

function setEqualHeight(columns) { var tallestcolumn = 0;

columns.each(function() { currentHeight = $(this).height(); if(currentHeight > tallestcolumn) { tallestcolumn = currentHeight; } } );

columns.height(tallestcolumn); }

var delay = (function(){ var timer = 0;

return function(callback, ms){ clearTimeout (timer); timer = setTimeout(callback, ms); }; })();

var app = { init: function(){ // Smooth scroll and auto close the menu $('a[href^="#"]').bind('click.smoothscroll',function (e) { e.preventDefault();

var target = this.hash, $target = $(target);

if($target.offset() == undefined) return;

$('html, body').stop().animate({ 'scrollTop': $target.offset().top-0 }, 900, 'swing').promise().done(function(){ if($('body').hasClass('auto-close-menu') && $('.menu-open').length > 0){ $('#menuToggle, #menuToggleLeft').click(); } window.location.hash = target; }); });

// Menu settings default $('#menuToggle, .menu-close').on('click', function(){ $('#menuToggle').toggleClass('active'); $('body').toggleClass('body-push-toleft'); $('#theMenu').toggleClass('menu-open'); });

// Menu settings for displaying the menu on the left $('#menuToggleLeft, .menu-close-left').on('click', function(){ $('#menuToggle').toggleClass('active'); $('body').toggleClass('body-push-toright'); $('#theMenu').toggleClass('menu-open'); });

// Scrollable menu on small devices $(window).bind("load resize", function(){ if($(window).height() < 400){ $(".menu").css("overflow-y","scroll"); } else { $(".menu").css("overflow-y","hidden"); } });

// Preload the fullscreen images $('.fullscreen-image:not(:first)').each(function(){ var img = $('<img />'), bgSrc = $(this).css('backgroundImage').match(/[^\(]+\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)/g);

if(bgSrc && bgSrc.length){ img.attr('src', bgSrc[0]); } });

$(document).on('animating.slides', function(a){ // Fittxt setTimeout(function(){ $('.fittext').fitText(0.78, { minFontSize: '40px', maxFontSize: '100px' }); $('.hugetext').fitText(0.5, { minFontSize: '100px', maxFontSize: '180px' }); $('.fitticker').fitText(2, { minFontSize: '16px', maxFontSize: '50px' }); }, 100) });

$('.fittext').fitText(0.78, { minFontSize: '40px', maxFontSize: '100px' }); $('.hugetext').fitText(0.5, { minFontSize: '100px', maxFontSize: '180px' }); $('.fitticker').fitText(2, { minFontSize: '16px', maxFontSize: '50px' });

// Superslides fullscreen slider $('#slides').superslides({ animation: 'fade' // Choose between slide or fade });

// Sudoslider services slider $("#services-slider").sudoSlider({ customLink:'a.servicesLink', speed: 400, responsive: true, prevNext: true, prevHtml: '<a href="#" class="services-arrow-prev"></a>', nextHtml: '<a href="#" class="services-arrow-next"></a>', useCSS: true, continuous: true, updateBefore: true });

// Sudoslider quote slider $("#quote-slider").sudoSlider({ customLink:'a.quoteLink', speed: 400, responsive: true, prevNext: true, // Set this to false if you only want to show one quote prevHtml: '<a href="#" class="quote-arrow-prev"></a>', nextHtml: '<a href="#" class="quote-arrow-next"></a>', useCSS: true, continuous: true, updateBefore: true });

// Sudoslider contact slider $("#contact-slider").sudoSlider({ customLink:'a.contactLink', speed: 400, responsive: true, prevNext: false, useCSS: false, // Better performance for this slider continuous: false, updateBefore: true });

// Sudoslider portfolio slider $("#portfolio-slider").sudoSlider({ customLink:'a.portfolioLink', speed: 400, numeric: true, responsive: true, prevNext: true, prevHtml: '<a href="#" class="portfolio-arrow-prev"></a>', nextHtml: '<a href="#" class="portfolio-arrow-next"></a>', useCSS: true, continuous: true, updateBefore: true });

// Mixitup $('#portfolio-grid').mixitup({ onMixStart: function(a){ $('#filter-container').addClass('filtered'); } });

// Magnific popup for images $('.popup').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', fixedContentPos: false, mainClass: 'mfp-with-zoom', zoom: { enabled: true, duration: 300, easing: 'ease-in-out', opener: function(openerElement) { return openerElement.is('img') ? openerElement : openerElement.find('img'); } } });

// Magnific popup for soundcloud $('.popup-soundcloud').magnificPopup({ type: 'iframe', mainClass: 'soundcloud-popup', fixedContentPos: false });

// Magnific popup for videos $('.popup-youtube, .popup-vimeo, .popup-gmaps').magnificPopup({ disableOn: 700, type: 'iframe', mainClass: 'mfp-fade', removalDelay: 160, preloader: false, fixedContentPos: false });

// Contact form $('#contact').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault();

$.ajax({ url: 'inc/contact.php', data: 'name='+ escape($('#contactName').val()) +'&email=' + escape($('#contactEmail').val()) + '&phone=' + escape($('#contactPhone').val()) + '&message='+escape($('#contactMessage').val()), dataType: 'json', success: function(resp) { $('#contactName, #contactEmail, #contactMessage').removeClass('error');

if(resp.success == 1){ $('#modalContent').text(resp.message); $('#modal, #modalOverlay').fadeIn(500);

$('#contactName, #contactEmail, #contactMessage, #contactPhone').val(); } else { if(resp.errorCode == 1){ $('#contactName').addClass('error').focus(); } else if(resp.errorCode == 2){ $('#contactEmail').addClass('error').focus(); } else if(resp.errorCode == 3){ $('#contactMessage').addClass('error').focus(); } } } });

return false; });

$('#modal').on('click touchstart', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); });

$('#modalClose, #modalOverlay').on('click touchstart', function(){ $('#modal, #modalOverlay').fadeOut(500); }); }, domReady: function(){}, windowLoad: function(){ $('#loader').fadeOut();


               var t = $(this),
                   img = $('<img />');
                   img.attr('src', t.attr('href'));

// IE9 text-ticker animation

           	var count = 0;
           		var margin = $('.text-ticker ul').css('marginTop') == '-200px' ? 0 : '-=50px';
           		$('.text-ticker ul').animate({
           			marginTop: margin
           		}, 200);
           		if(count == 4){
           			count = 0;
           	}, 1000);

} };

app.init(); $(function(){ app.domReady();

$(window).load(app.windowLoad); });

$(window).resize(function() { delay(function(){ $('.same-height').css('height','auto'); //solve for all you browser stretchers out there! setEqualHeight($('.same-height')); }, 500); });
