week number 26
▼2015-06-22 Miniprep and cryostock of culture 10 in colony PCR
Qiaprep Spin Miniprep Kit:
- Prepare o/n culture
- Perform mini prep according to manufacturers protocol
E.coli glycerol stocks:
- Grow up an overnight culture of strains of interest
- Transfer 500µl into a safe lock reaction tube
- Add 500µl of 40% sterile glycerol solution
- Freeze slowly at -80°C
Miniprep: 451,5ng/µl
2 stocks were frozen at -80°
▼2015-06-22 E.coli Trafo with Plasmids form the iGEM registry
To build the protein construct the mTagBFP BBa_K592100 from the iGEM registry were used.
1. With a pipette tip, punch a hole through the foil cover into the corresponding well of the part that you want. Do not remove the foil cover.
2. Pipette 10µl of dH2O (distilled water) into the well. Pipette up and down a few times and let sit for 5 minutes to make sure the dried DNA is fully resuspended.
3. Thawing 50µl chemical competent E. coli on ice.
4. Add to 50µl competent cells:
1µl DNA from the registry
10µl KCM 5x
39µl H2O
5. Incubate on ice for 30 minutes
6. Heat shock at 42°C for 2 minutes
7. Incubate on ice for 2 minutes
8. Add 900 µl of LB or 2x YT Medium
9. Incubate on 37°C for 60min
10. Centrifuge 5min at 1000g
11. Take 900µl of supernatant and throw away
12. Resuspend pellet in remaining media
13. Plate out on agar with the appropriate antibiotic and grow overnight at 37°C
▼2015-06-23 Insert of MCS + promotor in cutted pSB1C3
Materials and chemicals:
2 µl 10x T4 Ligase Buffer: thawed and resuspended at room temperature
1 parts Vector DNA (mol not l)
3 part Insert DNA (mol not l)
20 µl Nuclease free water
1 µl T4 DNA Ligase
Set up the reaction in a microcentrifuge tube on ice. T4 DNA Ligase should be added last. The molar ratio of vector to insert should be 1:3.
Gently mix the reaction by pipetting up and down and microfuge briefly.
For cohesive (sticky) ends, incubate at 16°C overnight or room temperature for 10 minutes.
For blunt ends or single base overhangs, incubate at 16°C overnight or room temperature for 2 hours. Alternatively a high concentration of T4 Ligase can be used in a 10 minute ligation.
Heat inactivate at 80°C for 10 minutes
Chill on ice and transform 1-5 µl of the reaction into 50 µl of competent cells.
Used fragments/chemicals:
1 µl cutted pSB1C3
0,1 µl MCS
0,1 µl pCat
2 µl T4 Buffer
1 µl T4 Ligase
Filled up to 20 µl with water
Incubated for 2 hours at room temperature
Plated transformated bacteria (with ligation product) did not grew on a LB-Agar with CM
▼2015-06-23 PCR: Site-change of ribozyme constructs
Aim: Get every fragment to the same cloning standart.
BamHI -----------------------------/ BmtI
PCR mix:
Polymerase Mastermix 2x: 25 µl
Primer: fwd: 1 µl
rev 1 µl
Template-DNA 1 µl
ddH20 22 µl
Number |
Fragment Name |
T Anneal |
Fwd |
Rev |
1 |
CFTR 1 T |
58°C |
DH13 |
DH14 |
2 |
CFTR 1 A |
58°C |
DH13 |
DH14 |
3 |
CFTR 1 C |
58°C |
DH13 |
DH14 |
4 |
CFTR 2 A |
61°C |
DH13 |
DH15 |
5 |
CFTR 2 C |
61°C |
DH13 |
DH15 |
6 |
GFP 1 |
61°C |
DH16 |
DH17 |
1: 1 band + smear: PCR settings were not right --> many sideproducts were synthesized
2: 2 bands + smear: As above, lower band is our desired product
3: 2 bands: Higher product yield than 1 and 2, higher purity than 1 and 2
4: One small band: Low yield and higher purity than 3
5: One small band: Lower yield than 4
6: Smear: No visible product band
The PCR settings were wrong for our target DNA.
25 µl Polymerase Master Mix 2x
1 µl Primer fwd
1 µl Primer rev
1 µl Template-DNA
22 µl ddH2O
Number |
Template |
T Anneal |
Fwd |
Rev |
C(ng/µl) |
Comment |
1 |
CFTR 1 T |
60°C |
DH13 |
DH14 |
24 |
Number 1 + 1a in one tube |
2 |
CFTR 1 A |
60°C |
DH13 |
DH14 |
30,5 |
Number 2 + 2a in one tube |
3 |
CFTR 1 C |
60°C |
DH13 |
DH14 |
25 |
Number 3 + 3a in one tube |
4 |
CFTR 2 A |
60°C |
DH13 |
DH15 |
8,1 |
5 |
CFTR 2 C |
60°C |
DH13 |
DH15 |
8,2 |
6 |
GFP 1 |
60°C |
DH16 |
Dh17 |
-0,6 |
1a |
CFTR 1 T |
57°C |
DH13 |
DH14 |
24 |
2a |
CFTR 1 A |
57°C |
DH13 |
DH14 |
30,5 |
3a |
CFTR 1 C |
57°C |
DH13 |
DH14 |
25 |
4a |
CFTR 2 A |
57°C |
DH13 |
DH15 |
7,2 |
5a |
CFTR 2 C |
57°C |
DH13 |
DH15 |
6a |
GFP 1 |
57°C |
DH16 |
DH17 |
1/2 = 1/1a
3/4 = 2/2a
5/6 = 3/3a
7/8 = 4/4a
9/10 = 5/5a
10/11 = 6/6a
1/2: 60°C is the optimal temperature for our PCR
3/4: 60°C and 57°C yield equal amounts of DNA
5/6: 60°C and 57°C yield equal amounts of DNA
7/8: 60°C yields no DNA, 57°C yields less DNA than 1/2
9/10: 60°C yields no DNA, 57°C yields less DNA than 7/8
11/12: Smear, no band at 60°C and 57°C
The Annealing Temperatures for most products are help to get a high yield. Just for 9/10 and 11/12 the yields are not optimal.
Like in the former protocols
Number |
Template |
T Anneal |
Fwd |
Rev |
5.1 |
CFTR 2 C |
55°C |
DH13 |
DH15 |
5.2 |
CFTR 2 C |
53°C |
DH13 |
DH15 |
6.1 |
GFP 1 |
55°C |
DH16 |
DH17 |
6.2 |
GFP 1 |
53°C |
DH16 |
DH17 |
▼2015-06-23 Digest of pSB1C3 BBa_J04450
20 µl test-digest:
- Set up reaction according to protocol:
ddH2O for a final volume of 20 µl
2 µl of 10x Reaction Buffer (e.g. NEB CutSmart)
0.5 µl of selected Enzyme(s)
ca. 1 µl of mini prep DNA (Range 200-1000 ng)
- Incubate at 37°C for 60'
- Load on gel (add loading dye first)
Selected Enzymes:
Heat inactivation at 60°C
Everything was given on the gel
A fragment with about 2 kb was cut out
Gel elution: Result: 50 ng/µl DNA
50 ng/µl DNA
Title: Yeast Transformation with p413-GPD and CFTR construct 2
Author: Hendrik
Date: 23.06.2015
Yeast transformation:
10 µl of cells for transformation with a plasmid, 50 µl of cells for transformation with a PCR product
2 µl of plasmid DNA per 10 µl of cells
6 equivalents of PEG
1/9 equivalents of DMSO
100 - 200 µl of liquid medium
- Give the plasmid DNA into a Eppi. Add the competent cells.
- Mix, then add the PEG.
- Incubate for 30 mins at room temperature while mixing
- Add the DMSO
- Place the yeast in a 42°C water bath for 5-20 minutes
- Centrifuge cells for 2-3 minutes at 2000 rpm
- Discard the supernatant and resuspend the yeast in the liqiud YPD medium
10 µl of Yeast and 100 µl of SD-His medium was taken.
2 transformations were made
After transformation the yeast was plated.
Some yeast grew on the first plate, but not on the second plate (I took some of the original biofilm and made a fractionated plating). Also the biofilm on the first plate exhibited no further growth. Maybe the wrong yeast medium was token (The writing on the flasks didn't survive the autoclave). Another plating was been made to see if this is right. The yeast on the SD-His and SD-Leu plate exhibited no growth. The yeast in the SD-His/Leu plate grew spotlike and maybe forms colonies.
▼2015-06-23 Yeast Transformation with p413-GPD and CFTR construct 2
Yeast transformation:
10 µl of cells for transformation with a plasmid, 50 µl of cells for transformation with a PCR product
2 µl of plasmid DNA per 10 µl of cells
6 equivalents of PEG
1/9 equivalents of DMSO
100 - 200 µl of liquid medium
- Give the plasmid DNA into a Eppi. Add the competent cells.
- Mix, then add the PEG.
- Incubate for 30 mins at room temperature while mixing
- Add the DMSO
- Place the yeast in a 42°C water bath for 5-20 minutes
- Centrifuge cells for 2-3 minutes at 2000 rpm
- Discard the supernatant and resuspend the yeast in the liqiud YPD medium
10 µl of Yeast and 100 µl of SD-His medium was taken.
2 transformations were made
After transformation the yeast was plated.
Some yeast grew on the first plate, but not on the second plate (I took some of the original biofilm and made a fractionated plating). Also the biofilm on the first plate exhibited no further growth. Maybe the wrong yeast medium was token (The writing on the flasks didn't survive the autoclave). Another plating was been made to see if this is right. The yeast on the SD-His and SD-Leu plate exhibited no growth. The yeast in the SD-His/Leu plate grew spotlike and maybe forms colonies.
▼2015-06-24 QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit
Miniprep with mTagBFP BBa-K592100 and the pUB23-S-ßGal plasmid was performed.
1. Prepare o/n culture
2. Perform mini prep according to manufacturer’s protocol
▼2015-06-25 PCR of the Fragments E, B-Hammerhead Ribozyme (Hammerhead ribozyme: HHR), EGS-Hammerhead Ribozyme and M1
Aim: Amplification of the DNA-primers for the in vitro-transcription
Make a 1:10 thinner of each primer by using each 9 µL water and 1 µL primer
Fragment primer |
Forward Primer |
Reverse Primer |
Lenght with out T7 promotor [bp] |
Fragment E |
FS01, FS02 |
FS 13 |
FS 14 |
66 |
Fragment B |
FS04, FS05 |
FS 13 |
FS 15 |
54 |
Fragment EGS |
FS10, FS |
FS 13 |
FS 16 |
65 |
Fragment M1 |
genomic DNA |
FS 08 |
FS 09 |
Fill up the following ingredients in a PCR-tube and mix them well:
1 µL of 1 µM fragment
19 µL of water
2,5 µL of 10 µM reverse primer
2,5 µL of 10 µM foward primer
25 µL of 2x PCR Mastermix Phuion Flash
Put the samples into a PCR-cycler (cycle is discribed below):
98 °C for 2:30 min (denaturation)
98 °C for 0:15 min
55 °C for 0:15 min (annealing)
72 °C for 0:20 min (polymerisation)
Go to step 2 and repeat for 39x
72 °C for 2:00 min
4 °C for cool down
Time total: 1 h 20 min 54 sec
Analyze the PCR-products by using an 1 % agarose gel with ethidumbromid:
1 % agarose
1 x TAE
20 µL/L Ethidumbromid for gel
Put 5 µL of each PCR-product which was mixed with 2 µL Loading Dye in a pocket
Fill 5 µL of a 2 log Ladder in the last pocket
Let the gel run for 30 min at 120 V.
Analyze the gel by using UV-light.
The PCR has worked, therefore the fragments are amplified
Furthermore the primers (forward and reverse) were designed right since there is no visible ladder for them
▼2015-06-25 E. coli glycerol stocks
Glycerol stocks from E.coli containing mTag BFP BBa_K592100 or pUB23-S-ßGal were made.
1. Grow up an overnight culture of strains of interest
2. Transfer 500µl into a safe lock reaction tube
3. Add 500µl of 40% sterile glycerol solution
4. Freeze slowly at -80°C
▼2015-06-25 Fragment amplification for protein construct (PCR)
To obtain the required Gibson Fragments (Backbone (p413-GPD), mTagBFP, Ubiquitin, sfGFP) PCRs were performed.
reaction mixture:
12.5µl Q5 High-Fidelity 2x Master Mix
0.5µl DNA
1.25µl fwd primer 10µM
1.25µl rev primer 10µM
9.5µl H2O
95°C 2min
95°C 30sec
63-66°C 30sec (mTagBFP: 63°C; Ub: 65°C; sfGFP: 64°C; p415-GDP: 66°C)
72°C 30sec
72°C 5min
35 cycles
TAE buffer
1% w/v agarose
loading samples:
5µl Ladder
25µl PCR sample
5µl Loading buffer
▼2015-06-26 Precipitation of the PCR-DNA
Aim: Cleaning the DNA as a prepartional step for the in vitro transcripton
Mix each PRC-Product with 0.1x V of a 3 M NaAc and 2.5x V of absolute ethanol
Vortex the mixture well
Put the samples in the freezer for overnight
On the next day, spin the DNA-Ethanol mixture at 4 °C with 13000 rpm for 30 min in a centrifuge
Remove the ethanol from the pellet and rehydrate the pellet with 1 ml of 70 % absolute ethanol.
Vortex again.
Repeat the steps 4 to 6 for one more time and for the last cylce just 4
Remove the ethanol from the pellet and rehydrate the pellet with 100 µL millipore water.
Vortex the sample again.
▼2015-06-27 Test if transformed cells have the MCS + pcat insert
Procedures were done on 5 ml overnight E.coli culture with estimated MCS+pCat insert in pSB1C3
Five colonies were picked from the original plate and were given in 5 snapcaps with 5 ml LB medium each.
The 5 cultures are named 1-5
QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit:
- Prepare o/n culture
- Perform mini prep according to manufacturers protocol
After the miniprep 2 ml of overnight culture were transferred to 100 ml of fresh LB medium with 1:1000 Chloramphenicol
Nanodrop results:
1: c = 9,5 ng/µl
2: c = 7,7 ng/µl
3: c = 81,5 ng/µl
4: c = 48,5 ng/µl
5: c = 64 ng/µl
A test digestion will be made with 3-5. The concentrations for 1-2 are too low.
20 µl test-digest:
- Set up reaction according to protocol:
ddH2O for a final volume of 20 µl
2 µl of 10x Reaction Buffer (e.g. NEB CutSmart)
0.5 µl of selected Enzyme(s)
ca. 1 µl of mini prep DNA (Range 200-1000 ng)
- Incubate at 37°C for 60'
- Load on gel (add loading dye first)
Digest with EcoRI and SpeI
Heat inactivation at 65°C for 20 minutes
The gel picture should have one band when the plasmid have no insert (the natural plasmid has no SpeI cutting site) and two bands when the insert is in the plasmid (the MCS has one cutting site for SpeI).
The agarose gel shows, that none of our colonies has got the MCS + pCat fragment.
▼2015-06-27 Transformation test for pSB1C3 + MCS and pcat
Procedures were done on 5 ml overnight E.coli culture with estimated MCS+pCat insert in pSB1C3
Five colonies were picked from the original plate and were given in 5 snapcaps with 5 ml LB medium each.
The 5 cultures are named 1-5
QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit:
- Prepare o/n culture
- Perform mini prep according to manufacturers protocol
After the miniprep 2 ml of overnight culture were transferred to 100 ml of fresh LB medium with 1:1000 Chloramphenicol
Nanodrop results:
1: c = 9,5 ng/µl
2: c = 7,7 ng/µl
3: c = 81,5 ng/µl
4: c = 48,5 ng/µl
5: c = 64 ng/µl
A test digestion will be made with 3-5. The concentrations for 1-2 are too low.
20 µl test-digest:
- Set up reaction according to protocol:
ddH2O for a final volume of 20 µl
2 µl of 10x Reaction Buffer (e.g. NEB CutSmart)
0.5 µl of selected Enzyme(s)
ca. 1 µl of mini prep DNA (Range 200-1000 ng)
- Incubate at 37°C for 60'
- Load on gel (add loading dye first)
Digest with EcoRI and SpeI
Heat inactivation at 65°C for 20 minutes
The gel picture should have one band when the plasmid have no insert (the natural plasmid has no SpeI cutting site) and two bands when the insert is in the plasmid (the MCS has one cutting site for SpeI).
The agarose gel shows, that none of our colonies has got the MCS + pCat fragment.
▼2015-06-27 Fragment amplification for protein construct (PCR) (continued)
PCRs for Gibson fragments mTagBFP, Ubiquitin and sfGFP worked because a bands are visible with the expected size. No p415-GPD product was visible. Therefore the p415-GPD PCR need to be optimised.
Gel Extraction
mTagBFP, Ubiquitin and sfGFP fragments were separated in 1% agaros.
Gel extraction was performed according to QIAGEN QIAquick Gel Extraction Protocol. (Elution in 30µl EB)
▼2015-06-27 Phusion PCR with DMSO and GC Buffer
To amplify the p415-GPD plasmid with Gibson overhangs an optimized gradient PCR program was used.
reaction mixture:
5.0µl Phusion 2x Master Mix
0.2µl DNA
0.5µl xxJD007xx 10µM
0.5µl xxJD008xx10µM
0.5µl DMSO
1.3 H2O
95°C 2:00min
95°C 0:30min
58°C-70°C 0:30min
72°C 3:00min
72°C 5:00
35 cycles
TAE buffer
1% w/v agarose
loading samples:
5µl PCR sample
2µl Loading buffer
no product. PCR need to be repeated.
▼2015-06-27 Phusion PCR with DMSO and GC Buffer
To amplify the p415-GPD plasmid with Gibson overhangs an optimized gradient PCR program was used.
reaction mixture:
5.0µl Phusion 2x Master Mix
0.2µl DNA
0.5µl xxJD007xx 10µM
0.5µl xxJD008xx10µM
0.5µl DMSO
1.3 H2O
95°C 2:00min
95°C 0:30min
58°C-70°C 0:30min
72°C 3:00min
72°C 5:00
35 cycles
TAE buffer
1% w/v agarose
loading samples:
5µl PCR sample
2µl Loading buffer
no product. PCR need to be repeated.
▼2015-06-27 p415-GPD test digest
To check if the right plasmid is in the tube a KpnI digest was performed.
Set up reaction according to protocol:
- ddH2O for a final volume of 20 µl
- 2 µl of 10x 1.1 Reaction Buffer
- 0.5 µl of KpnI
- 1 µl of DNA
Incubate at 37°C for 60'
Load on gel (add loading dye first)
The gel shows the expected bands. The p415 plasmid is in the tube.
▼2015-06-27 in vitro-transcription of the fragments E, B-HHR, EGS-HHR and M1 out of the DNA that was generated out of the PCR form the 25th June 2015
Aim: transcribe the PCR-samples into RNA to have the single components for the construct
Procedure for 100 µL transcription:
Mix together
4 µL of 100 mM each NTP (ATP, GTP, CTP and UTP)
10 µL of 10 x transcription buffer
1 µL of 1 M DTT
5 % of DMSO
5 µL of T7 ( 2 mg/mL)
10 µL of the DNA-template
and 53 µL millipore water
Use a pipett to mix it up and down (do not vortex)
Put the samples into a heatblock at 37 °C for 3 hours
Add to the mixture 5 µL of T7 polymerase and 2 µL of 1 M MgCl2 addtionally after 2 hours
Add 4 µL DNase I to the mixture and let it incubate at 37 °C for 20 min.
▼2015-06-27 Quantative Gel for RNA-Extraction
Aim: Purifying the RNA that was transcribed in the previous in vitro assay
Make a 8 M urea polyacrylamid gel with Roth© mastermix, 400 µL APS and 40 µL TEMED.
Mix the sample with 2x Loading Dye to get a 1x Loading Dye concentration
Clean the pockets with TBA buffer
Load the entire in vitro-Transcript with Loading Dye in a pocket
Fill TBA buffer in all reservoirs of the gel system
Run the gel at 300 V for 3 hours
Analyze the gel through UV-Shadowing by using a TLC-plate underneath your gel