
Learn about cloning troubleshooting here!

Welcome to the Troubleshooting page!

My name is Traci, and I'm here to help you with your cloning problems.

You can contact me by email at traci AT igem DOT org, on Reddit Traci_at_iGEM, or on Twitter @Traci_Haddock



General Tips and Tricks

Note:If you have other tips you'd like me to include in these pages, please send them using the question form below! Likewise, if you tried out one of the tips and it worked (or didn't work), please let me know through the form below or by emailing me at traci AT igem DOT org. Your feedback will help us track how useful this section is so we can improve it throughout the competition.

iGEM Protocols


Answers to Your Questions


Ask Your Questions and Submit Comments Here!

First and foremost, there are no stupid questions, especially when it comes to cloning problems. Ask me literally anything about cloning! I'm also happy to answer questions about general molecular biology techniques (including plasmid minipreps, DNA gel electrophoresis, and so on).

If you have other tips and tricks you'd like me to include, please send those comments using this form. In particular, we'd love to expand this section to include tips and tricks for non-E. coli chassis!

Finally, please send me any feedback about how useful this page was for your team. I would love to have feedback after you tried any of these suggestions to see what worked for your team. This type of feedback will help us improve this page throughout the competition!

Your name, team, and email will be kept confidential, but I will repost your question when I answer it. I'm asking that everyone provide a first name and an email so I can follow-up with you if your question or comment is unclear. Emails will come from traci at igem dot org if I need to follow-up with you.

Thanks very much for participating!

Important: If you have trouble using the form below, please send me an email at traci AT igem DOT org and ask your question! We will be updating this form shortly to be a more universally accessible form so all teams can submit their questions and comments.