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                                 <p>First four sequences of our own design ordered from IDT!</p>
                                 <p>First four sequences of our own design ordered from IDT!</p>
<span class="cd-date">June 16</span>
<span class="cd-date">June 16</span>
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<h2>Article on Synthetic Biology in Canada</h2>
<p>Submitted an article for Team iGEM Amoy China.</p>
<label class="btn" for="modal-010"><a class="cd-read-more">Read more</a></label>
<span class="cd-date">June 20</span>
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<h2>Research, Presentations and Practice</h2>
                                <p>"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" - <b>Albert Einstein</b></p>
<label class="btn" for="modal-011"><a class="cd-read-more">Read more</a></label>
<span class="cd-date">June 22 to 25</span>
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<h2>Presentation to the Office of Research and Innovation</h2>
<p>Today, we were lucky enough to have ORnI hear, assess and critique our preliminary presentation for iGEM. We are so happy to know that we have the full support of so many amazing individuals at the Office of Research and Innovation and at NAIT. </p>
<label class="btn" for="modal-012"><a class="cd-read-more">Read more</a></label>
<span class="cd-date">June 26</span>
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    <center><h1>Genetic Engineering NOW: An introspective look at synthetic biology in Canada by Team NAIT_Edmonton</center></h1>
    <p> Synthetic Biology (SynBio) is a multidisciplinary branch of science that combines
biotechnology; evolutionary, molecular and systems biology; biophysics; and electrical
engineering. In many ways, it is related to transgenesis; however, unlike transgenesis,
which exchanges existing genes from one organism to another, synthetic biology allows
scientists to write and synthesize novel genetic codes and insert them into a living
organism (The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, n.d.). Organisms that express
the new genetic codes can then be used to create a molecule of human interest. From
cleansing our environment to producing novel medications to treat currently incurable
diseases, these genetically engineered organisms can potentially help us solve a
multitude of pertaining problems in the future. </p>
However, since synthetic biology is a novel field in research, it needs to gain the
trust of the public in order to be successful (Bubela, Hagen, & Einsiedel, 2012). Public
awareness and involvement in synthetic biology will help facilitate its acceptance into
society as well as aid in focusing it in the development of specific products that are
necessary for the community (Bubela, Hagen, & Einsiedel, 2012). Synbiota, a young
canadian company that began as an iGEM Team, developed DNA design software that
helps in the designing, assembling, testing and re­iterating of genetic circuits created by
its users (Synbiota, 2015). Their vision is to create an open ecosystem in which
synthetic biology parts and protocols can be generated, exchanged, and be made
accessible to the public (Synbiota, 2015). The transparency and public involvement in
Synthetic Biology will help to alleviate some of the misconceptions and distrust of the
new, emerging science.
    In addition to public acceptance, SynBio also needs to be supported in industry.
Since the year 2000, Genome Canada, a non­profit organization that applies genomics
and genomic­based technologies to create social and economic benefits for Canadians,
has invested $2.3 billion CAD to decipher and understand the mechanism of
economically important plant, microbial, and animal genomes (Genome Canada, 2015)
(Quirion, Martin, Meulien, LePage, & Bell, 2014). Moreover, a fraction of that money has
been used in developing technological toolkits that can improve the study of synthetic
biology (Quirion, Martin, Meulien, LePage, & Bell, 2014). With regards to research
centres, the Concordia Centre for Applied Synthetic Biology (CASB), in Montréal, is the
first dedicated SynBio centre in Canada. Its main goals are to discover and understand
the mechanisms of this novel science, and to research and develop tools, protocols,
and technologies that allow the scientific community come up with solutions for current
environmental and health matters (Concordia University, n.d.). It additionally deals with
societal, legal, and ethical concerns with regards to SynBio in order to allow the
conscientious development of this scientific field (Concordia University, n.d.). For
synthetic biology to become a successful discipline, multiple areas of expertise must
synergize (Quirion, Martin, Meulien, LePage, & Bell, 2014). Along with biotechnology,
research in law, business, social sciences, and humanities is necessary to resolve the
ethical, supply chain management, societal, and cultural adaptation issues that will arise
with the current and future development of synthetic biology (Quirion, Martin, Meulien,
LePage, & Bell, 2014).
Nonetheless, the development of this science challenges the present regulatory
framework, laws, and public opinion (Bubela, Hagen, & Einsiedel, 2012). In order to
constitute relevant regulations pertaining synthetic biology, policy makers must oversee
every advancement made in this field and weigh out its risks and benefits (Bubela,
Hagen, & Einsiedel, 2012). An analysis on the current regulations must be done to
address the gaps in law, and to create new legislations that ensure that the public and
scientists will both be protected (Bubela, Hagen, & Einsiedel, 2012). Currently in
Canada, any product synthesized by biotechnological means is treated as any other
product: regulation is initiated based on the innovative trait of the product (European
Commision, 2014). Risk evaluations are done in a scientific and product­based form by
Health Canada, the government agency that assesses and manages the risks of health,
food, and environmental/industrial products (European Commision, 2014).
With regards to the future of SynBio in Canada, Montréal’s Concordia University
held a workshop to discuss how synthetic biology can be integrated into Canada's
future, creating a rough outline of its plan of action in October 2014. This outline
involved cross­sectoral alliances, and the direction of money towards research and
development in this particular area. Furthermore, in November 2014, Genome Canada
gathered Parliamentary representatives, senior public servants, and representatives of
industry, academia, and research agencies to discuss how genomics and synthetic
biology could influence the country’s resource sectors and, at the same time, protect
and preserve the environment (Quirion, Martin, Meulien, LePage, & Bell, 2014).
Canada is definitely making a conscious effort to advance the new field of
SynBio. The First Research Excellence Fund, which was recently introduced into the
Canadian Budget, aims to empower postsecondary research institutions. By helping
researchers develop into a highly qualified workforce with world­leading capabilities,
Canada can stay internationally competitive in the research scene while remaining
up­to­date with cutting­edge technology ­ a benefit to all Canadians (Merson, 2014).
The proposed budget will deliver $200 million CAD annually by 2018, meaning that
within the next decade, the fund will provide approximately $1.5 billion CAD to help
establish Canadian universities and post­secondary institutions as global leaders in
research and innovation. (Merson, 2014).
Like the United Kingdom and America before it, Canada has begun to see the
importance of Synthetic Biology and how this new science can revolutionize the future
of our societies. From eliminating world hunger to adapting to rapid climate change,
Synthetic Biology has the potential to solve many of the present challenges that we
face. However, many factors contribute to the success of a science in Canada; such as
public opinion and lawful regulation. Although difficult to establish a new,
groundbreaking science in Canada, investing in Synthetic Biology has been regarded as
a necessary risk and a research priority.
<center><p> <i> If you would like a PDF of our article or access to our sources, click <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/2/25/NAIT_Article_for_Amoy_Team_version_2.pdf">here</a>. </i></p></center>

Revision as of 00:23, 27 June 2015

Team NAIT 2015