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<p> Each team must clearly attribute work done by the student team members on this page. The team must distinguish work done by the students from work done by others, including the host labs, advisors, instructors, and individuals not on the team roster. </p>
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<h4> Can we base our project on a previous one? </h4>
<p>Yes! You can have a project based on a previous team, or based on someone else's idea, <b>as long as you state this fact very clearly and give credit for the original project.</b> </p>
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<h1> Attributions</a></h1>
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<h4> Why is this page needed? </h4>
            <p>The team SKLBC-GDSYZX was responsible for almost all aspects of running the team, from doing surveys, coming up with the project concept, writing contents, and designing the software. Help received from instructors and others is greatly appreciated and acknowledged below.</p><br>
<p>The Attribution requirement helps the judges know what you did yourselves and what you had help with. We don't mind if you get help with difficult or complex techniques, but you must report what work your team did and what work was done by others.</p>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration: underline;">Sincerely thanks to the host labs:</p>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;">State Key Laboratory of BioControl.</p>
For example, you might choose to work with an animal model during your project. Working with animals requires getting a license and applying far in advance to conduct certain experiments in many countries. This is difficult to achieve during the course of a summer, but much easier if you can work with a postdoc or PI who has the right licenses.</p>
            <p>Gave us a platform to know more about synthetic biology.</p><br>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration: underline;">Thanks to the support from out advisor:</p>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;">Hanyan Quan,the vice-principal of Guangdong Experimental High School.</p>
<h5> What should this page have?</h5>
            <p>Gave us advice and support at school.</p><br>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration: underline;">Special thanks and attributions go to:</p>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;">Doctor. JunZhi Wen,our head coach</p>
<li>General Support</li>
            <p>Taught us knowledge about synthetic biology.Instruct us in perfecting our project.</p><br>
<li>Project support and advice</li>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration: underline;">And our instructors:</p>
<li>Fundraising help and advice</li>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;">Simin Zhang,Xiangyue Zheng,Junming Zheng</p>
<li>Lab support</li>
            <p>Instructors play a leading role in the team, not only carry on the training, but also give proper instructions when the team is working on the project. The instructors will also provide some technical support if necessary. But what instructors do most is standing behind and leaving enough room for the team members to utilize their intelligence and creativity.</p><br>
<li>Difficult technique support</li>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration: underline;">Sponsors:</p>
<li>Project advisor support</li>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;">Guangdong Experimental High School<br>The Affiliated Tianhe School of Guangdong Experimental Middle School<br>Sun Yat-sen University<br>Institutes Of Technology Of South China</p>
<li>Wiki support</li>
            <p>Broadened our horizon and gave us support.</p><br>
<li>Presentation coaching</li>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration: underline;">Website designers:</p>
<li>Human Practices support</li>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;">Haohua Liu,Zifeng Huang,Jiale Li</p>
<li> Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people involved in helping make a successful iGEM team</li>
            <p>The group for programming takes charge of our website and forum’s construction,administration and maintenance.They builds the skeleton of our project.</p><br>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration: underline;">Artists:</p>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;">Hongyu Duan,Siyi Wang,Xiaolei Quan</p>
            <p>The group for design is in charge of the whole design process of the website, from the size of the words and the color of the page, to the design of the team mascot and poster. It works as the artist to make sure that all work is on display at the best visual effect.</p><br>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration: underline;">Group for collect content:</p>
<p>Take a look at what other teams have done:</p>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;">Jingtong Zhao,Xinming Liu,Hongxu Lin,Junhao Zhao,Zhijie Luo</p>
            <p>The group for collect content reads and analyzes lots of pervious IGEM projects and translate s them into Chicness (and other languages if possible). Therefore, it is much more convenient for other IGEM community to learn from their ancestors and about what they have done in the past.</p><br>
<li><a href="https://2011.igem.org/Team:Imperial_College_London/Team">2011 Imperial College London</a> (scroll to the bottom)</li>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration: underline;">Commercial services:</p>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Exeter/Attributions">2014 Exeter </a></li>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;">Education International Cooperation Group<br>APP Education</p>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Melbourne/Attributions">2014 Melbourne </a></li>
            <p>Cooperated with us and gave us financial support.</p><br>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Valencia_Biocampus/Attributions">2014 Valencia Biocampus</a></li>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration: underline;">Cooperative partner:</p>
            <p style="font-weight:bold;">SKLBC-China<br>SCUT-China</p>
            <p>Cooperated with us and helped each other.</p>
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            <p>Copyright &copy; 2015 SKLBC-GDSYZX.  All rights reserved.</p>
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Revision as of 05:56, 13 September 2015

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The team SKLBC-GDSYZX was responsible for almost all aspects of running the team, from doing surveys, coming up with the project concept, writing contents, and designing the software. Help received from instructors and others is greatly appreciated and acknowledged below.

Sincerely thanks to the host labs:

State Key Laboratory of BioControl.

Gave us a platform to know more about synthetic biology.

Thanks to the support from out advisor:

Hanyan Quan,the vice-principal of Guangdong Experimental High School.

Gave us advice and support at school.

Special thanks and attributions go to:

Doctor. JunZhi Wen,our head coach

Taught us knowledge about synthetic biology.Instruct us in perfecting our project.

And our instructors:

Simin Zhang,Xiangyue Zheng,Junming Zheng

Instructors play a leading role in the team, not only carry on the training, but also give proper instructions when the team is working on the project. The instructors will also provide some technical support if necessary. But what instructors do most is standing behind and leaving enough room for the team members to utilize their intelligence and creativity.


Guangdong Experimental High School
The Affiliated Tianhe School of Guangdong Experimental Middle School
Sun Yat-sen University
Institutes Of Technology Of South China

Broadened our horizon and gave us support.

Website designers:

Haohua Liu,Zifeng Huang,Jiale Li

The group for programming takes charge of our website and forum’s construction,administration and maintenance.They builds the skeleton of our project.


Hongyu Duan,Siyi Wang,Xiaolei Quan

The group for design is in charge of the whole design process of the website, from the size of the words and the color of the page, to the design of the team mascot and poster. It works as the artist to make sure that all work is on display at the best visual effect.

Group for collect content:

Jingtong Zhao,Xinming Liu,Hongxu Lin,Junhao Zhao,Zhijie Luo

The group for collect content reads and analyzes lots of pervious IGEM projects and translate s them into Chicness (and other languages if possible). Therefore, it is much more convenient for other IGEM community to learn from their ancestors and about what they have done in the past.

Commercial services:

Education International Cooperation Group
APP Education

Cooperated with us and gave us financial support.

Cooperative partner:


Cooperated with us and helped each other.