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     <h3 class="article-title">Introduction</h3>
     <h3 class="article-title">Introduction</h3>
     <p class="article-p">政府肩負的是所有人民賦予的責任,人民有人民的角度,政府有政府的立場,在發言漫罵之前,我們應該學會理性思考,指責不會改進,惟有用行動代替評論。我們拜訪站在食安第一線的副署長來了解國家的困境,改變了我們原有的想法,才發現在把關食安的每一個環節並沒有我們想像中的簡單。</p>
     <p class="article-p">The government has to shoulder the responsibility given by the people. However, the government and the people are in different position, so we should learn to think rationally before abusing the government's policy. Criticism won't improve the situation, but action will. Therefore, we interviewed the vice commissioner of Food and Drug Administration to understand the difficulties that the government is facing. Surprisingly, after listening to her aspirations, we made a big difference in our original thoughts that to change is insignificant.</p>
     <p class="article-p">衛生署在台灣扮演著重要的角色,在食安方面作為守門員查緝不良廠商,在醫療方面則是讓每個人都有最完善的醫療,製造一個讓民眾幸福的社會。衛生福利部亦為台灣公共衛生、醫療和福利的最高主管機關,而我們進行訪談的副署長也常在查緝第一線。</p>
     <p class="article-p">Food and Drug Administration plays an important role in Taiwan. In terms of food safety, it is like a gatekeeper who investigates and seizes those black-hearted manufacturers. In terms of medical treatment, it provides a perfect health care system for everyone. Ministry of Health and Welfare is the highest responsible agency for public health, medical treatment, and welfare in Taiwan, and the vice commissioner we interviewed is also the forefront worker in many events.</p>
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     <h3 class="article-title">Talk with 副署長</h3>
     <h3 class="article-title">Meeting highlights</h3>
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         <span>Solution of Food Safety in Taiwan</span>
         <p class="article-p">i:台灣主要的食安困境為何?</p>
         <p class="article-p">H: What is the biggest problem of Taiwan's food safety?</p>
         <p class="article-p">:政府的資源分配多著重於醫療而不是食安,而且整個食品鍊上要把關的東西很多,若每一項都要做到100%安全,那所有食品的成本都會提高,民眾與攤販都會吃不消,當然我們也不能因為低成本就忽略食品安全,如何在食安與成本間衡量才是最困難的。</p>
         <p class="article-p">V: The government values medical treatment much more than food safety. Moreover, there are too many things that need to be checked on the food chain. If we set a high standard for everything, the costs will increase, which may affect many people and vendors. However, we can't just neglect food safety for this reason. Therefore, how to balance food safety and costs may be the biggest problem in Taiwan.</p>
         <p class="article-p">i:現行的檢測標準是否可以更嚴格?例如「精製豬脂」酸價參照中國日本的0.3mg KOH/g fat或0.2mg KOH/g fat,而不要採用聯合國標準1.3mg KOH/g fat?</p>
         <p class="article-p">H: Can the current standard be more strict? For instance, the acid value of "rendered pork project fat" consults 0.3mg or 0.2mg KOH/g fat set by China and Japan, not 1.3mg KOH/g fat set by UN.</p>
         <p class="article-p">:雖然衛生體系要保護民眾健康,但標準太高會讓許多攤販業者因為成本太高而無法繼續生存下去,我們還需要考慮大多數業者的心聲。</p>
         <p class="article-p">V: Health care system is to take care of everyone's health, but strict standard may affect many manufacturers due to the high costs. It's still necessary to consider most vendors' feelings.</p>
         <p class="article-p">i:那若是增加檢測項目,讓整個檢測更完整更詳細呢?像是丙烯醯胺 3-單氯丙二醇酯類。</p>
         <p class="article-p">H: What do you think about adding test items (e.g. Acrylamide), which makes the detection more complete?</p>
         <p class="article-p">:日前查獲有許多廠商自行利用化學方法把油中的問題物質中和或稀釋,一昧的增加檢測項目,只是增加政府檢測時的時間與金錢而已。</p>
         <p class="article-p">V: We found out that many oil producers neutralize or dilute the toxic in the oil by chemical methods. If we add a test item without thorough considerations, it will just take more money and time from the government.</p>
         <p class="article-p">i:如果不定期的增加現場稽查次數,讓廠商隨時都得保持警覺呢?</p>
         <p class="article-p">H: Can increasing irregularly on-site inspections reduce the possibility of producers adding illegal substances in the oil?</p>
         <p class="article-p">:很多廠商會互相通風報信,我們很難一次就找到不良廠商,只能蒐集謠言,並在半夜時突襲查廠,花費的是人力與心力。</p>
         <p class="article-p">V: Some manufacturers send each other news secretly, so it's hard to find those black-hearted producers. What we can do is to collect more rumors and spend more time and manpower, for example, making a snap check at midnight.</p>
         <p class="article-p">i:提高罰責是否有效的規範廠商?</p>
         <p class="article-p">H: Can raising the penalties effectively regulate the manufacturers?</p>
         <p class="article-p">:當然很難!廠商會為了利益而冒這些風險,所以我們認為提高食安檢舉獎金,多一些謠言讓政府有線索可循,對政府比較有幫助,當然廠商能做好自我管理才是最好的。</p>
         <p class="article-p">V: Of course it can't! Many manufacturers are willing to take the risk for the profit, so we think it will be more helpful if we raise the report bonus and provide more rumors for the government. However, it would be the best if every manufacturer can manage themselves well. </p>
         <span>Feedback for our project</span>
         <p class="article-p">i:聽完我們團隊的報告之後,請問副署長認為我們的project在社會上的執行可能性為何?</p>
         <p class="article-p">H: Do you have any other advice or opinion for us?</p>
         <p class="article-p">:這樣的一個生物檢測器既快速又方便,在第一線快速篩檢過後,能給予政府線索去追查,節省許多時間,能提高查緝的效率,這正是目前政府需要的,但同時要小心不要成為產業攻擊的對象</p>
         <p class="article-p">V: Taiwan rarely has the opportunity to join those international health organizations, so we don't have INFOSAN or medical exchange with other countries. It is teenagers that can change this situation. Fulfill your dream with passion and make the world see Taiwan.</p>
         <p class="article-p">i:那請問副署長對於我們有沒有什麼建議以及想與我們分享的?</p>
         <p class="article-p">H: Do you think it's possible to apply our product to the society after listening to our team's report?</p>
         <p class="article-p">:台灣在國際上未參加許多國際衛生組織,所以我們沒有食安通報系統(INFOSAN)或是醫療技術上的交流,而這部分正是你們這群年輕人要去改變的,用你們的熱情完成理想,讓世界看見你們、看見台灣。</p>
         <p class="article-p">V: Using this kind of biological detector is quick and convenient. Providing a first-line detection, it can also offer the government some clues to trace back, which saves much time and increases investigating efficiency. It is exactly what the government needs now, but you have to be careful not to become the attack target of the industry. </p>
         <p class="article-p">副署長認為我們的project確實能幫助政府,第一線檢測完後能有效提供訊息給政府讓政府能更快速的查緝不良廠商,而這樣的系統不但不提高食品成本、不讓台灣獨有的攤販與夜市文化消失,也能保障每個人的權利,副署長很高興有我們這麼一群年輕人願意出來為國家做事,也鼓勵我們站上國際,讓世界看見我們勇於改變的熱情!</p>
         <p class="article-p">The vice commissioner thinks our project can help the government indeed. First-line detection provides useful informations for government to investigate and seize those black-hearted manufacturers more quickly and easier. The system not only remains the costs and keeps the culture of night markets in Taiwan, but also ensures everyone's right. She's glad to see  teenagers like us work hard for our country, and she also encourages us to stand on the international stage, to show our passion to change!</p>
         <p class="article-p">透過副署長訪談,我們了解政府實際上執行的困難與我們想像的不大一樣,從政府查緝的角度才發現原來要把關食安不簡單,提高檢測標準有許多攤販會無法生存,但不提高又會有健康上的疑慮。看待一件事情,不應該只有謾罵,人民有人民的角度,政府有政府的立場,在發言之前,我們應該學會理性思考,用行動代替評論,這次的經驗讓我們學會用不同的角度來看待事情。</p>
         <p class="article-p">By interviewing the vice commissioner, we understand the government has difficulties in policy execution. From the perspective of the government, we found out that it's not easy to make checks at all levels of food safety. If we set a stricter standard, many vendors probably can't survive. But if not, there will be lots of doubt about health. We shouldn't just criticize when taking views of a matter. The people and the government are in the different position, so we should learn to think rationally before we talk. From the experience this time, we start to use different perspectives to judge things and take action instead of comment.</p>

Revision as of 02:54, 12 September 2015

GovernmentMinistry of Health and Welfare


The government has to shoulder the responsibility given by the people. However, the government and the people are in different position, so we should learn to think rationally before abusing the government's policy. Criticism won't improve the situation, but action will. Therefore, we interviewed the vice commissioner of Food and Drug Administration to understand the difficulties that the government is facing. Surprisingly, after listening to her aspirations, we made a big difference in our original thoughts that to change is insignificant.

Food and Drug Administration plays an important role in Taiwan. In terms of food safety, it is like a gatekeeper who investigates and seizes those black-hearted manufacturers. In terms of medical treatment, it provides a perfect health care system for everyone. Ministry of Health and Welfare is the highest responsible agency for public health, medical treatment, and welfare in Taiwan, and the vice commissioner we interviewed is also the forefront worker in many events.

Meeting highlights

  • Solution of Food Safety in Taiwan

    H: What is the biggest problem of Taiwan's food safety?

    V: The government values medical treatment much more than food safety. Moreover, there are too many things that need to be checked on the food chain. If we set a high standard for everything, the costs will increase, which may affect many people and vendors. However, we can't just neglect food safety for this reason. Therefore, how to balance food safety and costs may be the biggest problem in Taiwan.

    H: Can the current standard be more strict? For instance, the acid value of "rendered pork project fat" consults 0.3mg or 0.2mg KOH/g fat set by China and Japan, not 1.3mg KOH/g fat set by UN.

    V: Health care system is to take care of everyone's health, but strict standard may affect many manufacturers due to the high costs. It's still necessary to consider most vendors' feelings.

    H: What do you think about adding test items (e.g. Acrylamide), which makes the detection more complete?

    V: We found out that many oil producers neutralize or dilute the toxic in the oil by chemical methods. If we add a test item without thorough considerations, it will just take more money and time from the government.

    H: Can increasing irregularly on-site inspections reduce the possibility of producers adding illegal substances in the oil?

    V: Some manufacturers send each other news secretly, so it's hard to find those black-hearted producers. What we can do is to collect more rumors and spend more time and manpower, for example, making a snap check at midnight.

    H: Can raising the penalties effectively regulate the manufacturers?

    V: Of course it can't! Many manufacturers are willing to take the risk for the profit, so we think it will be more helpful if we raise the report bonus and provide more rumors for the government. However, it would be the best if every manufacturer can manage themselves well.

  • Feedback for our project

    H: Do you have any other advice or opinion for us?

    V: Taiwan rarely has the opportunity to join those international health organizations, so we don't have INFOSAN or medical exchange with other countries. It is teenagers that can change this situation. Fulfill your dream with passion and make the world see Taiwan.

    H: Do you think it's possible to apply our product to the society after listening to our team's report?

    V: Using this kind of biological detector is quick and convenient. Providing a first-line detection, it can also offer the government some clues to trace back, which saves much time and increases investigating efficiency. It is exactly what the government needs now, but you have to be careful not to become the attack target of the industry.

    The vice commissioner thinks our project can help the government indeed. First-line detection provides useful informations for government to investigate and seize those black-hearted manufacturers more quickly and easier. The system not only remains the costs and keeps the culture of night markets in Taiwan, but also ensures everyone's right. She's glad to see teenagers like us work hard for our country, and she also encourages us to stand on the international stage, to show our passion to change!

    By interviewing the vice commissioner, we understand the government has difficulties in policy execution. From the perspective of the government, we found out that it's not easy to make checks at all levels of food safety. If we set a stricter standard, many vendors probably can't survive. But if not, there will be lots of doubt about health. We shouldn't just criticize when taking views of a matter. The people and the government are in the different position, so we should learn to think rationally before we talk. From the experience this time, we start to use different perspectives to judge things and take action instead of comment.