Team:Cairo Egypt/Parts

1) Part Name: BBa_K1854000

Short description: QS to generate IL-10
Long Description:

This Device codes for IL-10 , the expression is supposed to be regulated by the QS. IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine with controversy about its role in cancer. note : It was not our main part of interest, but as we couldn't get the primers of "Azurin", so we thought of using a part that was already at the registry & combine it in our device Link: Could be made as a hyperlink in the part name

2) Part Name : BBa_K1854001

Short description: GFP under QS
Long Description:

This device generates GFP under the control of LuX quorum sensing system. The green fluorescent protein is derived from jellyfish Aequeora victoria wild-type GFP. We devoloped this part to test distribution of our device in animal model but due to tight time, we couldn't complete animal model by 18/9 Link:

N.B: Sequence is too long to be on the page but if you want to add it, you will find it in the above links by clicking “Get part sequence”