Team:NJAU China/wipeout


Fundamental Modeling:Wipe-out System

Red light sensor

Figure The mechanism of red light sensor[4],based on stepped phosphorylation of proteins.We use a Not Gate tetR to make it work right.

As is displayed in the figure,the red light sensor works under the dark circumstance,binding on PompC and make it work.So with the presence of red light,the promoter is shut down.However,we actually need it to express gene,when red light appears,so we add an Not Gate tetR-PtetR downstream the part to make it work properly.



Figure:A brief diagram for crispr-cas9 system.

We divide the reaction of Crispr-cas9 system as equations below So the functions are

Here’s a chance we can simplify our model,based on the 2014 waterloo and 2013 UCSF modeling,the combination between sgRNA and cas9 is very fast.(*)function is always steady. So we are now given another equation based on the assumption.

Modeling for whole process

Now we can build amodel for this whole wipe-out process. Functions Figure

Figure2 Result of functions,the initial value is estimated and may not be accurate.