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    <h1 id="Notebook">Notebook</h1>
    <h1 id="Notebook">Notebook</h1>
<script src="https://protocols.io/api/open/get_protocol_json?key=f67787dd15cf4659607b01f20a08f35a&protocols_id=PROTOCOL_ID"></script>
###``` GET /protocols/:id ```
  "title":"Beta-Glactasidase Stain",
  "description":"\r\n\r\n### Solutions\r\n\r\n1. Solution A\r\n  - 5mM potassium ferricyanide, crystalline\r\n  - 5mM potassium ferrocyanide, trihydrate\r\n- X-gal Stock Solution\r\n  - 40mg/mL in DMSO (100mg in 2.5ml DMSO)\r\n- Final X-gal Solution\r\n  - Dilute X-gal Stock Solution 1:30 in Solution A\r\n  - (warm Solution A to 37°C to prevent precipitation of X-gal)\r\n\r\n\r\n### Staining Protocol\r\n\r\nStart with fixed frozen 10μm tissue sections on pap-penned slides\r\n\r\n1. Allow slides to completely dry for 1 hour\r\n- Fix tissue with 2% formaldehyde + 0.2% glutaraldehyde for 5 min.\r\n- Rinse with 1xPBS\r\n- Incubate slides in x-gal solution in humidity chamber at 37°C overnight\r\n- Rinse with 1xPBS\r\n- Immerse slides in 100% ethanol until all precipitate dissolves (1-3 hours)\r\n- Place slides in:\r\n  - a. Eosin Y 25 seconds\r\n  - b. 95% Ethanol 1 minute\r\n  - c. 100% Ethanol 1 minute\r\n  - d. 100% Ethanol 1 minute\r\n  - e. 100% Ethanol 1 minute\r\n  - f. Xylene 2 minutes\r\n  - g. Xylene 10 dips\r\n- Coverslip slides using Cytoseal 60\r\n\r\n",

Revision as of 22:56, 22 August 2015


###``` GET /protocols/:id ``` Response ``` { "id":"beta-glactasidase-stain", "url":"https://www.scientificprotocols.org/api/v1/protocols/beta-glactasidase-stain", "title":"Beta-Glactasidase Stain", "description":"\r\n\r\n### Solutions\r\n\r\n1. Solution A\r\n - 5mM potassium ferricyanide, crystalline\r\n - 5mM potassium ferrocyanide, trihydrate\r\n- X-gal Stock Solution\r\n - 40mg/mL in DMSO (100mg in 2.5ml DMSO)\r\n- Final X-gal Solution\r\n - Dilute X-gal Stock Solution 1:30 in Solution A\r\n - (warm Solution A to 37°C to prevent precipitation of X-gal)\r\n\r\n\r\n### Staining Protocol\r\n\r\nStart with fixed frozen 10μm tissue sections on pap-penned slides\r\n\r\n1. Allow slides to completely dry for 1 hour\r\n- Fix tissue with 2% formaldehyde + 0.2% glutaraldehyde for 5 min.\r\n- Rinse with 1xPBS\r\n- Incubate slides in x-gal solution in humidity chamber at 37°C overnight\r\n- Rinse with 1xPBS\r\n- Immerse slides in 100% ethanol until all precipitate dissolves (1-3 hours)\r\n- Place slides in:\r\n - a. Eosin Y 25 seconds\r\n - b. 95% Ethanol 1 minute\r\n - c. 100% Ethanol 1 minute\r\n - d. 100% Ethanol 1 minute\r\n - e. 100% Ethanol 1 minute\r\n - f. Xylene 2 minutes\r\n - g. Xylene 10 dips\r\n- Coverslip slides using Cytoseal 60\r\n\r\n", "gist_id":"315e630a1fe9fe6e9bab", "html_url":"https://www.scientificprotocols.org/protocols/beta-glactasidase-stain", "discussion_html_url":"https://www.scientificprotocols.org/protocols/beta-glactasidase-stain/discussion", "tags":[ "Histology" ], "average_rating":4, "number_of_ratings":3, "doi":"10.5281/zenodo.13491", "citation_html_url":"http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13491", "author":{ "username":"scientificprotocols", "html_url":"https://www.scientificprotocols.org/users/scientificprotocols" }, "created_at":"2014-07-09T18:59:17.254Z", "updated_at":"2014-07-09T18:59:17.254Z" } ```