
<!DOCTYPE html> Gowanus SuperFUNd - Genspace iGEM 2015

The Gowanus Canal is a heavily polluted waterway that runs through Brooklyn NY. A designated superfund site, it is slated for cleanup but nearby residents are concerned about the results. Our team is developing a biosensor for waste pollution, giving the community real time access to data on the health of the canal. Additionally we have mined the canal for extremophiles with interesting properties.

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Project Results

Here you can describe the results of your project and your future plans.

What should this page contain?
  • Clearly and objectively describe the results of your work.
  • Future plans for the project
  • Considerations for replicating the experiments

Project Achievements

You can also include a list of bullet points (and links) of the successes and failures you have had over your summer. It is a quick reference page for the judges to see what you achieved during your summer.

  • A list of linked bullet points of the successful results during your project
  • A list of linked bullet points of the unsuccessful results during your project. This is about being scientifically honest. If you worked on an area for a long time with no success, tell us so we know where you put your effort.


See how other teams presented their results.