Difference between revisions of "Team:Leicester/Notebook/Week1"

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               <h4 class="timeline-title">17th July 2015</h4> </div>
               <h4 class="timeline-title">17th August 2015</h4> </div>
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               <p><b>iGEM Project</b></p>
               <p><b>iGEM Project</b></p>
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               <p>iGEM project</p>
               <p><b>iGEM project</b></p>
               <p>Digestion, Ligation, Transformation</p>
               <p>Digestion, Ligation, Transformation</p>
<p><b>UK iGEM meet up</b><p>
<p> Payal and Ross attend UK iGEM meet up at the University of Westminister. Both had a great time meeting the UK teams</p>
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              <h4 class="timeline-title">5th September 2015</h4>
            <p><small class="text-muted"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-time">11:00-18:00</i></small></p>
            <div class="timeline-body">
              <p><b> UK iGEM meet up</b></p>
<p> Payal attended the UK iGEM meet up at the University of Westminister. Had opportunity to meet other iGEM teams in the UK and see their ideas as well as present our idea</p>

Latest revision as of 23:05, 17 September 2015

Live Preview

Week 1

  • 21 June 2015

    Go fund me page for the Leicester iGEM team was first created as such: Leicester iGEM Go fund me

  • 22nd June 2015


    Start of Labs

    Making of agar plates, including ones with chloramphenicol, ready to used the next day to streak bacteria

  • 23rd June 2015


    Start of Measurement Study

    -Suspension of parts required for each device required in the measurement study. The parts (Promoter and GFP) were then transformed into DH5(alpha) bacteria. This is then placed on agar plates made the day before.

  • 24th June 2015


    Measurement Study

    Bacteria produced from the streaks from the previous day are then restreaked again

  • 25 June 2015


    Measurement Study

    The restreaks are taken and placed into liquid culture

Week 2

Week 2

  • 29th June 2015


    Measurement Study

    Mini prep of the liquid cultures were made and then nano drops were done

  • 30th June 2015

    1% agarose gels were made to ensure that the products we wanted were present in solution

Week 3

Week 3

Due to our project supervisor being away we decided that we concentrated on ensuring that our wiki was started and planning our actual project!.

Week 4

Week 4

  • 7th July 2015

    Human Practises

    Have created our synthetic biology survey: Leicester iGEM survey

  • 10th July 2015

    Measurement Study

    Use of fluorescence imaging to see the green fluorescence produced from each device. Repeats of each device were produced and placed onto a 96 well plate. First set of rows consist of 200ul of each repeat and next set has 10x dilution.Controls were placed on the bottom row of blank, positive and negative control. Measurements done at about 560nm.

    Nano drops were then taken of repeats which consisted of the highest amount of fluorescence. Fluorescence measured using Omega FLUOstar

Week 5

Week 5

  • 21st July 2015

    Human Practises

    Our team T shirts arrived

  • 22nd July 2015

    Measurement Study

    Device 3 experiments were done to ensure that the parts we want are in a given construct, we did this by producing gels and had done some minipreps

  • 23rd July 2015


    Measurement Study

    Liquid cultures produced

  • 24th July 2015


    Sponsored Walk

    Done a sponsored walk to raise some money for travel and accommodation at the Giant Jamboree in Boston. Walked from Market Harborough to Leicester in the lovely rain :)

Week 6

Week 6

  • 27th July 2015


    Discussion with Professor Ketley about out project in respect to colonisation, etc.

    Look into our wiki and the co

  • 28th July 2015


    Meeting about funding and trip to Boston. Measurement study aspects done and mini preps of each device.

  • 29th July 2015


    Measurement Study

    Nano drops to find out concentration of DNA and find out if the right stuff is present

  • 30th July 2015


    Measurement Study

    Production of 60 repeats for device 3, these were placed on gel and producing plates

  • 31st July 2015


    Measurement Study

    Liquid cultures produced and Device 3 re-digested

    Entered for Jamboree

Week 7

Week 7

  • 3rd August 2015

    Measurement Study

    Biological and technical repeats placed into liquid cultures from plates of device 3

  • 4th August 2015


    Measurement Study

    Centrifuged and resuspended devices in TGE buffer.

  • 4th August 2015


    iGEM project

    Taking parts out required for kill switch, which are then transformed into competent bacteria and streaked out onto plates.

  • 5th August 2015


    iGEM project

    mini preps; nano drop for device 3 and clean up of lab

  • 6th August 2015


    iGEM project

    kill switch digest

  • 6th August 2015


    Measurement Study

    96 well plate- using Elizo app however this did not work properly

  • 7th August 2015


    Measurement Study

    Run gel of digests and ligation- run… to test

    Track selection and abstract

Week 8

Week 8

  • 10th August 2015

    Testing of enzymes to ensure they were sill working by digesting known GFP containing backbone and then placing on 1% agarose gels

  • 10th August 2015


    iGEM project

    Meeting with Dr Haigh about PCR process which we will use to obtain the nadD, nadE and pncB genes.

  • 11th August 2015


    iGEM project

    Gels were made of ligated products for kill switch comparing with undigested products

  • 12th August 2015


    iGEM project

    Production of liquid cultures and growing of non competent bacteria overnight

  • 13th August 2015


    iGEM project

    Liquid cultures of non competent bacteria

  • 14th August 2015


    iGEM project

    Production of competent bacteria. Recovering of DNA from plates and allow for transforming.

Week 9

Week 9

  • 17th August 2015

    iGEM Project

    Picking of transformants and then grown overnight

  • 18th August 2015

    iGEM project

    Mini preps

  • 19th August 2015


    iGEM project

    PCRing of nadD, nadE as well as internal pncB; gel extractions and nanodrop

  • 21st August 2015


    iGEM project

    PCR of pncB exterior; gel extraction and nanodrop

Week 10

Week 10

  • 24th August 2015

    iGEM project

    PCR of pncB exterior; testing pncB ensuring that restriction site is removed; gel extraction; nanodrop; transforming of part BBa_K608002 into cells incubated over night.

  • 25th August 2015


    iGEM project

    pncB exterior PCR- to make a full gene instead of the 2 components; isolated pSB1C3; Gel extraction; Nanodrop; liquid culture and restreaks of BBa_K608002

  • 26th August 2015


    iGEM project

    Phusion PCR of nadD, nadE and attempted pncB; pncB PCR again with different dilutions; Gel extraction; Nanodrop; miniprep and nanodrop of BBa_K608002

  • 27th August 2015


    iGEM project

    Digestion, ligation and transformation; PCR of pncB fusion; made more PSB1C3 backbone; Gel extraction; Nanodrop

  • 28th August 2015


    iGEM project

    Interlab study and safety form deadline; Redo ligation and transformation; PCR of PncB fusion (x2 on different settings); Gel of pncB

Week 11

Week 11

  • 1st September 2015

    iGEM Project

    Redo Digestion, ligation and transformation

  • 2nd September 2015


    iGEM project

    Make plates, restreak plates, culture remaining cells on plates, G Blocks arrive. Ligation and Digestion

  • 3rd September 2015


    iGEM project

    Transformation and Figure out contaminants

  • 4th September 2015


    iGEM project

    Digestion, Ligation, Transformation

    UK iGEM meet up

    Payal and Ross attend UK iGEM meet up at the University of Westminister. Both had a great time meeting the UK teams

  • 5th September 2015


    UK iGEM meet up

    Payal attended the UK iGEM meet up at the University of Westminister. Had opportunity to meet other iGEM teams in the UK and see their ideas as well as present our idea

Week 12

Week 12

  • 7th September 2015

    iGEM project

    Digestion and Ligation

  • 8th September 2015


    iGEM project


  • 9th September 2015


    No labs concentration on presentation and powerpoint for Giant Jamboree

  • 10th September 2015


    iGEM project

    Re-streaks had unfortunately failed such that digestion and ligation were done again

  • 11th September 2015


    iGEM project

    Re-streaks of re try of digestions and ligations

Week 1