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<h2>Duan Yaocong</h2>
<p>Major: Biotechnology
Hi everyone! This is my third year in Biotechnology. I’m the team leader and responsible for the contact with instructors and advisors, team management and software development as well. In IGEM I can find an opportunity to develop our ideas and to be a part of science. Through the processes we are doing a lot of things and now I have a greater vision of synthetic biology. I love our team, just like home, we are all working and giving our best for our project. </p>
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<h2>Zou Wenbo</h2>
<p>Major: Biomedical Engineering
Leader of team and IOS programmer. I’m very glad to be a member of our software team and enjoy the atmosphere of our team for chasing the same goal together. In the last few months, I have gained much more synthetic biology knowledge and programming skill. So far, joining IGEM is the most exciting thing in my college life. I truly look forward to sharing our project with IGEMers around the world. Also hope to gain a better grade for our team.</p>
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<h2>Mai Huahe</h2>
<p>Major: Information and Software Engineering
Hello everybody! My name is Mai Huahe. It is my pleasure to participate in this competition with several companions. Among our team, I focus on the wiki’s designing  and making, together with another partner. Although at first we are we were so confused about the aspect of design, after a fierce discussion with teachers and teammates, we confirmed a perfect designing plan at last. I feel so happy to work with these lovely partners and enjoy this wonderful experience.</p>
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<h2>Wen Yuji</h2>
<p>Major: Information and Software Engineering
Hello, dear IGEMers! It’s Wen Yuji here, a senior student in Information and Software Engineering Department of UESTC. It is an unforgettable experience working with students in Biology Department. I take part in the wiki designing with Mai Huahe. Beyond that, I’m a web editor. I’m extremely happy to take place in the UESTC-software IGEM team, where everyone works with enthusiasm and excitement.</p>
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<h2>Xia Song</h2>
<p>Major: Biomedical Engineering
It is my third year in Biomedical Engineering. I’m the main designer of the poster and other parts that need art design. Participating in IGEM team is a good opportunity for me to improve my skill of design, and also enhance my interests of the subject called biology. What’s more, I realize that I should keep an open mind to graduate school or a career in different areas of science and biology.</p>
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<h2>Gao Yizhou</h2>
<p>Major: Biotechnology
In our team, I beautify the interface of the desktop and design animation. For me, team work is a delighted experience. IGEM competition gives me the opportunity to develop ideas in a group and experience the path from having the idea to the realization of the project and the final presentation of results. </p>
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<h2>Wu Fan</h2>
<p>Major: Biotechnology
A passionate IGEMer, takes part in the arrangement for wiki, together with Yang Xue. I am also work with others to manage pictures where needs arts and design. I learn a lot from this competition, and I believe what I learn here will become useful in my future education and life. Besides IGEM and synthetic biology, I really enjoys reading science fiction and some sports.</p>
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<h2>Zhu Ye</h2>
<p>Major: Biomedical Engineering
I’m the designer in our team. His duty is to design the graphical user interface of the software. I love designing some dedicate functions which makes a lot of fun. About the IGEM, it is really a good way to find what you can do in synthetic biology, and I can make a lot of friends with the same hobbies.</p>
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<h2>Yang Xue</h2>
<p>Major: Biomedical Engineering
Hello folks! It’s Yang Xue here. This is my first year at IGEM. For me, IGEM means being with friends and having fun by doing things and stepping forward together. Of course fun is not what IGEM all about, it also requires lots of research and work. I play an important role in promoting the process of project and do much work on the arrangement for wiki. I think IGEM is a perfect way to improve my knowledge and enjoy being a part of science, IGEM.</p>
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<h2>Sun Rui</h2>
<p>Major: Biomedical Engineering
This is my third year in Biomedical Engineering Department. In our team, I am in charge of the designing of game and software. I really enjoy the time working and sharing with friends. During my leisure time, I choose to listening to different music, sometimes go to hockey as well.</p>
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<h2>Yang Ruoman</h2>
<p>Major: Micro-electric Science and Engineering
My English name is Amanda. I love art and design. I am a rising juniors studying Electric Engineering, and really enjoys working with the team and learning about synthetic biology through the project. During my spare time, you can find me in galleries or playing with band. In our team, I focus on graphic design of the game and wiki.</p>
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<h2>Huang Jian</h2>
<p>Jian Huang holds M.D. degree with experience in medicine, basic immunology and bioinformatics from the West China University of Medical Sciences and the Kyoto University. His studies focus on the molecular aspects of antigens, antibodies and peptide aptamers. His work has resulted in the development of a few immunological databases and web programs which have become to be important tools and data resources for both computational biologists and experimental biologists, especially those using phage display technology. Dr. Huang has also been an Editorial Board Member for several peer-reviewed journals such as Scientific Reports.</p>
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<h2>Guo Fengbiao</h2>
<p>Feng-Biao Guo finished his doctorial study in TianJin University in February 2006. Now he is a full professor and Ph.D. supervisor of Bioinformatics at UESTC. His research interests currently focus on computational, comparative, evolutionary and functional genomics of microbes. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed papers in international journals. ZCURVE 1.0, which is one of the softwares developed by him, has been used in about 100 laboratories or institutes all over the world. In 2012 has selected into the project of the new century excellent talents of Education Ministry and earned the Young Teachers of Henry Fok Educational Foundation.</p>
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<h2>Ye Yuannong</h2>
<p>Ph.D. supervisor of Microbial Genomics</p>
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Latest revision as of 15:44, 17 September 2015