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<H1> Outreach </H1>
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<h4>Our Outreach Program</h4>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/f/ff/WarwickOutreach1.jpg" class="blogimage grayscale" alt="">
Outreach is an incredibly important part of the iGEM competition as it allows younger pupils to get involved with science and encourages older students to join science societies and maybe even participate in iGEM!
As part of our project we have visited multiple schools throughout the West Midlands, with plans
to visit schools across the country, from Manchester to Tottenham. We’ve conducted talks on
the methods and ethics of genetic engineering and run lab experiments with lower school
students. Furthermore we have had a selection of interns come in to witness the glory of biolabs
and experience pipetting DNA a million times an hour for themselves.
A particular favourite trip of ours was our visit to Hartshill school in Coventry where we gave a
presentation on genetic engineering and its implications in society to a class of year 8 children.
The questions asked by the students displayed an amusing innocence towards  genetic
engineering but also showed the ignorance that some of society have towards the challenges
and risks of what we do. However their genuine interest and surprisingly logical questions blew
us away. Part of our presentation showed pictures of mice genetically modified to express GFP,
a protein from jellyfish that makes them glow green. One little boy asked “does that mean if you
touch them you’ll be stung?”; naturally it doesn’t, but it’s still an interesting thought that they
understood the nature of combining traits amongst different species. And of course many
questions about Jurassic park were fielded too.
With the same class, we then ran through a DNA extraction experiment using strawberries.
Seeing the joy of experimentation on their faces reminded us of ourselves when we were
younger and left us feeling hopeful for the future of science.
But she cuddled in bed with one knee up to her neck in cute boyish fashion, laughing softly at the remembrance of another time when she had popped a cigarette stump into the eye of a London bobby from the top of a bus.  Temporibus autem quibusdam.
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<h6 class="sidebartitle">INTERNS COMMENTS</h6>
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<i>"The Warwick team has provided me a valuable insight into the world of synthetic biology"</i> - Jamie Dryden
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<i>"They reinvigorated my love of science, and passion for learning. Would recommend"</i> - Olivia Lea
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<i>"A useful and enjoyable experience in the world of biology"</i> - Don Murphy
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<h6 class="sidebartitle">VISITED PLACES</h6>
<a href="http://www.bluecoatschool.com/page/default.asp?title=Home&pid=1" class="tags">Blue Coats, Coventry</a>
<a href="http://www.hartshill.warwickshire.sch.uk/" class="tags">Hartshill School, Nuneaton</a>
<a href="http://www.whitleyacademy.com/" class="tags">Whitley Academy</a>
<a href="http://www.radioplus.org.uk/" class="tags">RadioPlus</a>
                        <a href="http://www.harris-school.co.uk/" class="tags">Harris Church of England Academy</a>
<a href="http://www.birminghammuseums.org.uk/thinktank" class="tags">Birmingham Museum Thinktank</a>
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<h6 class="sidebartitle">RECENT EVENTS</h6>
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Latest revision as of 12:20, 16 September 2015