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− | <div class="contentInner"> <a href="/our-beers" class="beer middleParent">
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− | <div class="layoutHide"></div>
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− | <span class="overlay"></span> <span class="middle">
| |
− | <h1 class="title">Beer</h1>
| |
− | <span class="swipe" id="swipeBeer"> <span class="swipe-wrap">
| |
− | <div> <img alt="Backside Montfort" src="./pic/backside-montfort-wide-setup.png" /> </div>
| |
− | <div> <img alt="La Bruson" src="./pic/la-bruson-wide-setup.png" /> </div>
| |
− | <div> <img alt="Les Faverges" src="./pic/les-faverges-wide-setup.png" /> </div>
| |
− | <div> <img alt="La Bise" src="./pic/la-bise.png" /> </div>
| |
− | </span> </span> </span> </a> <a href="/experience" class="experience">
| |
− | <div class="layoutHide"></div>
| |
− | <img class="fullBg" onmouseover="experienceGalleryNext()"/> <span class="overlay"></span>
| |
− | <h2 class="title">Let's discover our experience White Frontier Brewery</h2>
| |
− | <div class="gallery"> <img src="./pic/resto-ambiance-bw.jpg" class="fullBg display active" /> <img src="./pic/white-frontier-bear2.jpg" class="fullBg display " /> <img src="./pic/white-frontier-faverge-bw.jpg" class="fullBg display " /> <img src="./pic/white-frontier-beers-bw.jpg" class="fullBg display " /> </div>
| |
− | </a> <a href="/ambassadors/ambassadors-xav-de-le-rue" class="ambassador">
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− | <div class="layoutHide"></div>
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− | <img class="fullBg" /> <span class="overlay"></span>
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− | <h2 class="title">Ambassador</h2>
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− | </a> <a href="/social" class="social" >
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− | <div class="layoutHide"></div>
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− | <img class="fullBg" /> <span class="overlay"></span>
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− | <h2 class="title">Social #WhiteFrontier</h2>
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| |
− | $(function() {
| |
− | var Accordion = function(el, multiple) {
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− | this.el = el || {};
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− | this.multiple = multiple || false;
| |
− |
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− | // Variables privadas
| |
− | var links = this.el.find('.link');
| |
− | // Evento
| |
− | links.on('mouseenter', {el: this.el, multiple: this.multiple}, this.dropdown)
| |
− | }
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| |
− |
| |
− | Accordion.prototype.dropdown = function(e) {
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− | var $el = e.data.el;
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− | $this = $(this),
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− | $next = $this.next();
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− |
| |
− | $next.slideToggle();
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− | $el.find('.submenu').not($next).slideUp().parent().removeClass('open');
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− | };
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− | var accordion = new Accordion($('#accordion'), false);
| |
− | });</script>
| |
− | <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
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− | var base="";
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− | var baseLang="/en";
| |
− | var lang="en";
| |
− | data=[];//]]>
| |
− | </script>
| |
− | <script type="text/javascript">
| |
− | //experienceIntercal change
| |
− | var experienceInterval;
| |
− | function experienceGalleryNext() {
| |
− | var $active = $('#realcontent #homeIndex a.experience .gallery img.active');
| |
− | if ( $active.length == 0 ) $active = $('#realcontent #homeIndex a.experience .gallery img:last');
| |
− | var $next = $active.next().length ? $active.next() : $('#realcontent #homeIndex a.experience .gallery img:first');
| |
− | $active.addClass('lastActive');
| |
− | $next.css({opacity: 0.0})
| |
− | .addClass('active')
| |
− | .animate({opacity: 1.0}, 700, function() {
| |
− | $active.removeClass('active lastActive');
| |
− | });
| |
− | }
| |
− | $('.no-touch #realcontent #homeIndex a.experience').hover(function(){
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− | var $gallery = $(this).find('.gallery');
| |
− | $gallery.stop().animate({
| |
− | scale:1,
| |
− | opacity:1
| |
− | },500, 'easeOutCubic');
| |
− | experienceInterval = window.setInterval(experienceGalleryNext, 1000);
| |
− | }, function(){
| |
− | window.clearInterval(experienceInterval);
| |
− | var $gallery = $(this).find('.gallery');
| |
− | $gallery.stop().animate({
| |
− | scale:1.5,
| |
− | opacity:0
| |
− | },500, 'easeOutCubic', function(){
| |
− | window.clearInterval(experienceInterval);
| |
− | });
| |
− | });
| |
− |
| |
− |
| |
− |
| |
− | // swipe beer
| |
− | var swipeBeer = new Swipe(document.getElementById('swipeBeer'), {
| |
− | speed: 400,
| |
− | auto: false,
| |
− |
| |
− | continuous: true,
| |
− | disableScroll: false,
| |
− | stopPropagation: false,
| |
− | callback: function(index, elem) {},
| |
− | transitionEnd: function(index, elem) {}
| |
− | });
| |
− |
| |
− | var timeout;
| |
− | function again()
| |
− | {
| |
− | window.clearTimeout(timeout);
| |
− | timeout = window.setTimeout(function(){
| |
− | swipeBeer.next();
| |
− | again();
| |
− | }, 1400);
| |
− | }
| |
− | $('.no-touch #realcontent #homeIndex a.beer').hover(function(){
| |
− | swipeBeer.next();
| |
− | again();
| |
− | }, function(){
| |
− | window.clearTimeout(timeout);
| |
− | });
| |
− |
| |
− | </script>
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