population is Likely to reach 10 billion by 2025. UNICEF estimates that an average of 353,000 babies are born each day around the world. In addition the survey also shows that condoms are the most desirable appliance contraceptives for reasons of practicality, but on the other hand there is a lack of which is to be disposable and not environmentally friendly, so we create a new, more innovation friendly and reversible.<br><br>Family-planning (FP) programs have focused attention primarily on women to space and/or limit excessive childbearing and to reduce maternal and infant mortality. Today, there’re several contraception methods that used in family planning such as : condoms, IUD, hormonal pills, hormonal injection, spermicides, etc. Unfortunately, from several contraception methods, only condoms that used by male. This has reinforced the belief that FP is largely a woman’s business, the man playing a very peripheral role.However, 38% of respondents chose no preference of it and 58% said no problem, so we conclude that Bacon future can be applied to a woman's body: see more at Future Plan Bacon<br><br>Next analysis we did was to compare respondents developing countries and developed countries, namely Indonesia and Japan. We establish good cooperation with Japan to exchange NoKoGen questionnaire so that this project can be completed. After managing the questionnaires it turns out the largest percentage of the answer choices in both countries falls on the same options.<br><br>Given this questionnaire we can evaluate the marketing strategies, forms of contraceptives that the analysis appliance can be seen in Our Future Bacon Plan.";
function eucob() {
function eucob() {
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "End User Consideration Of Bacterial Contraception (BaCon)";
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "End User Consideration Of Bacterial Contraception (BaCon)";
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function pnpacc() {
function pnpacc() {
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "Feasibility Assessement of Bacterial Contraception";
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "Biosafety Manual Help Maker";
     document.getElementById("isi").innerHTML = "<center><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/9/9b/UI_Indonesia_polprac.png' width='500px'></center><br><br><center><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/7/72/UI_Indonesia_pnpacc.jpg' width='500px'></center>";
     document.getElementById("isi").innerHTML = "<center><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/9/9b/UI_Indonesia_polprac.png' width='500px'></center><br><br>When we discuss our project, we want to know the safe protocol in laboratorium to do our project in UI. Unfortunately, there is no legal protocol or policy that rules about pratices in lab. Furthermore, our insturctor suggested us to discuss with Occupational Health and Safety Environment Laboratory Committee in University of Indonesia, and we agree with that.<br><br>And finally, we met the chief of OSHE Lab Committee, Prof. Fatma Lestari who were kindly to discuss about this problem. Prof. Fatma explained to us that there is a biosafety manual in UI but not legalized yet and the protocols is not done yet. She asked if we want to help them to finished the biosafety manuals while we study about biosafety. We could see that this is the opportunity to us to learn about biosafety in laboratorium so we could work safely and also to promote synthetic biology in one of official in UI, that we hope that they will mention the importance thing to develop this technology which could be useful in the future.<br><br><center><img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/7/72/UI_Indonesia_pnpacc.jpg' width='500px'></center>";
function bkkbn() {
function bkkbn() {
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function biosecurity() {
function biosecurity() {
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "Biosecurity";
    document.getElementById("isi").innerHTML = "In our project, many of people ask us about “how if your product use by irresponssible people who use it for threatening purpose?” that question trigerring us that our product could have biosecurity issue in the future if we don’t do an assessment to prevent it. Furthermore, we try to make a resolution to overcome and the idea that we purpose are:<br><br><b>Patent</b><br>We choose to use patent protectionin the future because this give us a right to determine who allowed to use the product in such a certain time (based on Indonesia Constitution number 14, 2001) we want that the user who allowed to use our product is:<br>a. Clinician<br>b. Pharmacist<br>c. Scientist<br>d. Midwife <br>But, we do know that patent is not permanent, which that mean we could lose mandatory to our product. The solution that we could provide is to advocate government a protection to restricted sell the contraception freely for the safety issue.";
function bw() {
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "Biological Weapon";
    document.getElementById("isi").innerHTML = "History Of Biological Weapon Regulation, as State on Chemical Weapon Convention
Protocol Prohibition of the Use Shorthern Breathing Gas, Poisonous Gas or other Gases in war, and of the methods of War by Using Bacteria), which signed on June 7, 1925, hereinafter referred to as the Geneva Protocol of 1925. Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use in war of gases that lead to shortness of breath and poisonous liquid, objects or similar equipment, and also prohibits the use of bacteria in methods of warfare. Although 1925 Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use of biological weapons and chemical weapons, but does not prohibit development, production, stockpiling or spread, so too did not set mechanisms and handling procedures in the event of a breach.<br>Because of the weaknesses of the Geneva Protocol of 1925, as well as start increasing awareness to the danger of weapons of mass destruction by this. the international community continues to pursue the achievement of a total ban on chemical weapons. At lahun 1948, the UN Commission on Conventional Weapons set chemical weapons and germ weapons as weapons of mass destruction. In 1966 passed a resolution Resolution of the UN General Assembly as the first request that negotiations be held for the ban chemical weapons and germ weapons.<br>The achievement of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons seen as the first step for the possibility ofthe achievement of a comprehensive ban on chemical weapons Along with the growing success of the industrymodem chemistry in many countries, the number of countries that have the potential to have chemical weapons has increased sharply.<br>In 1980 the Conference on Disarmament that implement its sessions in Geneva started negotiate a convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons. However, the progress of completion The new convention is achieved within a decade later, after reached kesepakatankesepakatan principles concerning sensitive issues relating to the implementation vcrifikasi convention. Completion of the convention is also supported by the advancement of bilateral negotiations between the two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States. In 1989 the two countries can even reach one bilateral agreements for the elimination of most of their chemical weapons stockpiles.<br>Regulation About Biological Weapon in Indonesia<br>Indonesia has legislation prohibiting the production, distribition, and, use of biological weapon. This have been stated on : LAWS OF THE REPUBLIC INDONESIANUMBER 6 IN 1998ABOUTRATIFICATION OF THE CONVENTION Of the Prohibition ON THE DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION, stockpilingAND USE OF CHEMICAL AND ON THEIR DESTRUCTION Weapons. Considering:that according to the Preamble to the Constitution of 1945, the policy of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on disarmament aims to participate in the establishment of order, security, and peace of the world, among others, by freeing the world from the threats of disasters that may result from the existence and use of weapons of mass destruction, ie nuclear, biological, and chemical. <br>Could Our Project Becoming Biological Weapon ?<br>Our project has purpose to create a bacteria with contraceptive effect. This project’s purpose Triggering Fears . Some people who are worried much, think that or project similar with sterile virus in fictional novel, Inferno or Chimera ! But, society don’t have to worried too much because we use Bacillus substilis, a bacteria with level 1 biosafety scale (the lowest level). We also conduct research based on the prevail safety protocol. Then, we also design a toggle switch, to kill the engineered bacteria, when they spread outside the vagina.
function fta() {
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "Biosecurity";
document.getElementById("judul").innerHTML = "Biosecurity";
     document.getElementById("isi").innerHTML = "In our project, many of people ask us about “how if your product use by irresponssible people who use it for threatening purpose?” that question trigerring us that our product could have biosecurity issue in the future if we don’t do an assessment to prevent it. Furthermore, we try to make a resolution to overcome and the idea that we purpose are:<br><br><b>Patent</b><br>We choose to use patent protectionin the future because this give us a right to determine who allowed to use the product in such a certain time (based on Indonesia Constitution number 14, 2001) we want that the user who allowed to use our product is:<br>a. Clinician<br>b. Pharmacist<br>c. Scientist<br>d. Midwife <br>But, we do know that patent is not permanent, which that mean we could lose mandatory to our product. The solution that we could provide is to advocate government a protection to restricted sell the contraception freely for the safety issue.";
     document.getElementById("isi").innerHTML = "In our project, many of people ask us about “how if your product use by irresponssible people who use it for threatening purpose?” that question trigerring us that our product could have biosecurity issue in the future if we don’t do an assessment to prevent it. Furthermore, we try to make a resolution to overcome and the idea that we purpose are:<br><br><b>Patent</b><br>We choose to use patent protectionin the future because this give us a right to determine who allowed to use the product in such a certain time (based on Indonesia Constitution number 14, 2001) we want that the user who allowed to use our product is:<br>a. Clinician<br>b. Pharmacist<br>c. Scientist<br>d. Midwife <br>But, we do know that patent is not permanent, which that mean we could lose mandatory to our product. The solution that we could provide is to advocate government a protection to restricted sell the contraception freely for the safety issue.";

Latest revision as of 20:22, 18 September 2015

End User Consideration Of Bacterial Contraception (BaCon)

A. Society View Toward the Existing Contraceptive and Bacterial Contraception (BaCon)
• About 55% respondents feel neutral with their current contraceptives

• Altough some of them feel neutral on their current contraceptives, They still find some disadvantages in their current contraceptive. 3 major disadvantages are : Inconvenient, Troublesome & Ineffectivity

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