Difference between revisions of "Template:IONIS Paris/JS"

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function findFeedLinks() {
// Find all the RSS link elements.
var result = document.evaluate(
'//*[local-name()="link"][contains(@rel, "alternate")] ' +
'[contains(@type, "rss") or contains(@type, "atom") or ' +
'contains(@type, "rdf")]', document, null, 0, null
var feeds = [];
var item;
while (item = result.iterateNext()) {
feeds.push({"href": item.href, "title": item.title});
if (feeds.length == 0)
return false;
// Notify the extension needs to show the RSS page action icon.
sendMessage({type: "feedsFound", feeds: feeds});
return true;

Revision as of 21:01, 11 September 2015