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- <h4 style="float: left;"><strong>Danielius</strong></h4> ...face of our team, after all the team members opinions and some designs by Danielius, we are thankful for the greatest camera-man <strong>Evaldas Valaitis</stro16 KB (2,053 words) - 10:25, 16 October 2015
->Version Control System repository for team files sharing was created by Danielius (TortoiseSVN).</th> <th>Ingrida and Danielius went to see bioinformatics lab at the institute to get advices for modeling16 KB (2,133 words) - 16:26, 2 October 2015
- <h4 style="float: left;">Danielius Dvareckas <small>Bachelor of Biochemistry</small></h4>14 KB (1,599 words) - 22:10, 18 September 2015